Grimms fairytales – Pluto in Aquarius in action ++ relationship chart

Magic and escapism with a touch of Disney schmaltz  throw sparkle and glitter over Snow White, Cinderella, Rapunzel, Hansel and Gretel, Little Red Riding Hood. While there has always been an undercurrent of darkness in modern versions of fairytales, the reality of Grimms’ Children’s and Household Tales was a good deal bleaker. The original version of 1812 was not translated until recently making it clear how much the Grimm brothers had watered down their lurid tales for subsequent editions.

Rapunzel is impregnated by her prince and the evil queen in Snow White is the princess’s biological mother, plotting to murder her own child. Dropped altogether in later editions is How the Children Played at Slaughtering, where children playing at being a butcher and a pig. A boy cuts the throat of his little brother, only to be stabbed in the heart by his enraged mother. Unfortunately, the stabbing meant she left her other child alone in the bath, where he drowned. Unable to be cheered up by the neighbours, she hangs herself; when her husband gets home, “he became so despondent that he died soon thereafter”. The cruel stepmother who abandoned Hansel and Gretel was originally their mother.

  Jacob Grimm, 4 January 1785 19.30 pm Hanau, Germany and Wilhelm Grimm 24 February 1786 Hanau, Germany, were inseparable the whole of their lives, becoming university librarians and a professor. Their extraordinary work found international acclaim with later abridged stories translated into more than 170 languages.

 Their project was less about entertaining (and terrifying children) and more about the protection and promotion of Germanic culture. Their nationalistic fervour was troubling. “The popularity of the Grimms’ collection during the Nazi years later led Allied occupation forces to ban the Grimms’ fairy tales for a time after the war, believing that they had contributed to the Nazification of Germany”.

 What is intriguing is that both Grimm bothers were born during the last Pluto in Aquarius and it is an integral part of their charts.  Jacob has a 4th house Capricorn Sun opposition Uranus square Neptune – certainly inventive, creative, though also veering to the fanatical. His Libra Moon was in a bleak square to Saturn and and affectionate trine to Venus. His attitude to his mother and women would be conflicted.

 His creative and attention-demanding 5th house Pluto in Aquarius was trine Neptune, sextile Mars in Sagittarius in his 3rd house – which would give him a cruel streak.

 His brother Wilhelm had a creative, attention-grabbing 5th house Sun Venus in Pisces with a bleak, hard-edged 4th house Saturn Pluto in Aquarius trine Neptune trine Mars in Gemini, formed into a Kite by Neptune opposition Jupiter which in turn was part of a Cardinal Grand Cross square Uranus opposition a Capricorn Moon.

  Both had strong, creative charts with a dark streak. Both had North Node in Aquarius which would focus their attention on a cause to which to devote their lives, in their case to promoting Germanic language and culture.

  The two brothers spent their entire lives close together. In their school days, they had one bed and one table in common; as students, they had two beds and two tables in the same room. They always lived under one roof and had their books and property in common, even after Wilhelm married. A visitor  observed, “they both live in the same house, and in such harmony and community that one might almost imagine the children were common property.”  

  Pluto in Aquarius has many facets – nationalism in their case being one, as well as misogyny plus a bloodthirsty streak evident in their tales and even more so in the French Revolution’s bloody Reign of Terror.

ADD ON: Wilhelm married Henriette and had four children.  His Sun/Moon midpoint, the marriage significator, was conjunct his 4th house Saturn Pluto which makes it sound a bleak affair.  Jacob’s Sun/Moon midpoint (he never married) fell in his 3rd house of siblings.

 Their relationship chart was not all sunshine and roses despite their apparently seamless partnership. There was a composite Sun, Saturn, Mercury, Pluto conjunction hinting at a chained-together bond with underlying resentment; and an irritable composite Moon square Mars.

 But the synastry had important positives with Jacob’s Capricorn Sun conjunct his brother’s Moon; and Jacob’s Jupiter conjunct Wilhelm’s Sun.

Jupiter square Saturn – hope versus realism

The Jupiter in Gemini square Saturn in Pisces hovering over the close of the old year and start of the new has produced an oddly disjointed mood to add to everything else. The square between high-hopes Jupiter and downbeat Saturn picked up in August 2024 and will run on to mid 2025 after which Jupiter in Cancer starts to pull away from Saturn in Aries.

  In addition to mood swings, Jupiter square Saturn usually accompanies a time of faulty planning and judgement where actions are initiated and responsibilities taken on board without preparation. Of which the previous occasion in 2016 when Brexit was promoted and voted through is a prime example. Though added Neptune would also play its part; which will also be the June 2025 experience with Neptune in Aries conjunct Saturn and square Jupiter.

   Timing can be bad since too much Jupiter brings over-optimism and too little discipline so makes charging ahead tempting. In contrast to an overdose of Saturn which induces a crisis of confidence and a reluctance to act.

  The mythological background is revealing with Jupiter/Zeus inspiring messianic and Olympian aspirations – there are no limits to what can be achieved. And Saturn, the pragmatist, being tediously realistic, pointing to the inevitable limitations of life. Jupiter’s tendency to attempt too much leads to crash-landings so disappointment follows heady new beginnings.

  Jupiter square Saturn will be obvious at a personal level as positive events and negative ones will come simultaneously. Good things and not such great things come side by side.

New Zealand – safe, secure, corruption free

New Zealand has been under enormous strain in recent years with Pluto bearing down on its Sun Mars in Capricorn square Pluto since early 2022 running till last month. The worst of that is over but it always takes time on the far side of Pluto to see the benefits of the forced changes.

 On the New Zealand chart, 17 January 1853 12 am Wellington, NZ, there is a stuck, slow-progress Solar Arc Saturn opposition Pluto now; as well as a mutinous-electorate SA Pluto opposition Moon, which may be a result of employment or health issues.

  Assuming the start time is sound tr Jupiter through the financial 8th will bring improvements in coming months with hints of more success late in the year. But this longish phase of massive change for New Zealand will pick up again in 2026/27 when tr Pluto squares the NZ Uranus, upending conventional wisdom and shifting the status quo.

 The Bank of New Zealand, 1 August 1934, should get an upsurge of confidence at points in 2025, alongside significant upheavals.

 Christopher Luxon sworn in as PM on 27 November 2023 11.18 am Wellington, does not have a lucky Administration chart with a Sun Mars in Sagittarius square Saturn, all of which tr Uranus moving into Gemini in July will hard aspect, bringing significant setbacks, running into 2026.

But whatever happens New Zealand is doing well – scoring 99 out of 100 for political and civil liberties – the second highest after Finland. It is also doing well on the corruption-free front; and for safety and security with low domestic and international conflict.

Australia 2025 – surfing the rollers

Indications are that Australia faces cautious optimism ahead with an improving employment rate and interest rates tipped to drop. But the Bank of Australia chart, 14 January 1960, suggests there may be a hurdle or two to overcome on the economic front. Tr Neptune will square the Mars from March 2025 on and off till January 2026 which looks like panic and failure; with a totally logjammed Solar Arc Mars opposition Pluto later in 2025.

 The Australia country chart, 1 January 1901 1.35pm Sydney, has tr Pluto crossing the Midheaven through 2025 which does suggest a forced change of direction. Tr Saturn is also square the Jupiter opposition Neptune throughout 2025 which usually accompanies a come-down-to-earth-with-a-bump and face reality phase especially on the cash front.

 PM Anthony Albanese is also on tenterhooks in 2025 with his Administration chart, 23 May 2022 9am Canberra, edgy and in upheaval in April 2025 with tr Uranus square the Saturn; and moving through a turbulent patch as tr Uranus into Gemini will conjunct Mercury and the Sun just after mid year, into 2026. There is a disappointing, high-hopes-dent tr Neptune conjunct the Jupiter also after mid 2025; and a panicky-failure Solar Arc Neptune conjunct Mars in late 2025.

 It won’t all the plain sailing.

India – on a roll with a few queries ahead ++ slowdown forecast

India remains the world’s fastest growing major economy, with an uptick of 8.2%  in 2023/24. Public investment in infrastructure and rising household investments in real estate plus a buoyant manufacturing sector were all given the credit.  Narendra Modi was sworn-in as Prime Minister for the third time on 9th June 2024 after a decisive victory. All would seem to be well and with tr Jupiter moving across the Ascendant and through the 1st house until June 2025 the mood of public confidence will stay high.

  The one fly in the ointment is tr Neptune and Saturn in Aries moving to square the India 2nd house Mars from this April onwards into 2026 which could put a few brakes on financially. 2026 will see tr Saturn opposition the 5th house Neptune which could point to setbacks where speculative markets are concerned.

   Tr Uranus is also heading to cross the India Ascendant at zero degrees Gemini from July 2025 onwards which suggests a more rebellious or at least freedom-loving approach and image thereafter.   

 The Reserve Bank of India, 1 April 1935 9am Delhi, has its Aries Sun in line of the recent October Solar Eclipse and next late March’s Aries Eclipse, so a change of direction, perhaps forced, may be on the cards.

 Though where the key changes will come is likely to be in 2026 as tr Uranus in Gemini squares the Saturn. On Narendra Modi’s initial premiership chart, 26 May 2014 6.13pm, 2026 also looks to be a crucial turning point with tr Uranus conjunct the Modi Administration Sun. There is no election due but there are certainly winds of change buffeting the government.

Add On: 1 January 2025 the FT:

Has the ‘India trade’ run out of steam?
Slowing growth and high inflation are hitting household incomes and raising questions about economic fundamentals

Mars retrograde – suppressed, then expressed

Mars retrograde in Leo will oppose Pluto on January 3rd which will put a damper on New Year high spirits until the blockage is passed.

 Mars goes retrograde every two years for about 10 weeks – in this instance from 7 December 2024 to 25 February 2025 – and once it goes direct it will meet another Pluto opposition in late April 2025.

  Retrograde tends to turn the energy inwards and with Mars it saps vitality and forward-drive as will-power and motivation are pushed down. When it goes direct, the stored-up energy surges into the open with extra vigour, bringing sometimes crises or conflicts.

  Looking back on previous Mars retrogrades:

2022 31 October  to January 13 2023. Mars in Gemini.

2020 10 September to 15 November. Mars in Aries square Saturn Pluto in Capricorn. Covid deaths rising fast.

2018 June to August. Mars in Aquarius/Capricorn.

2016 April 18 to 30 June. Mars in Sagittarius. Brexit 24 June 2016.

2014 2 March to 22 May – Mars in Libra square Pluto. Russia annexes Crimea 27 February. Airliner M370 vanishes 8 March.

2012 25 January 2012 to 15 April. Mars in Virgo

2009 22 December to 11 March 2010. Mars in Leo

2007  16 November to 31 January 2008. Mars in Cancer/Gemini opposition Pluto in Sagittarius (Exact opposition 1 January 2008). Stock markets plunge in anticipation of coming recession.

2003 July 30 to 29 September. Mars conjunct Uranus in Pisces square Jupiter. Iraq attack launched March 2003 so in full devastation mode.

2001  12 May to 20 July  Mars in Sagittarius opposition Pluto (not exact). Run up to 9/11

1990 21 October 1990 to 2 January 1991. Gulf War: Operation Desert Storm begins with air strikes against Iraq January 16 1991

1982 21 February to 12 May. Falklands War 1 April.

1941 September 7 to 10 November Mars in Aries.  Pearl Harbour 7 December 1941.

1939 23 June to 24 August 1939. Mars in Aquarius/Capricorn opposition Pluto in Leo/Cancer.  WW11 started 1st September 1939.

1928 12 November 1928 to 28 January 1929.  Wall Street Crash 24 October 1929.

1913 November 28 to 12 February 1914. Mars in Cancer. WW1 start June 1914.

   There does seem to be some correlation between Mars retrograde in the period running into a conflict or crisis; and occasionally in the midst of one. But this is only a rough and ready survey so needs more investigation by those with the time. Otherwise it is a watch and wait exercise.

Jimmy Carter – truth and decency in the White House

Jimmy Carter has died aged 100, who became renowned in his post-presidency years for the success of his initiatives on global health, democracy promotion and conflict resolution. Although deemed a lacklustre president he was the first since Jefferson under whom no blood was shed in war. At a farewell dinner as he left office, his vice-president, Walter F Mondale, gave a toast: “We told the truth. We obeyed the law. We kept the peace.” Carter later added a fourth major accomplishment: “And we championed human rights.”

 He was born 1 October 1924 7am Plains, Georgia, into a well-to-do family though they had no electricity, running water or mechanized equipment on their farm. After a stint in the navy he took over the family peanut business and moved into politics, stepping into the White House on the back of Nixon’s Watergate scandal.

He had a 12th house Libra Sun square a strong-minded Pluto in his opinionated and far-travelled 9th; with an idealistic Neptune, leadership North Node and Venus in Leo in his career 10th in a high-vitality opposition to Mars in determined Aquarius. He had an understated Saturn in Scorpio just below his Ascendant in his 1st as well as an intense, secretive Scorpio Moon.  His 12th house Sun and 10th house Neptune would help in his humanitarian ventures though was perhaps less useful in the attention-grabbing, ego-clashing arena of politics.

 His Presidency chart, 20 January 1977 12pm had an afflicted Mars in the 9th square Pluto and inconjunct Saturn, hinting at foreign policy failures; with an indecisive Neptune in the 8th.  The Moon opposed Saturn and square Uranus on the Descendant for an administration that left the electorate less than pleased (Saturn) and proved divisive (Uranus Desc). There was an enthusiastic Jupiter on the Ascendant and a friendly 11th house Venus but it was not enough to stave off criticism or a swingeing electoral defeat to Reagan next time round.

 From a previous post on his wife Rosalynn Carter, who died last year (Post 20 November 2023).

Rosalynn Carter wife of former president Jimmy Carter has left behind a solid legacy of good works as she dies aged 96. A biographer described her as  having achieved “one of the great political partnerships in American history”. She was up with Eleanor Roosevelt in her influence as first lady. And their four decades after the White House as global humanitarians advocating peace, democracy and the eradication of disease set a new standard for post-term presidents.

  She was born 18 August 1927 6am In Plains, Georgia, into poverty, becoming a carer for her siblings after her father died in her early teens. She married Jimmy when she was 18, was a devout Baptist and mother of four, but her soft smile and outward shyness masked her determination and passion for politics which had her dubbed the ‘Steel Magnolia in Washington.

  Her 12th house Sun Neptune in Leo gave her idealism, flair, inspiration and the ability to work tirelessly behind the scenes on mental health and other issues. Her Venus Mars in Virgo in her First added passionate enthusiasm for practical causes and a far-travelled 9th house Taurus Moon sent her round the world doing good.

  Oddly enough his Uranus fell in her 7th house suggesting a bond that can only work where both gave each other freedom and she did travel and campaign a good deal on her own. His equally idealistic Venus Neptune North Node in Leo were conjunct her Sun Neptune for shared hopes and activism, with his Mars in Aquarius in opposition adding a spark of zest and no doubt a few arguments along the way.

  His Libra Sun was opposition her adventurous Jupiter Uranus in Aries for an adventurous streak; and his Uranus square Jupiter sparked off HER Mars Venus conjunction.

 Her Mercury and Sun Neptune in Leo fell in his 10th for a helpful career mate and her Moon in his 7th for support and nurturing.

 Their relationship chart had an affectionate and friendly composite Sun Venus conjunction and a domestically soothing Moon Jupiter conjunction. A 10th house Pluto which made them influential as a couple was in an enduring trine to Saturn and sextile the composite Sun. Both were keen on a settled family and home life, she with a Taurus Moon and he with a Scorpio Moon – they could both be stubborn but obviously found a way to handle their differences.

  It was a relationship which could have gone wrong if either had been driven by ego but both with 12th house Suns helped in that regard. Pluto in the composite 10th can turn into a power struggle but only when aims for individual glory are pursued. Pulling together they had the capacity to make a difference.

Manmohan Singh – a soft-spoken revolutionary

Manmohan Singh whose economic reforms from the 1990s onwards unleashed an economic boom in India and propelled it to a world power has died aged 92. Starting as finance minister in 1991, he took up the reins when India was close to defaulting on its external debt, had only two weeks of foreign currency reserves left and inflation was well into double figures. He put an end to four decades of socialism, isolationism and stagnation and started by quoting Victor Hugo: “No power on Earth can stop an idea whose time has come.”

 When he started his reforms tr Pluto in Scorpio was conjunct the India 6th house Jupiter giving the country an almighty push.

 Despite his mild manner and his first love for academia, he was a born revolutionary with a focal point Uranus on a tough-minded Cardinal T square. He was born 26 September 1932 2pm Jhelum, Pakistan (net sources) and had a Libra Sun close to Mercury in his knowledgeable 9th house. He has a strong 8th house (of finances) with Moon Venus in Leo and the economic Neptune Jupiter in Virgo there.

 His Saturn in Capricorn was opposition the India Cancer Moon and was conjunct the Reserve Bank of India North Node giving him the drive to impose his bold market reforms on India’s commercial life. Having retreated to academia in 1996 after his initial stint as finance minister he was persuaded out again in 2004 to become prime minister and stayed in situ for ten years.  

That early 1930s generation bred in times of hardship with a driving need to change the status quo certainly left their mark.   His 9th harmonic was hard-driving and notable – often connected with money and humanitarian ideals.  His global- influencer 22H was also exceptionally well aspected.

John Maynard Keynes – the cure or the problem? ++ relationships

  The jungle drums are beating more loudly over worrisome levels of global government and corporate debt with the money wonks cautioning that America now owes more money than the value of its economy.

 Quite what John Maynard Keynes would have made of it, the English economist whose ideas fundamentally changed the theory and practice of macroeconomics and the economic policies of governments, isn’t clear. But his ideas were a guiding light from the Great Depression to the mid 1970s, and came back into favour in 2008 with the financial crash. So his spirit will be hanging over policy discussions.

 Keynes was born 5 June 1883 9.45 am Cambridge, England, and he had an extraordinary chart with seven planets in his career 10th – stretching from Venus Neptune in Taurus close to his Midheaven, Saturn Pluto conjunct in early Gemini and a New Moon and Mercury conjunct in mid Gemini. He had Mars in earthy Taurus in his communicative, far-travelled 9th house sextile Jupiter. And an inventive Uranus on the cusp of his 2nd house of finances trine Neptune Venus and Midheaven.

 His 17th harmonic = leaving-a-legacy-for-history is exceptionally noteworthy with an Air Grand trine of Sun trine Venus trine Pluto; formed into two Kites by Pluto opposition Neptune and Sun opposition Uranus.

 With tr Uranus approaching the conjunction to the Pluto Saturn in Gemini on his chart from mid 2025 into 2026 it might seem likely that his ideas in handling crises periods (indicated by his hardship, deprived Saturn Pluto) might come to the forefront.

  Oddly enough his Gemini Sun is mirrored in the chart of Adam Smith, the 18th century pioneer in the field of political economy seen by some as “The Father of Economics” or “The Father of Capitalism. Born 5 June 1723 JC in Kirkcaldy, Scotland, he had a Gemini Sun opposition Saturn with Neptune and Venus in Taurus like Keynes in his case trine Pluto. With an excitable, outspoken Uranus opposition Mars square Mercury.

Theoretical economics is absolutely not my subject. Comments welcome from those more knowledgeable.

ADD ON: Keynes’ romantic life initially was homosexual with a string of sometimes concurrent lovers. The artist Duncan Grant was the love of his life for seven years up to 1915. Then he started to gravitate towards women, falling in love in 1921 with Lydia Lopokova, one of the stars of Sergei Diaghilev’s Ballets Russes. In the early years of his courtship, he maintained an affair with a younger man in tandem with Lopokova, but eventually chose Lopokova exclusively. They were married in 1925, with Keynes’s former lover Duncan Grant as best man in what proved to be a stable, happy union until Keynes’ death in 1946.

  With such a heavily populated 10th house Keynes’ relationship with his mother would have been a profound influence on him. His biographer remarked that her children “never outgrew home”. Keynes’ also had a New Moon which tends to give a tendency towards self-sufficiency and that squares Uranus so he would be wary of intimacy and close committed relationships.

  His relationship with Lydia, whose birthdate varies between 21 October 1891 and 1892 started when tr Uranus had moved into his 7th house altering his approach to close relationships. Neither of those years for her birth indicate a startling connection.

 His relationship life is a mystery since even his liaison with Duncan Grant was not obviously a soulmate match.