Emmanuel Macron – France prepares for the promise of change



Emmanuel Macron has been inaugurated as the new President of France at 11.25am in Paris.

This puts an innovative Uranus Mercury in the 10th conjunct MC trine Saturn in Sagittarius and trine North Node in Leo, so an inspirational Fire Grand Trine; with a high-energy Jupiter trine Mars and square Pluto. So there is a possibility of constructive reforms being put in place. Though there are similarities to Hollande’s Presidency chart, 15 May 2012, with lacklustre Neptune in the financial 8th in hard aspect to Mars, and Pluto in the employment/health 6th. Unemployment rates are high and need to be brought down, but the bloated state sector also needs to be cut which creates a huge dilemma for Macron.

At first glance Hollande’s Presidency chart should have indicated success with a Sun Jupiter in the 10th, though as it transpired, he had the least successful and most unpopular term ever. That Sun Jupiter was sextile a Pisces Moon and inconjunct a 4th house Saturn, which is the most difficult of yods, and mishandled as it clearly was, sapped the luck out of Jupiter. His chart also had a solidly practical Earth Grand Trine of Pluto trine Mars trine Mercury, but again that was focused through a Kite onto Neptune in the 8th, which again dissolved the business sense of Earth. And with Saturn in the 4th pointed to a less than rapturous population. Plus Saturn was exactly opposition the Sun/Moon midpoint which would separate him from popular sentiment.

Macron’s Presidency chart has Jupiter conjunct the IC, so he’ll have more chance of popularity though Uranus will make it a divisive term, and Saturn close to the Moon will leave some feeling left out. And the Neptune is conjunct the Sun/Moon midpoint hinting at discontent and dissatisfaction.

Less than two years into his term Neptune will move by Solar Arc to exactly square the 11th house Mars, which will bring a sense of failure and plans being undermined. Even before then in 2018 tr Neptune will square the Mars saying much the same.


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