BBC – unequal opportunity employer


Only one woman makes the top ten in fees paid to BBC actors, presenters, journalists and panellists, which has caused a raft of unwelcome headlines about gender imbalance for the corporation. The BBC were forced unwillingly to list the top salaries as part of their new 11-year royal charter, though it excludes those who are set up as independent production companies.

The BBC chart does have tr Saturn wafting back and forth over the Virgo Moon this year and conjunct the Solar Arc Moon this December; with the Moon ruling the 2nd house of finances. So the lunar element is being firmly suppressed on the material level. And the Moon anyway isn’t well-integrated, only having one aspect of note – a sextile to the Scorpio Sun. The BBC Moon is also square the Mercury/Mars midpoint which Ebertin describes as a ‘nagging or quarrelsome woman’ – and that is also picking up the tr Saturn conjunction which is definitely argumentative through this autumn.

It is a fairly macho chart with Mars in opinionated Aquarius quincunx Pluto and trine Saturn, and Pluto square Saturn. The 8th house of sharing money is ruled by none-too-generous and definitely masculine Saturn.

It would be interesting to get media outlets who are taking such glee in trashing the BBC to publish their relative salaries as well vis a vis the genders – they probably wouldn’t be that different.

Trump and Bannon – a pact with the devil



“The most dangerous political operative in America” is how the author of the recently published book The Devil’s Bargain describes Steve Bannon, Trump’s chief strategist. “Trump wouldn’t be president if it weren’t for Bannon”. “As far as political reality goes, it’s Bannon’s movie we’re now in.”

Bannon’s philosophy is apocalyptic, a world dominated by a fight between good and evil. He doesn’t see the world in terms of partisan politics as much as a cage-match clash of civilizations. Fuelled by anger, he talks in shock and awe terms, and constantly uses martial analogies. “Dick Cheney. Darth Vader. Satan. That’s power,” he told the Hollywood Reporter last year. Ever intent on destroying ‘the establishment’ whether in Hollywood where he failed to make his mark, or crony capitalism after his stint with Goldman Sachs, or in politics to which he graduated via the Tea Party, and a serendipitous tie up with the wealthy Mercers (see post June 28 2017) and Breitbart. He drew inspiration from what he called the “monster power” of “rootless white males” who frequented websites about the massive online game World of Warcraft, and “began to wonder if those forces could be harnessed and, if so, how he might exploit them.”  He knows how to work a crowd and whip up fury, and is an admirer of the films of the Nazi propagandist Leni Riefenstahl, especially her technique of instilling fear.

Then he found Trump, who like him intuited the electorate’s discontent with the status quo, homing in on the white working-class antipathy toward immigration, Islam and liberal identity politics. One review of the book says, ‘Most of all, Bannon was intellectually curious – while Trump lacked a “political philosophy” and cared about little. Bannon emerges as an iconoclast and would-be revolutionary, Trump the moneyed vandal from Queens who expected to be seated at the best table at Manhattan’s toniest restaurants.’

Recently media commentator, Joe Scarborough, said that Bannon was effectively running the country and briefing against the president’s son-in law, Jared Kushner, claiming Bannon was the source of embarrassing leaks about Kushner’s alleged Russia ties.

Interesting background and context for the astrology.

Bannon has Mars and Neptune in Libra on the focal point of a Cardinal T Square to Uranus opposition North Node in Capricorn. Such a Mars tends to meet life in a head-on collision, openly attacking whatever gets in the way, is overly impulsive and disruptive, and lacks staying power. A focal point Neptune tends to be impractical, aims for shortcuts, promises more than can deliver and again is too impatient to stay the course to put dreams put into action. Uranus squaring Neptune can be fanatical. The Capricorn North Node is interesting since it hints at a search for a strong masculine role model, an ideal father – which will be why he vents his spleen at all the Saturnine authority figures (the establishment) he’s come across who don’t live up to his ideals and have to be destroyed. Isn’t that just Mars, ruler of Aries? Ares in mythology was the god of war, who killed his father when he blocked his path.

Bannon’s Jupiter in Gemini is in a high-finance, head-in-the-clouds trine to Neptune, sextiling onto a Pluto (Moon) in Leo focal point – controlling, stubborn, doesn’t break down easily, tends to attract hostility.

His Pluto and perhaps his Moon will pick up the conjunction to the August Eclipse, which could give a boost to his power-hungry tendencies and waken his dark side; if mishandled it leads to stagnation and decay. Tr Pluto is also square his afflicted Mars from early September till late October, which rather suggests the latter – enraged, frustrated, boxed in.

Into 2018 tr Pluto to two of his Mars midpoints hints at plans failing, devastation, low energy and more blocks.

His relationship with Trump – despite an uplifting conjunction between Bannon’s Jupiter and Trump’s Sun and Bannon’s Mars and Trump’s Jupiter – has major difficulties. Bannon’s wannabe-in-total-control Pluto is conjunct Trump’s Mars, which has the potential to end up in a destructive battle; and Bannon’s Uranus is conjunct Trump’s Saturn which suggests wildly different objectives; with Bannon’s ideological Neptune throwing suspicion and doubt into the mix.

Their relationship chart has a business-like though cold composite Sun Saturn Mercury which has already had tr Neptune chipping away at its foundations mid May to mid July this year; and that influence returns in March 2018, and again late in the year. Plus tr Saturn is square the composite Mars Venus exact now till mid October, which will also take the gloss off their combined enthusiasm.

Even Bannon’s relationship with his patron Robert Mercer is hitting the skids late this year, and sinking fast in 2018.

Prince Andrew’s tribe – high hopes and disappointment



Is the gaffe-prone Sarah Ferguson about to be embraced once again by the Royal Family? It certainly appears to be Prince Andrew’s wish since she has represented him on several occasions in recent times and has therefore appeared in the Court Circular, been to Ascot, been to Balmoral etc. He’s no doubt leaning on his position as the Queen’s favourite, with Prince Philip (not a Fergie fan) retreating from public appearances; and attempting to guarantee his daughters’ inclusion once the Queen disappears off the scene.

However that doesn’t seem to be Prince Charles’ idea since he wants a slimmed-down Monarchy, restricted to his close family; and his famously frosty relationship with his brother is, if anything, worsening ahead.

Sarah Ferguson is facing a tough few years ahead with tr Pluto square her Libra Sun in 2018/19, then her Sun/Mars midpoint and finally her Mars in 2021/2022 – all pressured, frustrating and trapped. Plus a raft of Neptunian Solar Arc this year and on till 2020 which would suggest her plans and ambitions fizzle into the dust. Both Charles and Camilla look on her with active dislike – and those relationships will become ever more separated over the next four or five years.

Kate and William are also not fans and looking aggravated with her on for the next two years. Even her weirdly semi-detached relationship with ex-husband Andrew looks undermined and jolted in 2017/2018/19.

Prince Andrew is in an impulsive, if not reckless year, over-pushing to get his way with tr Uranus square his Mars Venus in Capricorn and conjunct his midheaven, so not in a mood to compromise. Tr Pluto is now just on the cusp of his 6th house of health and work, to be joined by tr Saturn from 2019 – so either he’s taking on a shedload of new chores or he’ll be facing health problems. He does look very buoyed up and high profile on the career front in 2021 but there’s no saying what that will involve.

His relationship with Charles which is competitive, argumentative and ratchety will be more separated in 2018/19; and is unsettled enough this year. Ditto with Camilla. Kate and William have grave doubts about him at an underlying level with composite Mars Neptune Saturn Jupiter in their respective relationship charts; and will be pulling steadily away from any thoughts of closer contact.

Princess Beatrice, struggling to set up her own business in between social outings is on her first Saturn return this year, which might well mature her. Though she’s facing a discouraging 2018 with tr Saturn opposition her Venus Moon, conjunct her Neptune and square her 2nd house Mars – which doesn’t look uplifting financially or emotionally. And indeed will face a crisis of direction and failure come late 2018, and grind to a halt in 2019. Though she might find a suitable partner and marry between 2019 and 2021.

There’s not much good feeling between herself and Prince Charles at the best of times and the gulf is widening late this year and sagging in 2018/19. Ditto Camilla. There’ll also be ruptures with the Duchess of Cambridge in the three years ahead, ditto William.

Princess Eugenie, has a problematic family 4th house with tr Pluto wading its way through for many years ahead, being in a conjunction to her Saturn in 2020/21; and indeed tr Saturn joins tr Pluto there from 2019 through till 2021. So all in all, the family does not look happy. And she has her Solar Arc Saturn conjunct her 5th house Moon by 2019 which won’t be singing and dancing.

None of her relationships with the senior Royals look exactly chirpy over the next few years. So I’d think Prince Andrew is whistling into the wind on this one.

John McCain – Senate stalwart battling on

John McCain, Arizona senator and chairman of the Armed Services Committee is recovering after surgery to remove a blood clot in his brain. There are concerns his recovery may take longer than expected. He has a history of malignant melanomas, the most recent in a location near the eye which had been causing him problems.

He was a prisoner of war in Vietnam for five and a half years, badly injured and severely tortured.

He has a successful (especially in later life) Jupiter in his 10th which is square his Virgo Sun and trine Mars in Leo, so despite being pushed past his breaking point by the Vietcong, he’ll always have harboured a nugget of optimism inside about the future. He’ll be 81 this September so it’s a miracle he’s done as well as he has given the ordeal he went through.

Tr Uranus is square his Pluto this year suggesting a significant change of lifestyle; and what is minorly worrisome is that the early August Lunar Eclipse will be exactly in opposition to his 6th house Mars; and the late January 2018 Lunar Eclipse is conjunct his Mars. He’ll be lower in energy and enthusiasm with tr Neptune square his Jupiter in 2018. He may not feel like battling on with his old vigour, but hopefully will be around pitching in his contribution for a while yet.

His victim/healer 12th Harmonic and his grittily-persevering 16H both have Saturn Mars Pluto tied together, so he’s got courage in the face of brutality. His 17H is even more marked suggesting his influence will live on.

R Kelly – grim childhood fuels success & problems


R Kelly, the most successful R&B singer of the past 25 years has added another scandal (hotly denied) to his resume, after several parents allegedly reported they hadn’t seen their daughters in months and that he was holding them in an “abusive cult”.

A Buzz Feed report accuses the singer of brainwashing women, who got closer to him in an effort to boost their musical careers. That included rules about what they could eat and wear, when to bath and sleep and how to engage in sexual encounters recorded by him. In 2008, he was acquitted of 14 charges of making child pornography after a videotape emerged allegedly showing him having sex with a 14-year-old girl.

Born 8 January 1967 in Chicago, he grew up with a single mother and a house full of women and was sexually abused by a woman 10 years older than him, which left him ashamed he said in his autobiography. He’s certainly got a heavyweight chart. His Capricorn Sun is in an assertive square to Mars in Libra and trine Uranus Pluto in Virgo and trine a Taurus North Node; with Uranus Pluto opposition Saturn almost certainly squaring onto a Sagittarius Moon. Such a focal point Moon will point to a public career but he’ll be controlling, unpredictable, emotionally chaotic, highly ambitious and quite aggressive.  (Check wiki for his previous brushes with the law).

He’s under huge pressure at the moment with tr Pluto conjunct his Sun and square his Mars, exact now till early September and again in November. Plus tr Saturn square his Uranus and Saturn, possibly conjunct his Moon till late this year. And his Solar Arc Venus will conjunct his Saturn and oppose his Uranus either 2017 or 2018, so emotionally stressed.

He’ll no doubt bounce back and it probably won’t harm his street cred. But worrisome that he’s an icon for a good many fans.

Garbine Muguruza – a force to be reckoned with


The Women’s Wimbledon Champion is Garbine Muguruza, a Venezuelan-born Spanish player, who won last year’s French Open, beating Serena Williams in the second round; and is currently ranked No 5.

She started playing tennis at 3 and turned pro in 2012 when she was 19.

She’s got a confident, enthusiastic Sun Jupiter in Libra trine Saturn in meticulous Aquarius, and square highly-strung Uranus Neptune in Capricorn. Her Venus in Virgo trines Uranus Neptune, sextiling onto Pluto; and Pluto is in an unyielding square to Saturn. Plus a fierce Mars Mercury in Scorpio. Her playing style is explosive, aggressive with a powerful and very fast serve.

Her ‘obsessive’ and can-be fanatical 11th Harmonic is exceptionally strong; as is her 5H and her ultra-determined 8H. Her IIH and 8H tie together Mars Pluto and Saturn, so she gives no hostages to fortune.

Despite her upbeat, optimistic Sun Jupiter in Libra, she looks quite a tough nut and will attract strong responses from others not always favourable. But barring injury, she certainly looks likely to last.

Jodie Whittaker – lady Time Lord enchants and irks fans



Dr Who fans are split between jubilation and outrage at the news that actress Jodie Whittaker will take over the role of the sci-fi time lord Dr Who in the next TV series when Peter Capaldi steps down at the end of this year. She’ll be the 13th reincarnation of the ever-changing time traveller, who has a massive and vocal cult following.

The BBC series first launched at 6.15pm on 23 November 1963 with a 5th house Sagittarius (much travelled) Sun and mysterious Neptune also in the entertaining 5th. Jupiter in Aries in the 10th points to success especially after time; and there’s a pushing-the-boundaries, on-the-leading-edge Uranus Pluto conjunction square Mercury. Mars Venus are the other two planets in adventuring Sagittarius; and there’s a Saturn Moon in scientific Aquarius which sit in Sagittarius’s natural house the 9th.

Jodie Whittaker, 3 June 1982, has a solid career behind her on stage, TV and film – Broadchurch most recently and also other sci-fi dramas. She’s a Sun Mercury in Gemini with Uranus and Neptune in Sagittarius. So her Uranus is conjunct the Dr Who Sun for a radical change. Her Mars in Libra aspects her Mercury and Uranus, so she’ll be sparky and with Saturn Pluto conjunct also tough; plus she has an indulgent sociable Venus in Taurus opposition Jupiter (Moon) in Scorpio. Quite a mix of light and shade. Tr Uranus will oppose her Jupiter from mid 2018 for several months for an enthusiasm bounce; and conjunct her Venus in 2019 – so an exciting time. She’s certainly looking energised and upbeat from now till early September and again in November.

Bernie Sanders – on a slippery slope downhill


A major Democratic donor has been pushing to get Bernie Sanders back into the race for 2020, saying his fight against inequality is the only that matters. But an investigation into a land deal done by his wife in 2010, according to the NY Times, “is threatening to take some of the luster off the senator’s populist appeal, attaching the phrase “bank fraud” to the biography of a politician practically sainted on the left for his stands against “millionaires and billionaires.” His supporters say it’s a politically motivated and a conspiracy, but it will bring unwelcome publicity all the same.

Born 8 September 1941 12.27pm, New York (time is astrotheme so questionable), he has a Virgo Sun square Jupiter in Gemini, which is being undermined by tr Neptune opposition in 2018; and square Jupiter in 2020. And by 2019 he’s also picked up the trapped, enraging tr Pluto square his Mars for two years. His Solar Arc Neptune is also square his Sun in 2020.So not looking good.

Maryam Mirzakhani – leading edge thinker gone too young


Maryam Mirzakhani, the first woman and Iranian to receive the prestigious Fields Medal for mathematics for her work on complex geometry and dynamical systems, has died in the US of cancer aged 40. Born in Teheran on 3 May 1977, she moved to do post grad at Harvard and was married to a Czech theoretical computer scientist and mathematician with a daughter.

She had an extraordinary and very high pressure chart with her Taurus Sun Mercury opposition inventive Uranus (Moon) in Scorpio square Saturn in Leo – so had perseverance in spades and sudden flashes of insight, and she would want to build a reputation with Saturn in Leo. She also had an inspirational Fire Grand Trine of Saturn trine Venus Mars in Aries trine Neptune in Sagittarius, formed into a Kite by Venus (Mars) opposition Pluto – so ultra-determined and influential, pushing back the boundaries of knowledge with that Pluto. Neptune oddly enough is often found emphasised in the charts of high-level mathematicians. Plus a Yod of Pluto sextile Neptune inconjunct her Sun – so an outsider who found her niche and mission in life.

Those configurations which dominated her chart – a Fixed T Square, Kite  and Yod – had moved by Solar Arc to collide four years ago when she was diagnosed with breast cancer which spread to her bones. Her Solar Arc Mars was opposition her Uranus in 2013, moving on to square her Saturn and then conjunct her Sun last year. Her Neptune was also under assault from Solar Arc Saturn and Uranus, so it would be a truly punishing few years.

Her 5th Harmonic (quintiles) was strong. It indicates an ability to see the connectedness in what initially seems disjointed, forging links; and is associated with the mind and its ability to construct, arrange, put together.

A sad loss for someone so young and so talented.