Catherine, Duchess of Cambridge, has come into her own in recent years, never putting a foot wrong, with an heir and two spares under her belt. She wears sporting gear as comfortably as middle-of-the-road high-fashion and charms her way round a busy charity schedule.
By all accounts she is shy so has taken a while to come out of her shell. She’ll almost certainly become increasingly compelling and confident as a personality as she grows older. My impression is she has upped her game after the Meghan spat so is clearly capable of seeing off any would-be-usurpers.
She was born 9 January 1982 7pm (from memory) Berkshire, England and does not have a chart that is instantly heart-warming. She has an ambitious Capricorn Sun opposition a family-oriented Cancer Moon squaring onto a battened-down, obstinate and can-be-depressive Saturn Pluto conjunction. That Saturn Pluto will certainly give her stamina and the ability to be self-controlled. She was conditioned from her early years to fit into a restrictive environment with limited choices. The upside of that is in her mellowing years it will give her a steely backbone and capacity to cope with a Royal lifestyle. Her Sun in the sporting and sociable 5th house will make her good with children.
Her Jupiter in Scorpio is in her 4th so she came from a supportive family despite the strictures on her choices and would want to marry into a setup where she had an expansive home and domestic life. Her Jupiter squares Venus in Aquarius which can be frivolous and superficial, is often associated with fashion, but is handy for a role where smiles and charm have to be switched on to order.
Uranus in the 4th hints at a constantly changing home life; and Neptune in the 5th to a creative, sensitive child. Mars in the 3rd – she can be argumentative and likes speed – driving fast.
She’s in a hard-working phase this year with Pluto about to move into her 6th house with tr Saturn already there till early next year, so will be more health and fitness conscious. Jupiter through her 7th this year will see her popularity soar as she glad-hands her way around social occasions. Her Progressed Moon is moving through her 5th house for the next two years plus so she will step out boldly and be more visible and have fun with children. She’ll be taking a more prominent role in coming years with tr Saturn rising in her chart for the next decade and a half.
She does have some tricky progressions upcoming with her Progressed Mars square her Sun exactly in coming months which can be aggravating; a jolting Solar Arc Saturn conjunct her 4th house Uranus exact in 18 months for a family upheaval. Her Progressed Venus is in an emotionally highly-charged square to her Pluto in 2 years; and her Progressed Mars is in an upsetting, maybe accident-prone conjunction to her Saturn in about four years’ time. So life ahead won’t be without its stresses and strains.
What strikes me as marginally odd is her natal Full Moon which often suggests parents who are incompatible or wildly different types of personality and is often seen in the charts of individuals whose parents divorced. Though her parents seem solid enough. Carole is the toughie with an Aquarius Sun and Mercury in Aquarius opposition Pluto square Saturn in Scorpio – nothing budges her. While father Michael, a Sun Uranus in Cancer has a much lighter chart.
The Sun in hard aspect to the Moon is repeated in Prince George’s chart with an opposition; Louis’s with a Sun square Moon; and Charlotte has her Sun very widely inconjunct her Moon.
Prince William has a New Moon which is a different energy, more self-contained.
Often Full Moon types have difficulty making up their minds about relationships or anything else but in Kate’s case since it ties into Saturn and Pluto she’d be chained into whatever choices she felt life or her parents had made for her.
She and William were born within months of one another so have similarities in almost all the planets – with Kate’s Cancer Moon in tune with his Cancer New Moon and her Capricorn Sun trine his Venus in Taurus.
Their relationship chart shows a good deal of affection with a composite Sun, Mercury, Venus and also competitiveness with the composite Mars opposition the Sun. Though luckily that appears to confine itself to their sporting games together and not to her upstaging him on public occasions as Diana did Charles. It’s not all easy with the composite Moon square Mars and Saturn which will bring scratchy moments. The Jupiter Pluto conjunction is good for a power couple as long as the energy is directed outwards, otherwise it ends up in a struggle for the upper hand.
The difference between William and his father is that Charles felt threatened by his wife’s overwhelming popularity. William is probably just grateful to have someone to share the burden. I think they make a nice couple.
As for whether he cheated on her, who knows? He wouldn’t be the first man to cheat on his wife when she was pregnant. But her falling out with a friend isn’t exactly conclusive proof that any cheating went on.
Mostly agree with you Linda. I think W is sensitive and would really think hard about his parents’ marriage, particularly his mother’s feelings before cheating on his wife. Not saying he wouldn’t just that for him it would be something that would scar him too. Also, I doubt he’d want the whole weight of clan Middleton on his case (including uncle Gary). Kate has a strong team in her corner, something that can’t be said for other recent spouses.
The other thing is that because they are not particularly demonstrative most of the time, it’s not easy to tell whether they’re getting on or not. They’ve seemed quite warm from what I’ve seen recently so perhaps they are one of those once in a lifetime couples where an affair actually brings them closer together! (If it happened) Regardless, there’s something to be said for not constantly displaying your affections in public. They’ve done well together and seem to be a great team.
I’m also a Capricorn born in Jan 1, 1961 Baltimore, Maryland 11 am. If Catherine wanted to be queen and knew what royal life would entail, good for her for sticking with it and following the rules and guidelines.
She exercises and has a small frame, I love that she looks out for her health, I’m vain and watch my weight, exercise and watch what I eat. I grew up in a broken home and didn’t want my sons growing up with worrying about food, shelter anything. I married someone who had similar ideals.
There is nothing wrong with knowing what you want out of life and making sacrifices. She did not run and claim mental health issues. We all have mental health struggles. She stayed and fought for what she wanted. We are human and all make mistakes. I stay in my marriage because we have more in common then we have differences. Am I happy, I have learned that no one can make me happy, I must be happy with me first!!!!
Marjorie as usual thank you!
I’m guessing now that with her Progressed Sun in her 7th she will be looking to enhance her relations with the public and will probably want to work harder for/receive even more positive feedback.
William cheated on her, she barely has any self-repsect, she was ruthless and mean to Meghan, with dollops oof help from her mother, and is there for the throne. It’s something everyone knows.
You do write that she has a Capricorn Sun, Marjorie, and later in the next paragraph , you write her Sun is in the 5th House – “Her Sun in the sporting and sociable 5th house will make her good with children.”
Her sun is in the 10th House, not 5th…..
respect and of help – typos . oops.
What birth time are you using for a 10th house Sun?
Thanks for replying Marjorie. I’m no astrologer , just that Capricorn is 10th house in a birth chart, and her sun is there (can also say it is her 1st house), so was wondering where did 5th house sun come into the picture?..
7pm birth time. When there is no birth time I avoid houses altogether.
Thanks for this detail Marjorie.
‘William cheated on her, she barely has any self-respect.’
I was going to mention that but I am glad that someone else did. I guess turning a blind eye to a king’s infidelities is a prerequisite for being a successful consort.
I guess Diana wasn’t up to that task.
No. Diana had too much self respect to be used as a doormat.
Where are you getting your info that she is not happy? Capricorn’s hold their feeling in we are not emotional and willing to make sacrifices if necessary for our loved ones.
@ Kjm, where did I say that Kate wasn’t happy?
Everyone has considered Kate an opportunist from the beginning ( Waity Katey) and there’s nothing wrong with it because you should get something in return if you want to join the Firm and have to follow all of the rules.
Being a Cappy, Kate will probably make an excellent Queen one day, but she seems to lack a personality.
How do you know William cheated on Catherine?
Curious as to how you know William cheated on Catherine, other than by Meghan’s mudslinging?
Hmmmm and do you know this first hand or did you get this from the news?
None of us exactly what happened. A lot of it is he said, she said gossip, innnuedo and rumor?
Marjorie is reading the charts.
Her Capricorn sun and cancer moon have been useful to her in achieving a secure nest for her family, while balancing royal work and fame. I also worry at how thin she appears but admire how she manages a stressful life. Her projects have been well thought out and executed with good intentions. Like the Capricorn goat, she has forged her way up the mountain, even from difficult early beginnings as a “commoner” and the constant gaze of a fickle press!
She is very slender, but why is this a concern? She looks beautiful and is probably built that way naturally. I was very thin when young despite eating everything to try to put on weight! Not everyone who looks thin is unhealthy or has an eating disorder.
Hi Marjorie, Two women in the news at the moment that may be worth a closer look are, Ghislaine Maxwell and Elizabeth Warren. The Maxwell case seems to be heading towards various co conspirators turning against her, if she ever gets to court that is? Elizabeth Warren is interesting in so far as she may emerge as the voice of the democratic progressives come 2024, she seems to be rattling a few CEO’s.
She may be ‘shy’ in terms of dealing with the public, but she knew how to get her man. First by attending the same university, then wearing a see-thru dress at a fashion show where she knew he would show up. Being a Capricorn, she is willing to follow most of The Firm’s rules (other than too many public engagements for her taste) – esp. since she will be Queen and her children future rulers, and her Cancer moon is perfectly happy to stay home. I may not think much of her, but have to admit that she is suited for her role.
‘Cancer Moon squaring onto a battened-down, obstinate and can-be-depressive Saturn Pluto conjunction.’ – her mother sounds like a terrible and controlling horror! I have the cancerian moon conjunct saturn that squares onto pluto and have the typical cold, rejecting yet powerfully controlling plutonic mother associated with such aspects.
I can probably hazard a guess from the kinds of dark depressions Kate has had to go through living out her life as her mother would want it to be. Having a Cancerian moon makes it all the emotions harder to deal with than say an Aquarian moon, I think. I always get the impression that I never feel I know the real Kate. She has become exactly what her mother craved and the real her has got lost in this image and life her mother wanted – though I think she is slowly emerging. I hope the latter half of her life is lived more on Kate’s terms. Her mother does sound like a monstrous ‘stage’ cow mother though. I know a friend of mine, now deceased, whose niece dated Carol’s son, so I was told, way back. In Carol’s obession to get to her daughter to the throne he kind of was ignored all throughout his life by all accounts because he had nothing of worth to her to give. She sounds like yet another narcissist.
@ Jo, with Carole’s son, you mean James Middleton, Kate’s brother? He has spoken publicly about his depression, too. But I also remember that this ran on one side of the family, which might make his tendencies at least partially genetic.
I do agree that Carole seems more than slightly controlling. Interestingly, the dynamic between her and Kate might be similar to that between the Queen and the Queenmother. I think this might be the reason she was such a seemingly easy fit with Windsods. There also was a discussion here on how the Queen has become more “informal” since the Queenmother’s death. I do wish Kate doesn’t have to wait for another 40 years to become “her own person”
Interesting Jo & Solaia, because Carole herself has natal Saturn square Pluto and a (probable, it falls within the orb of opposition that day, though we have no TOB) Taurean Moon square Sun in Aquarius, opposing a bleak Saturn in Scorpio. The Queen herself has Saturn in the same last decan of Scorpio conjunct her MC and only 4 degrees away from that of Carole. So Carole’s Saturn conjuncts the Queen’s MC, echoing the Queen’s own mother. Both Middleton daughters were nicknamed the ‘Wisteria Sisters’ in their day, due to their ambitious, social-climbing mother. She has a Capricorn north node, naturally.
Perhaps I should clarify that: I can see the Queen’s own mother in her Saturn conjunct MC in that the QM’s controlling mothering and lack of warmth left a lot to be desired and I think it is interesting that Carole’s Saturn also conjuncts the Queen’s own Saturn and MC.
I worry about her, she looks far too thin. I can only imagine the pressure of being constantly on display and scrutinised by the Press.
She was a “model” of sorts, so maintaining a model’s figure may be intrinsic to her without thinking much abt it.
@larry c: She was in a friend’s fashion show one time at St Andrews, hardly a model. She has a hard pushing mother, she probably never dared to gain weight.
How is “coming into her own” compatible with “not upstageing” William, though? Her chart is much more powerful than William’s, in my opinion. Fortunately, I think the dynamics between Wills and Kate are much more akin to those between Obamas than Charles and Diana. William has to work on many issues, though.