Vera Rubin – a cosmic breakthrough



Vera Rubin, the astronomer whose tireless stargazing provided the first confirmation for the existence of dark matter and paved the way for women in science, has died aged 88.

She was born in Philadelphia on 23 July 1928 with an electrical engineer father, also an amateur astrologer, who constructed her first telescope when she was 14. Despite great resistance from male-dominated science faculties, she persevered to become one of the foremost astronomers of her generation.

Her ground breaking discovery came from observing that the stars in the outer regions of a spiral galaxy were moving just as fast as the ones closer to the centre, apparently in defiance of Newton’s laws of motion, which predicted that the inner stars would be moving faster, just as the inner planets of the solar system are moving faster around the Sun than the outer planets. She and her partner concluded that the effect was real and must be the result of some inexplicable extra gravity, the only force that could account for such an observation. And wherever there is gravity, there must be mass. It was this missing mass — and its gravity — that was keeping these spinning galaxies glued together. [Times obit.]

She was a Sun Venus in Leo square Jupiter in Taurus, trine Uranus, so charming, stubborn, innovative. Her Mars in determined Taurus was also sextile Pluto (Mercury) in Cancer which would give her the grit to stand up to attacks within her profession. Her Mercury was in an inventive square to Uranus.

As expected her two strongest harmonics were the 13H, known for genius, exploration and breakthrough; and her leaving-a-legacy-for-history 17H. The harmonics do add an invaluable dimension to a chart, which on the surface might not look too unique.

A Trump Republican Presidency – enemies close at hand

President Obama’s belated move against Russian interference in the USA election by expelling diplomats is deemed to have been undercut by Putin’s oily and scathing non-retaliation in anticipation of Trump’s coming. In reality it has thrown a spanner into the heart of the Republican Party, traditionally very anti-Russian, which it’ll be more than interesting to watch play out.

Everyone is playing games. Putin wants a Trump friendship since Trump is perceived to be anti-NATO/EU and thus won’t kick up a fuss if Putin makes further moves in eastern Europe and consolidates gains in the Ukraine/Crimea. Trump can’t admit the Russians interfered with the election since it would tarnish his glorious personal victory. But it’ll be harder to deny given that the Germans are now on high alert with evidence of Russian cyber interference in preparation for their forthcoming elections.

Obama has pushed Trump into a corner since any moves to forge closer ties with Russia is likely to meet fierce resistance from a bipartisan coalition in Congress, who have promised even tougher measures against Russia, with or without the President’s approval. Republican senators John McCain, Lindsey Graham and Marco Rubio would certainly go for an all-out confrontation with Trump. One commentator even went so far as to say that if Trump went too far off message that the Republican leadership (Paul Ryan and Mitch McConnell) could get him impeached (no shortage of smoking guns), which would put the more traditionally conservative Mike Pence in situ in the White House. So it wouldn’t even need a Democratic majority after the 2018 elections.

Trump’s relationships with senior Republicans:

Paul Ryan – an irritable relationship at best with a composite Mars Saturn, it is sagging disastrously through 2017 with tr Neptune square the composite Saturn Mars from April 2017 to late 2019; with indications of a stand-off in 2018 as tr Uranus is conjunct the composite Venus, and opposing Neptune in 2019.

Mitch McConnell – marginally friendlier than Ryan, but power-struggling and not on a common agenda. Again 2018 looks like cutlery-in-the-air time with tr Uranus conjunct the composite Sun and then Venus; with a spat earlier in late April/May, November 2017.

Mike Pence, VP – simmering hostility with a composite Mars Pluto; suspicion and doubt from composite Sun trine Saturn Neptune; differing agendas from Uranus square Saturn Neptune. A high-anxiety, confused 2017 with tr Pluto square the composite Saturn/Neptune midpoint, worsening in 2018 with perhaps scandals emerging into an even more chaotic phase between them; with emotional outbursts and distancing from tr Uranus square the composite Venus.

John McCain – outright dislike and power-struggling with a Saturn (Uranus) opposition Jupiter square Mars Mercury Venus; and a controlling Sun Pluto conjunction. Will be jousting through 2017 with tr Pluto sextile the game-playing Jupiter; with some low blows from tr Saturn square the composite Neptune. And worsening dramatically in 2018 with tr Pluto trine Saturn and tr Uranus square the composite Sun.

Lindsey Graham – again active dislike and hostility from a composite Mars Pluto; and a disruptive Uranus conjunct Sun, Venus and square Neptune. Will sag through 2017, becoming even more pessimistic about damage in 2018.

Marco Rubio – aggravated through 2017/18 with tr Pluto sextile the composite Mars; and undermined with tr Neptune square their composite Sun through 2017/18.

Mitt Romney – again 2018 is highlighted as high-noon time; with tr Uranus conjunct the composite Venus (which is conjunct Sun square Pluto) and tr Uranus square Saturn.

A President at war with his own party? In politics there are always egos clashing but the Republicans have landed themselves with an enormous problem in Trump. And the Democrats won’t be shy about pointing out that the GOP own him and his nominees – and all their back stories. If it wasn’t so important it would be blackly funny and good spectator sport.

Alma Deutscher – a new Mozart



Child prodigy composer Alma Deutscher, 11 years old, has been given a standing ovation in Vienna for the premiere of her two-and-a-half hour long opera Cinderella. She scored her first piano sonata at 6, followed by a short opera, then a violin concerto. She was born in England in February 2005 (no date unfortunately) to two amateur musician parents and she plays piano and violin herself as well. Not surprisingly she’s being hailed as a wunderkind and the new Mozart – he started composing when he was 5 years old.

I’ll do her more fully when someone comes up with a birthday. But just for fun I had a look and if she’s born mid February she has Sun, Mercury, Venus, Neptune in Aquarius, Uranus in Pisces, Pluto in Sagittarius and Jupiter in Libra.

Mozart, 27 Jan 1756 8pm Salzburg, had four planets in Aquarius – Saturn Sun, Mercury Venus; Uranus in Pisces, Pluto in Sagittarius and Jupiter in Libra. So strong similarities.  What fun.

Serena Williams & Alexis Ohanian – a Libra Taurus match

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Serena Williams, the tennis superstar, 22 times Grand Slam winner, has announced her engagement to Alexis Ohanian, the American-Armenian co-founder of Reddit. She was born 26 September 1981 8.28pm Saginaw, Michigan and he 24 April 1983 New York.

She has her Sun and Saturn Jupiter Pluto Mercury in Libra with a Virgo Moon and Venus in Scorpio. While he is a Sun in Taurus opposition Saturn Pluto, with Mars also in Taurus; a Virgo/Libra Moon, Venus in Gemini and a lucky Uranus Jupiter in Sagittarius. It’s not intuitively that strong a mix. On the upside his Venus does trine her Libra Sun Saturn Jupiter which is affectionate; his Moon is around her Moon Sun which gives a shared resonance; his Sun is on her Ascendant which can be good though also competitive. Her Venus in Scorpio opposes his Mars in Taurus which is hot, passionate and sexy but not overly sensitive. And his Saturn Pluto is conjunct her Descendant which isn’t too emotional, better suited to a business relationship.

The relationship chart has a morale-boosting composite Sun trine Jupiter; but the Sun is also square a cold, overly hard-working Saturn and trapped Pluto; with Saturn Pluto trine Mars which will create aggro down the line. Plus an ego-clashing, mutually unsupportive composite Mars opposition Neptune squaring onto the composite Moon. Plus a needs-space composite Venus square Uranus.

Possibly more minuses than pluses. And it will go through a fair number of ups and downs in 2017 with tr Saturn in hard aspect to the composite Moon, Neptune, Mars; and tr Uranus opposition Saturn Pluto; and tr Pluto square Sun.

He’s got a very see-saw chart with his Sun opposition Saturn Pluto; Venus opposition Uranus Jupiter; and Neptune opposition Node – all planets sitting together in two groups on opposite sides of his chart, so he won’t find relationships easy to maintain. She on the other hand has a very bunched together chart with all planets within a trine, so will be fairly self sufficient – and certainly very work-oriented.

Michael Fassbender – coming down a gear for now




Actor Michael Fassbender is aiming for some downtime after a making a dozen movies over the past five years. He garnered Oscar nominations and multiple awards for several – 12 Years a Slave, Shame, Steve Jobs and MacBeth and has three in post-production for 2017. He even mentioned perhaps giving up acting in future.

All of which fits with tr Saturn moving below his Sagittarius Ascendant. 2 April 1977 12.30am Heidelberg, Germany.

This is a time when old ambitions lose their enthusiasm and there is no longer the physical or mental energy to carry on at the full tilt of the previous few years. It’s a time to stop and re-think a future path, which may take a year or two.

He’s also had a debilitating, morale-sagging tr Saturn square tr Neptune hitting on his Virgo Moon opposition Mars square Neptune T Square through 2016. The Light Between Oceans this year got mixed reviews and not great box office; and his previous Steve Jobs movie was a commercial disappointment as well.

Having said all that, he has a powerfully confident and influential chart so he’s not going to disappear down a rabbit hole. His Aries Sun Venus are in an inspirational, entrepreneurial Fire Grand Trine to filmic Neptune on his Ascendant trine Saturn in Leo, formed into an even more talented and hard-driving Kite with Sun Venus opposition Pluto exactly on his Midheaven. I’d imagine he may focus on his production company for a while and perhaps more so as he gets older. Pluto on the MC likes to be in control.

Through 2017/18 he does have tr Pluto square his Mars/Jupiter midpoint which should fuel his fertile imagination and channel his energy into new projects. There’s lots ahead for him though he may wind down some acting commitments for a while.

Debbie Reynolds – an old style trooper with multiple talents but not for marriage

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Screen and stage actress, singer and dancer Debbie Reynolds has died, a day after her daughter Carrie Fisher, of a stroke aged 84. She had a bright, bubbly image which hit the big time when she was 19 in Singing in the Rain and she went on to have a long and enduring career in films, television and on Broadway. Though her emotional life was a train wreck. Her first husband Eddie Fisher left her for a newly-widowed Elizabeth Taylor, when Debbie, already unhappy in the marriage, was pregnant with her second child. Her next husband gambled away her fortune and was serially unfaithful; and she went bankrupt after her third marriage ended.

Born 1 April 1932 5.49pm El Paso, Texas, she had a 7th house Sun Uranus Mercury in Aries which squared onto a 10th house Pluto – so she was very contradictory in relationships, needing support and independence at the same time; would be controlling and possessive while staging rebellions and insisting on freedom.

Her Aquarius Moon in the performing 5th was opposition Neptune and square an 8th house Venus in Taurus. The 8th house often appears in movie stars’ charts and appears to have the ability to project an aura for the public. Doris Day, another effervescent blonde actress, had Venus in the 8th; and with a disastrous marriage track record much like Debbie Reynolds, she also shared a 7th house Aries Sun square a 10th house Pluto.

Debbie Reynolds’ relationship with her daughter Carrie went through phases of separation, was turned into an acidly funny book and movie in Postcards from the Edge, but ultimately grew close. Debbie’s Venus in Taurus was conjunct Carrie’s Moon so there would be a streak of real affection; but Debbie’s controlling Pluto was conjunct Carrie’s Descendant and trine Carrie’s Mars; and Carrie’s Pluto was opposition Debbie’s Moon – so there would be aggravations and power struggles.

Their relationship chart had a similarly complicated mix with an affectionate composite Sun opposition Venus; and a muddled composite Moon which was opposition a vague Neptune, square a defensive and cool Saturn, trine possessive Pluto, and sextile needs-space Uranus.

Debbie recently had been living through a very challenging phase with the tr Uranus square tr Pluto in hard aspect to her Sun; with tr Uranus opposition her Pluto and square her Uranus; and tr Neptune moving into her 6h house of health.

Celebrity deaths 2016 – more visible, not more frequent

Have there been more celebrity deaths in 2016? It may be an optical illusion on the back of a highly uncertain year when all events were amplified by social and other media. If you look back to other years there were a fair number of notable passings.

There’s nothing this year as there was in 2011 when Neptune was shifting sign, which did seem to be a signal for superstar film ladies moving up to ethereal thrones. See below for list of Neptunian leavings.

It’s certainly true that everyone – and some more than most – have taken quite a battering from the tr Uranus square tr Pluto in recent years, topped in 2016 by the low energy, illness-prone Saturn square Neptune. Plus several who have gone this year, came out of the sex, drugs and rock n’ roll generation whose lifestyle of excess was always going to catch up with them at some point. George Michael and Carrie Fisher seemed to have still been using when they went. Hard drugs are not heart friendly.

I was struck years ago when Diana Dors, the actress died. She had a Cardinal Grand Square in her chart of Libra Sun opposition Uranus square Saturn opposition Pluto – and had overcome the tr Saturn Pluto in Libra bouncing off all four ends of that. She died after those pounding, destructive influences passed over which seemed a shame as if she’d almost made it past the winning post. But it was all too much and she succumbed to cancer.

There wasn’t a higher death toll in general this year, so just an over sensationalised media making us more aware of what heretofore might have been mentioned in one para on page 10.


NEPTUNE changing sign.

1901: Neptune leaving Gemini – Queen Victoria dies.

1915: Neptune leaving Cancer – Mary Baker Eddy and Emily Davidson (suffragette who suicided by horse at the Derby). Florence Nightingale also died with Neptune in late Cancer (1911)

1929: Neptune leaving Leo – Emmeline Pankhurst (the great suffragette), Ellen Terry, Isadora Duncan.

1943 – Neptune leaving Virgo – aviator Amy Johnson, writer Beatrix Potter.

1957 – Neptune leaving Libra – Laura Wilder (Little House on the Prairie), scientist Irene Curie

1968 – Neptune leaving Scorpio – Helen Keller, Enid Blyton, Dorothy Parker, Vivien Leigh, Judy Garland, Little Mo, Sonja Henie, Gypsy Rose Lee, Sharon Tate.

1983 – Neptune leaving Sagittarius – Nathalie Wood, Anita Loos (Gentlemen Prefer Blondes), Anna Freud, Ingrid Bergman, Grace Kelly, Gloria Swanson, Ethel Merman, Lillian Hellman, Indira Gandhi.

1998 – Neptune leaving Capricorn – Princess Diana, Mother Theresa, Ella Fitzgerald, Ginger Rogers, Lana Turner, Evelyn Laye, Dorothy Lamour, Claudette Colbert, Marguerite Duras, Patricia Highsmith, Mary Leakey.

2011 – Neptune leaving Aquarius – Jane Russell, Elizabeth Taylor.

Democracy, oligarchy, monarchy – all subject to the immutable law of change

‘Democracy is the least worst alternative’ is a saying precis-ed from a speech by Winston Churchill: “Many forms of Government have been tried, and will be tried in this world of sin and woe. No one pretends that democracy is perfect or all-wise. Indeed it has been said that democracy is the worst form of Government except for all those other forms that have been tried from time to time.”

The ancient Greeks prized their version of democracy (no women or slaves allowed to vote) and theorised endlessly about which was the best form of government – democracy, oligarchy or monarchy. In an imagined debate, Herodotus, the historian, put the pro-democracy case as “accountable government – refers all decisions to the common people.” Whereas his opponent said: “Democracy is a kind of mob rule. There is nothing more stupid or given to brutality. The approach of the general populace is that of a river swollen with winter rain: they rush blindly forward and sweep things before them”.

All empires, dynasties and civilizations with different forms of government have their day historically and then they fade, usually slowly, disintegrating into stagnation, excess and collapse. Often it takes a triple conjunction of three out of the four outer planets – Saturn, Uranus, Neptune and Pluto – to mark the changeover. In the tumultuous 5th Century AD when a quadruple conjunction of Saturn­, Neptune, Pluto, Jupiter in Taurus was followed 30 years later by a Uranus, Pluto, Saturn conjunction, the Roman Empire fell which had been the dominant force for 450 years. It was a bleak century of confusion and mass migration with the Barbarians taking over the European continent, and the Picts, Scots and Anglo-Saxons invading England. The Slavs raided and settled in the Balkans, and in China the oppressive Jin Dynasty fell, giving way to 150 years of confusion.

Two triple conjunctions later in the 7th Century the Persian Sassanids, who have controlled much of the Middle East, fall and this is the effective start of the medieval Greek Byzantine Empire. The Merovingian Dynasty in Europe declines, with power passing to the founders of the Carolingian Dynasty. India is lapsing into the Dark Ages.

The next triple conjunction in the 10th Century sees dynasties that rose under the previous triple conjunction in Germany and China now fade. The next one in the 14th Century sees the founding of the powerful Ottoman Empire, which will last for 600 years. 18th Century triple conjunction establishes for the first time a European balance of power and ends centuries of conflict. Large-scale German and Scots-Irish immigration to North America starts.

The most recent triple conjunction 1988/91 collapsed the Communist regimes of Eastern Europe, whose ideological base was set by Marx and Engels in the previous triple conjunction.

That’s a bit long-winded but it gives a picture of the constant rise and falls, the ebb and flow of history. It doesn’t necessarily need a triple conjunction. It can be double conjunctions or for example Pluto returning to a particular sign which is a once in 250 year occurrence.

The UK and France lost/gave up their empires when they were on a Half Pluto Return (i.e tr Pluto opposition natal Pluto) and a full Neptune return. When the USA was on its Pluto Half Return in the 1930s it was poleaxed by the great depression but recovered. It is moving towards the full conjunction in 2022.

If there’s one thing that history tells us is that what goes up must come down at some point. Portugal had the first global empire in the 15th and 16th centuries and was one of the world’s major economic, political and military powers. Now it’s a holiday destination with financial woes. Baghdad was once the centre of civilization in the 8th Century. Britain in its heyday had the largest empire in history and for over a century, was the foremost global power. It held sway over 23% of the world population and 24% of the Earth’s total land area. “The empire on which the sun never sets”. Now it’s way down the food chain, partly because of two stupendously expensive world wars.

Nothing lasts for ever.

Israel – liberal Israelis at odds with Netanyahu

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Haaretz, the Tel Aviv liberal newspaper is in no doubt where it stands over Netanyahu’s strop about the UN Resolution against the illegal settlements, and indeed about the resolution itself.

‘Netanyahu Is Dragging Israel Into the Abyss.’

‘UN Resolution Is a Breath of Hope in Sea of Darkness and Despair. It’s now even more crystal clear: The world thinks the settlements are a crime.’

‘UN Vote: World Beginning to rescue Israel from itself.’

‘Santa Obama delivered a wonderful Christmas present to Israel when the United States opted not to veto Friday’s United Nation Security Council vote condemning settlement policy.’

‘Obama’s UN Vote on Israeli Settlements: Where Have You Been for 8 Years, Mr. President?’

Just as Netanyahu thought the coming of Trump would be his ticket into the promised land, it all fell apart. A Trump administration cannot simply reverse the stated will of the UN security council – backed in this case by permanent members China, Russia, France and Britain – any more than it can unilaterally scrap last year’s multinational nuclear deal with Iran. It is likely the resolution will accelerate existing moves to prosecute Israel at the international criminal court and may also encourage new boycotts and sanctions.

Commentator Simon Tindall wrote: ‘The UN vote has highlighted the extraordinary extent of Israel’s international isolation under Netanyahu. Even he cannot persuasively dismiss the unanimous opinion of countries as diverse as Japan, Ukraine, Malaysia, Venezuela, Angola and Spain. It takes a lot to make an enemy of New Zealand, but Netanyahu has managed it.’

The Israel chart does have tr Saturn on the cusp of the 3rd house, staying there for the next four years. In an individual’s chart this usually coincides with a time of difficulty in communicating with those around and of feeling cold-shouldered. Tr Uranus will square the Israel 25 Cancer MC from late April on and off till early 2018 which does suggest plans get derailed and a new direction has to be sought. With tr Uranus also on the cusp of the 7th and staying in that house for seven years, ruptures in relationships are likely.

By 2018 the Solar Arc Moon will conjunct the Israel Neptune which suggests a concerned and undermined population; with an insecure, explosive tr Uranus trine Mars picking up in 2018 as well.

The most recent Netanyahu Prime Minister term chart, 14 May 2015 11.05pm Tel Aviv, will start to wobble come February 2017 as tr Pluto is conjunct the Uranus and that runs for two years.

His own personal chart, 21 Oct 1949 9.30am Tel Aviv, is running downhill with tr Saturn now way below the Ascendant, moving by 2017 into its lowest ebb success-wise in 2017/18. Tr Neptune will oppose his midheaven in Jan/Feb 2017 which will make him directionless, perhaps mired in domestic muddles. By 2018 tr Neptune will oppose his 10th house Saturn, so it’ll be uncertainty and chaos. Plus his Solar Arc Pluto will conjunct his Sun in 2018; and his Solar Arc Saturn squares his Mars in 2019/20 – which is blocked and setback on his heels.

His relationship with Trump is not remotely easy with a composite Moon square Pluto Saturn Mars Sun. They’ll feel locked together and unhappy with it, with some sparring from April 2017 onwards.