The collapse of the old left-right political battleground in the UK has led to Reform stepping up as a viable alternative with a recent polls giving Reform (24%) the edge on Labour (23%) with Tories just ahead (26%). Even Morgan McSweeney, the PM’s chief of staff, said it is unclear who Labour’s main opponents will be come 2029.
[Major caveats include polls being notoriously unreliable; and Starmer et al may not make it for a full term.]
However Nigel Farage for all his oddities does seem to be giving his Reform party a boost in the midst of widespread disillusionment with what went before. At a recent meeting he declared with his characteristic bombastic flourish, “We are about to witness a political revolution the likes of which you’ve not seen since Labour after the First World War.”
Sir John Curtice, the pollster said: “The electorate fractured in 2024. At the moment it is fracturing a bit more.” There is speculation that at the next election an insurgent party will be the incumbent or main challenger in most constituencies.
Farage, born 3 April 1964 4.30 pm Farnborough, England, has an 8th house Aries Sun widely conjunct Mars in upfront Aries in his 7th; with Jupiter in Aries conjunct Mercury in Taurus also in his 8th = intense, competitive, confident. He has the rebellious, disruptive Uranus Pluto conjunction sitting on his Ascendant so will be in his element as a troublemaker and upsetter of the status quo, rather than as a steady hand on the tiller.
He is on a communicative roll at the moment tr tr Pluto square his Mercury and just off the square to his Jupiter; and tr Jupiter across his 10th now till April 2026 should be successful. Tr Saturn now rising above his Descendant will also bring him more prominence in a hard-working patch ahead. Tr Uranus square his 6th house Saturn from August 2025 into 2026 could throw up odd health issues given his smoking and drinking habits. 2026/27 will not be progressive years for him with tr Neptune Saturn conjunct his Mars. And 2026 could see a sharp change of direction on the career front with tr Uranus crossing his Midheaven.
The Reform Party chart, 23 November 2018, will be on their toes with tr Uranus opposition their Sagittarius Sun from August 2025 and then tr Uranus opposition their Jupiter and square Mars in 2026/27. They will be highly visible, buoyed up by confidence but tending to go off like a scattergun. 2028/29 look less certain with tr Neptune square the Saturn. [Another caveat – political party charts are not always the best guide.]
The much vaunted Elon Musk/Farage bro-romance is built on shaky sands with their relationship chart having an illusory composite Sun opposition Neptune which will be upended next March/April. Plus an aggravated Mars opposition Pluto with Saturn inconjunct Pluto as well.