‘With Love, Meghan’ Netflix’s latest offering from the Sussex household has been met with less than rapturous reviews. One critic said the “tone-deaf lifestyle show vibrates with vacuous joylessness – packed with useless information.” It has an 11 per cent rating from Rotten Tomatoes and 2.6 out of 10 from IMDb. The Hollywood bible magazine Variety said the series was ‘a Montecito ego trip not worth taking’.
While the first documentary Harry & Meghan about their lives in 2022 was a major success, two further productions about other subjects – Heart of Invictus in 2023 and Polo last December – slumped in the ratings.
The timing just after the devastating LA fires and in the midst of global turmoil is certainly bad luck but the content also seems a touch passé as the culture moves on from lifestyle glitz.
Meghan’s chart, 4 August 1981 4.46 am Los Angeles, California, has tr Jupiter moving through her hopeful 11th house until May this year and an ambitious Progressed Moon through her career 10th for another 18 months. But the upcoming Aries eclipse on her midheaven hints at a challenging crisis of direction; with another jolt come October’s Libra Eclipse on her IC and close to her Jupiter, Saturn, Moon. Decisions will have to be made about changing course domestically as well as in her ambitions.
She also has a final tr Uranus opposition her Uranus to finish her midlife crisis coming late this April. There will be chinks of good fortune and minor success ahead but there will be more minuses than pluses. A sudden change of direction from tr Uranus conjunct her Solar Arc Midheaven from late this month into April followed by a worrisome May to September as tr Neptune Saturn oppose her showbizzy Mars/Neptune midpoint and a catastrophic July as tr Uranus squares her Mars/Pluto midpoint. Those influences run on into 2026 when tr Saturn Neptune opposes her Moon for family and domestic concerns with further uncertainty in 2027. 2028 will be agitated, stuck and overly-reactive.
Prince Harry, 15 September 1984 4.20 pm London, will be subdued with tr Saturn opposition his Virgo Sun and square his Neptune this month and on and off throughout the year; with a disappointing tr Saturn Neptune square his Jupiter in 2026, a directionless 2027 and a log-jammed 2028/29.
Both their Sun/Moon midpoints, their marriage significator, will be stressed in 2027. And their relationship chart will face a critical, perhaps explosive point of change, as tr Uranus squares the composite Sun and is conjunct the composite Ascendant opposition Uranus through 2026 into early 2027 which will put major strain on their togetherness.
Prince Harry will be glad to see the back of this decade as he moves into more progressive phase after 2030.