Suzanne Moore, the Guardian columnist, winner of last year’s Orwell Prize for journalism, has resigned over the paper’s lack of support for her when she was attacked by transgender zealots, who threatened her physically and her children. After she wrote a piece in which she said gender was a biological classification, ‘not a feeling’ and defended Selina Todd, an Oxford academic who had been no-platformed, over 300 Guardian staff complained about her.
Suzanne Moore said: “The way the column is spoken about, it’s as if it was Mein Kampf.’ “We have gone through the looking-glass and are being told that sex is a construct.” ‘It is said that sex is merely assigned at birth, rather than being a material fact – actually, though, sex is recognisable in the womb (which is what enables foetal sex selection). ‘Sex is not a feeling. Female is a biological classification that applies to all living species. If you produce large immobile gametes, you are female.’ Even if you are a frog. This is not complicated, nor is there a spectrum, although there are small numbers of intersex people who should absolutely be supported.’
Suzanne Moore, 17 July 1958, is known for her outspoken views and with an upfront Mars in Aries in an enthusiastic opposition to Jupiter North Node in Libra squaring onto a fairly ego-centric Cancer Sun it’s not surprising. Her Mercury in outspoken Leo is in a rebellious conjunction with Uranus which will tend to make her fairly direct as well. Her Mercury is also trine Mars and trine Saturn in self-righteous Sagittarius – so all in all, she’s well-designed to be an opinion column writer. Her Moon may be late Cancer or early Leo, perhaps square Mars or conjunct Uranus. An excitable lady and not one to be shouted down.
Selina Todd, 19 February 1975, the academic who was disinvited from a feminist conference, for holding supposedly transphobic views, also has her Mars in a Cardinal sign – Capricorn – and has a fixed sign Mercury in Aquarius trine Pluto, square Uranus and inconjunct Saturn so will tend to get pulled into heated arguments.
JK Rowling who also got it in the neck earlier this year (see post June 8 2020) for the same alleged sin equally has Mars in Cardinal sign Libra.
The Guardian ought to know better and it was a fertile relationship with Moore with their relationship chart having an Air Grand Trine of Sun Pluto trine Uranus trine Saturn with Uranus opposition Mars – so custom built for a co-operative venture in candid think-pieces.
Oddly the first issue chart for The Guardian, 5 May 1821, is fairly stark. There is a Sun Venus in Taurus; with Jupiter Saturn Mars conjunct in Aries; and Uranus Neptune in Capricorn. Some of that is extremely hard-edged and veering to the fanatical. Jupiter Saturn can be reasonably idealistic and Uranus Neptune can be inspired. But it’s a starker chart than I might have expected given its touchy-feely, tree-hugging inclinations.
(PS Amended from the previous Guardian JC chart – software glitch.)
Not sure there are too many conclusions to be drawn. The June post on Rowling concluded the fanatical bent of the transgender debate might be down to the generation born 1995 to 2003 who are of the Uranus Neptune generation which can lean towards zealotry and an extremism that is not open to debate.
And oddly enough Lola Olufemi, a fervent advocate of the transgender lobby who was involved in the de-platforming of Selina Todd is born 1996 when the Uranus Neptune conjunction was still in orb.
In ten years’ time we’ll be looking back, scratching our head wondering how on earth this madness caught such a hold. Suzanne Moore points out it also included arguments about Brexit and other topics – complete inability to tolerate the other point of view.
It’s fascist. Think as I do, speak as I do or I’ll destroy you. Scary.