EU in shock as UK’s subterranean Mars is triggered

UK SArcs June16EU SArcs June16




The continental media, especially German and French, are putting the blame for the Brexit debacle squarely at the feet of the EU bureaucracy and saying it’s a wake-up call. Whether that will sink into the feather-bedded, gold-plate-pensioned civil service mentality is questionable.

What is showing on the EU chart at the moment is Solar Arc Uranus square the Sun within 6 minutes of a degree (one tenth) – which is certainly a severe enough jolt. The tr Saturn square tr Neptune is also hitting on the 10 degree Pisces EU Sun/Moon midpoint this year. Tr Saturn can mean separation or divorce here; and Neptune the undermining of associations. Tr Saturn hits it one more time in July this year and tr Neptune continues on into early 2017. So it could loosen more relationships along the way.

The UK 1801 chart on a more considered look does have Solar Arc Sun exactly square the 8th house Mars, exact in three months’ time.  The anxiety is that Brexit will hit the financial services industry, in London and also Edinburgh badly. Tr Saturn is quincunx that Mars at the moment and tr Neptune will soon sextile Mars.

Mars in the 8th does represent business and international finances, but also at a psychological level points to a good deal of buried anger, which is clearly getting a sharp elbow at the moment.

The Solar Arc Midheaven will square Mars late in 2017 for another sharp shock.

What’s interesting astrologically is there is little happening to the UK MC or Solar Arc MC for such a momentous event. What is being keyed up is the Aries North Node in the 7th which at 14 Aries is opposition the UK Sun/Moon midpoint in Libra – tr Pluto returns for a final time this September/Oct to square both. That finishes a longish run of tr Uranus and tr Pluto in hard aspect so there has been an upsurge of wanting to cast off relationships which demand too much compromise. With a 7th house Node, the UK is not good anyway at one-to-one commitment, especially in Aries, which suggest soul development comes from standing alone.  Plus tr Uranus is now moving through the 7th till 2018/19.

Since the Node is on the focal point of a T Square to a 10th house 19 degree Cancer Moon opposition a 4th house 10 degree Capricorn Sun, it means that the tr Uranus square tr Pluto has been pounding right round these planets now since 2013.  The UK like the EU has an incredibly Fixed chart so doesn’t find change easy.  It took a long time for the elastic to snap.  Tr Pluto  in 2017/18 opposes the 10th house Moon which represents the ruling classes and also monarchy. So there will be huge and emotionally angst-ridden pressure for change running through this period.

Not the least of which will come from Brexit voters who now say they feel lied to and wish they could change their minds. What was Cameron thinking about?  He could at least have put a 60% threshold of voters for an exit. Two per cent isn’t enough.

David Cameron – hoist with his own petard, but ducking the fallout

UK and EU compBank of EnglandDavid CameronDavid Cameron 2nd Term



David Cameron’s ‘lucky’ Solar Arc Jupiter conjunct his Uranus, exact in three months’ time, is obviously his Papandreou moment when he walks away from a horrendous mess in sheer relief. Today on the news of a Brexit win the pound and the markets made historic falls; there’s talk of UK’s credit rating dropping a notch or two; Scotland who voted for Remain is talking of another referendum to leave the UK and stay in the EU which they might well win this time; Northern Ireland also voted Remain and are now facing the prospect of a ‘hard’ border with the Republic which could brew up the old troubles again. Finance houses and banks may well relocate; businesses will stagnate in the interim two or more years of exfiltration. The leaders of the Brexit campaign may find this is a victory which proves to be a poisoned chalice.

The Bank of England, 27 July 1694 10 am, is looking jangled from late November this year with tr Saturn opposition Uranus and the financial Venus; and appears to be in meltdown in 2017 with tr Saturn square Mars and Neptune; and even worse the Solar Arc Sun squares Mars and Neptune in 2017. All of which is panicky and sliding downhill.

David Cameron’s chart, 9 October 1966 5.30am?  London, has another couple of hits of the forced-to-change tr Pluto square his Libra Sun this year and the deeply frustrating tr Pluto square his Solar Arc Mars now till 2018 as he tastes his legacy of failure. However he also has tr Jupiter about to move across his Ascendant in August or thereabouts which will buck him up. Though he’s got the tr Neptune square tr Saturn hitting two of his Mars midpoints and his Sun/Moon through into 2017.  2017 will pick up more Jupiter for him.

His Second Term chart, 8 May 2015 12.30pm, did have Mars conjunct the destructive Fixed star Algol in the 10th which never sounded like good news. The Term chart hasn’t much of note exactly now though picks up the de-stabilising tr Pluto square Uranus from early 2017 for two years; and if it survives till 2018 the Solar Arc Pluto square Uranus. The government will continue with a new leader, to be announced/elected.


If Article 50 is invoked this year which the sulky EU leaders are calling for, then the UK/EU divorce happens two years thereafter. Tr Saturn will conjunct the EU and UK and composite Sun in late 2018 which could fit the timetable.

The problem for the EU is that other countries now want to follow suit into a referendum, egged on by the far right. The EU chart, 31 December 1957 11pm Brussels, does have a bubble-bursting Solar Arc Pluto conjunct the Jupiter/Neptune midpoint within four minutes of a degree exact now (one fifteenth of a degree); moving on to conjunct Neptune in 2019 which is ditto and ditto and ditto.  Next year they have tr Neptune back to square the Mars/Saturn midpoint, which is around this month, which has a nasty sagging feel to it.

The EU/UK relationship chart has the separating tr Saturn opposition the composite Moon this year; and disappointing tr Neptune square the Moon in 2018/19.  Plus tr Saturn conjunct Sun in 2019 for the final separation. There will be a fair amount of one-upmanship through the next few months as early negotiations begin with tr Pluto trine the composite Jupiter.

Lita Cabellut – a good news story

Lita Cabellut


There’s a magical story about a little gypsy girl whose mother ran a brothel in Barcelona. She lived as a street kid never attending school, ended up in an orphanage at 10, and was adopted aged 12. Her new parents introduced her to Goya’s paintings in the Prado in Madrid, as well as getting her educated. She is now one of Spain’s most successful artists, her portraits selling for $100,000 and more.

Lita Cabellut was born 24 October 1961 and she’s a Sun Scorpio square Jupiter in Capricorn, sextile Uranus – so determined, lucky, adventurous. She’s also got a showbizzy Neptune Mars in Scorpio sextile Pluto Her Taurus Moon may oppose Neptune, perhaps even Mars – so not an easy emotional life or relationship to her mother.

She has an idealistic Saturn Jupiter conjunction in Capricorn with Saturn 5 degrees before Jupiter, so her life pattern will always be difficulty before success.

When her grandmother died at 10 and she went into the orphanage her Solar Arc Uranus was conjunct her Pluto which would make for a significant change and with her Solar Arc Sun conjunct her Neptune would be confusing. Two years later her Solar Arc Jupiter was square her Neptune, restoring her hope.

Battle of the Somme – the war to end all wars!!

Battle of SommeWorld War 1 start


A grim 100th anniversary falls on 1st July of the Battle of the Somme, the biggest battle of World War 1 between the British and French against the Germans. It was the bloodiest in human history with one million killed or wounded. It started 1 July 1916 and ran until 18 November.

The transiting Saturn Pluto conjunction in Cancer which made its first exact aspect two months after the start of WW1 in 1914, stayed in orb through 1915/16 and Saturn exited Cancer in mid 1917.  When the Battle of the Somme started the Cancer Sun was sitting exactly on the Saturn/Pluto midpoint; Uranus was exactly opposition the Mars/Saturn midpoint with Pluto semi-square Mars/Saturn. Ebertin describes these two as ‘ brutality, the rage and fury of destruction, death of a great many people, test of nervous strength.’ And Saturn was conjunct Neptune/Pluto which Ebertin describes as ‘grievous emotional suffering.’

There was also a Yod in July 1916 of Mars sextile Saturn inconjunct Uranus – so obviously a time of high stress, disruptive and catalytic. German forces were demoralised by their losses which were marginally higher than the allied casualties, and it led to their collapse in 1918 when the war ended with their defeat.

Ellie Butler – a legal indictment

Ellie ButlerJustice Hogg


The tragic and avoidable death of a little girl led to a murder conviction this week for her father and a child- cruelty conviction for her mother, and swingeing criticism of a family court judge.

Little Ellie Butler, 30 Dec 2006, was handed over to her grandparents at ten weeks old after her father was charged with shaking her. He was convicted but that was quashed on appeal; and he then appealed to have his daughter returned.  Against the advice of social services, police, her grandparents’ and indeed the child’s own wishes, the judge ignored Ben Butler’s previous violent and criminal history, and sent her back into the home where she was killed 11 months later.  The judge said the father had been the victim of a miscarriage of justice which effectively prevented social services from interfering thereafter.

Ellie was a Sun Capricorn with a Taurus Moon; with an afflicted Saturn opposition Neptune and trine Mars Pluto in Sagittarius.  Her ‘victim’ 12th Harmonic is equally stark with Mars square Saturn Venus, trine Pluto; and a hugely disruptive Uranus opposition Pluto square Mercury opposition North Node.

Justice Mary Hogg, 15 Jan 1947, the judge, is the daughter of the late Quintin Hogg, Lord Hailsham, formerly Lord Chancellor as was his father before him; and sister of Viscount Hailsham (former MP Douglas Hogg). So an impeccable pedigree if totally lacking in sense in this case. She resigned last week before the trial began.

She is also a Sun Capricorn though in her case conjunct a go-ahead Mars Mercury and sextile Jupiter in Scorpio so ambitious and moneyed. She also has the Saturn Pluto in Leo of that year natally square a Scorpio Moon. Saturn Pluto has moved by Solar Arc to square her natal Mars exactly this year; with tr Uranus square her Mars Sun. So a crushing end to her career though no apology has been forthcoming and the judiciary did not take part in the subsequent serious case review.

Priyanka Chopra – beautfiul and tough

Priyanka Chopra


Priyanka Chopra is a Bollywood star who is taking Hollywood by storm at the moment. She’s playing the lead as Alex Parrish in the successful first season Quantico TV thriller series; and is filming the action comedy Baywatch at the moment. At weekends she nips back to Mumbai to continue her award-winning Indian film career, with several dozen movies to her credit. She also sings, is well known on the celebrity circuit and does philanthropic work for women and girls’ education. It’s exhausting just writing it down.

Born 18 July 1982 1.05am Jamshedpur, India, she has a quick-witted, communicative 3rd house Cancer Sun which is in a square to a formidably determined Pluto Mars Saturn conjunction in Libra; with Pluto conjunct Jupiter in Scorpio.

Her 1st house Gemini Moon is trine Saturn Mars; her Venus in Gemini opposes an 8th house Neptune and she has Uranus in the 7th – which all adds up to a very complicated emotional life, with commitment being tricky.  Neptune in the 8th bodes well for a super-star image.

Tr Saturn is moving upwards through her 3rd quadrant so a good deal ahead for her career-wise, some of which may involve producing or directing since she has Saturn natally in her 5th. Though this is a year of ups and downs with tr Uranus square her Sun and opposition her Pluto from late this month on and off for a year. So huge changes; a great deal of pressure from tr Pluto square her Saturn also in 2016/17. But she’s clearly not a lady who likes an easy life.

Her actresses’ 15th Harmonic is strong as is her creative 5H.

Forward influences

The neurotic Saturn Neptune square wanes after September and will be gone by this December. The disruptive, rebellious Uranus square Pluto has no more exact aspects, but is still in orb till mid 2017. Then it rapidly pulls away.

2017 – has the ‘constructive change’ Uranus trine Saturn in Sagittarius which picks up from this December and repeats twice more before Nov 2017. Plus a more upbeat Jupiter in Libra square Pluto and opposition Uranus.

2018  –  Saturn moves into Capricorn (actually from Dec 2017) which can suggest tough conditions, though Uranus moving into Taurus in the May forms an earthy and positive trine to Saturn. Jupiter in Scorpio trines Neptune which will be mild.

2019 – tr Saturn is in orb of a conjunction to Pluto, though doesn’t hit exact until 2020. This one is a slog bringing deprivation, hardship, war. There’s also the more minor, financial and high-hopes, bubble-bursting Jupiter in Sagittarius square Neptune; and Saturn sextile Neptune.

2020 – The Saturn Pluto conjunction comes exact in January and stays in orb all year. What will help is Jupiter (from Dec 2019) moving through Capricorn and conjunct Pluto and Saturn which will take the edge off the discouragement. Jupiter will trine Uranus as well. Saturn moves into Aquarius.

2021 – Jupiter Saturn conjunct in Aries square Uranus. Jupiter Saturn is idealistic, especially in Aquarius; though Saturn square Uranus is associated with economic dips and tension.

The cycles keep rolling round but it looks like a marginally (cross fingers) easier two years ahead before Saturn Pluto picks up.

Thomas Mair – unstable white supremacist

Thomas Mair


Thomas Mair has been arrested and charged with the murder of Jo Cox MP and other offences. He was born 12 August 1963 in Kilmarnock, Scotland (anyone with a birth time, gratefully received); was brought up largely by grandparents, has a history of mental illness and although known as quiet and helpful, had connections with American Neo-Nazi and white supremacist groups.

Time of birth will make a considerable difference but even without it – he has a Leo Sun Venus opposition Saturn in Aquarius square Neptune probably opposition a Taurus Moon. So both his Sun and Moon are damped down and restricted by low self-worth Saturn and delusional Neptune. He also has a wide T Square of Mars in Libra opposition Jupiter square North Node in Cancer which would give him a strand of confidence; and Mercury in Virgo conjunct Pluto and Uranus, so mentally pressured and erratic.

His Mars was square Jo Cox’s Saturn Mercury Sun in Cancer and conjunct her Pluto – so there would be something about her work with the disadvantaged of other countries?, or her toughness which sparked his anger.

Their ‘relationship’ chart has a composite Sun square Saturn, trine Neptune and sextile Pluto Uranus – all very outer planet, so arguably less of a personal connection and more to do with what she represented.

Horrible tragedy. What is striking is how often the ISIS terrorist murderers have mental problems, and the Neo- Nazi/supremacist types ditto.

Chelsea Clinton Mezvinsky – a new addition

Aidan Clinton Mevzinsky



Chelsea Clinton had her second baby, a boy called Aidan on Saturday at 7.41am in New York. Born a day before the Full Moon he has a Sun Gemini in a charming conjunction to Venus in Cancer, both in the 12th house, with Moon conjunct Saturn in Sagittarius across the zodiac in the 5th, though too wide to be an opposition. He’s also got a Mutable Grand Cross of Mercury in Gemini opposition Moon Saturn square Neptune opposition Jupiter North Node in Virgo – so highly restless, scattered, will go off in all directions at once. Plus a Yod of a 10th house Uranus sextile Sun inconjunct a 4th house Mars in Scorpio, so problems fitting in, anger issues. He’ll be quite a whirlwind personality.


He’s different from his sister Charlotte, 26 Sept 2014 7.03pm, though both share a Cancer Ascendant. She has a more Cardinal chart with a Libra Sun, Uranus on the Ascendant in Aries and Pluto in Capricorn in the 10th; with an entrepreneurial Fire Grand Trine.

Both will make their mark in some way. Charlotte’s Pluto in the 10th will make her influential later in life; while he will carve out a different kind of career, perhaps in communication with Uranus in the 10th.

He’ll possibly get on better with his father Marc Mezvinsky since there’s a buddy-bonding composite Sun Venus conjunction in their relationship chart. He’ll find his mother overly hard-working, more of a disciplinarian, rather an unpredictable presence in his life. He’ll get on well with his sister with Jupiter in his 3rd.