“He was a great role model, a great husband, a great entertainer . . . America’s dad. A giant. A legend.”
And now Bill Cosby goes on trial for three sexual assault charges relating to one woman. Though those are the tip of the iceberg. Dozens of women have been brave enough to come forward and speak about what they say happened to them, with allegations of drugging and rape. The lawyer Gloria Allred “It’s not a ‘he said, she said’ situation any more. It’s a ‘he said, she said, she said, she said, she said, she said, she said . . .’ ”
Born 12 July 1937 12.30am Philadelphia, PA, he has a 4th house Cancer Sun, which is the ego-centric driving planet of a Kite, in opposition to a lucky, pillar-of-the-community 10th house Jupiter in an Earth Grand Trine to Neptune (Moon) in Virgo trine Uranus in Taurus. So very earthy and confident, pushily so with his Jupiter also opposition Pluto. Plus he has Mars in intense Scorpio, which has a tendency to dominate and hold grudges – it’s in a no-compromise opposition to Uranus.
He’s got tr Pluto moving through his 10th for many years ahead, deconstructing his reputation and career, and now opposition his Sun, which it continues to hard aspect till late 2018. So a time of considerable pressure; and this month he has tr Saturn square his Mars/Pluto through this trial, which will put him on the back foot; plus an undermining tr Pluto square his Mars/Neptune (also till late 2018). His lucky Jupiter has always fished him (or kept him) out of trouble up till now and may come back into play in 2019/2020. Though his health may be sagging with tr Pluto trine his 6th house Neptune this year.
His self-undoing 10th Harmonic, throws high and brings low, is strong joining Venus Pluto and the Sun, which makes sense of sexual coercion.