Japan quake tsunami – a Jupiterian disaster

Japan has issued a major tsunami warning after a 7.6 magnitude earthquake struck the coastal Noto area with residents being order to evacuate to higher ground. Waves which could be as high as 5 metres will hit the coast after 6.30pm local time (9.30/10 am GMT).

  The recent late October Lunar Eclipse had Pluto on the IC for this region hinting at problems ahead. The Taurus Full Moon fell across the 1st/7th houses and tr Jupiter has now closed the conjunction to the eclipsed Full Moon to exact as it goes direct today. So much for Jupiterian luck. It has an uncomfortably large presence at disasters, amplifying bad as well as good.

 The Japan country chart, 11 February 1889 10.44am Tokyo, has a panicky tr Neptune conjunct its Mars exactly at the moment. And tr Uranus square the midpoint of the central Sun Saturn opposition for a high tension jolt. Plus Tr Pluto conjunct the Midheaven hinting at the need for a rethink of visioning of future direction. Often when countries are undergoing major changes there is a symbolic disaster which precedes/accompanies and mirrors the internal shift.

Sian Philips – a dramatic life with few regrets

  The effortlessly elegant Sian Phillips, now 90 years old, has been opening up about her life and marriage to Peter O’Toole on the eve of a new Welsh documentary celebrating her remarkable life and career. Her most notable role was in I, Claudius playing the murderous Empress Livia, but others such as playing Clementine Churchill and starring opposite Alec Guinness in Tinker Tailor Soldier Spy are equally memorable.

  What is extraordinary is that she had to put her career on hold for two decades since O’Toole could not cope with a successful working wife. Eventually his drinking drove her to the brink and she had an affair to force him to let her go. He never spoke to her again.

  She was born 14 May 1933 and is a charming Sun Venus in Taurus with her Sun in a downbeat square to Saturn and her Venus square a showbizzy Mars Neptune in Virgo. Her Moon is probably Capricorn.

  Her Sun Venus was conjunct O’Toole’s Ascendant so she was an asset for his image and it had the potential to be a positive bond. Her Moon may also have been on his Midheaven. Born 2 August 1932 12.20 am Leeds, England, he had a domestically-controlling Pluto on his IC in an unpredictable square to a 12th house Uranus. He had a New Moon in Leo in his 4th opposition a 10th house Saturn making him rigid in his attitudes as he battled self-doubt, which no doubt contributed to his drinking. His rages were evidently volcanic.

  He sounds a touch like Paul Newman who had an Aquarius Sun square a 10th house Saturn and who also pulled his talented wife Joanne Woodward back from the career she might have had.

 Sian Phillips relationship chart with O’Toole had a prominent composite Mars opposition Saturn which occurs in relationships where only one partner is allowed to be assertive and have an identity. The other has to submit causing festering resentment. Similarly Paul Newman and Joanne Woodward’s relationship chart had a composite Mars Saturn square. Both these relationships also had yods, bringing a fated/meant quality to the connection.

  Sian Phillips went on to marry Robin Sachs, 5 February 1951, who was 19 years younger and it lasted for a decade. His Aquarius Sun was conjunct her Saturn with his Pluto in opposition – so a tough match. His Pluto was also square her Sun. She said later that marriage was not her thing and she had been hasty rushing into it.

  Looking back she said she was scared of O’Toole but would probably do it again if she had the chance.

  A lovely, talented actress with presence.

Iran – pushing the west out of the Middle East

Iran is deemed to be behind the guerilla war in the Middle East aimed at Israel and its protectors – funding Hezbollah in the Lebanon, the Houthis in Yemen on the Red Sea and the Revolutionary Guard in Syria. The ultimate aim is to drive Americans out of the Middle East and break the Abraham Accords which was aimed at normalizing relations between Israel and several Middle Eastern countries.

  There are two Iran charts – of the first parliamentary democracy 7 October 1906 and the Revolutionary Iran 1 February 1979 9am Teheran. I have never been too struck by either chart – but their relationships with the USA work well enough in terms of tensions and events.

  The 1979 Revolutionary Iran does have a tr Uranus opposition = mid life crisis – at the moment into early 2025 which can lead to impulsive decisions. A confident push from tr Pluto opposition the Jupiter shows up in 2025/26, with increasing tensions and arguments until tr Pluto is conjunct the Mars by late decade for a dead-halt.

  The 1906 chart is showing little until a financial upset in 2025 – and disappointment from 2027 onwards.

  The USA relationship charts with both hint at rising tensions through 2023 with more uncertainty and concern in 2024 and a major upheaval in 2025.

  The Israel relationship charts with both indicate much the same with the ruptures with Iran widening from July 2024 and after, into 2025 and beyond.

  I was searching for an earlier Iran chart since it is an ancient country with a long history. The Safavid dynasty is often considered the beginning of modern Iranian history.  Some historians credit it for founding the modern nation-state of Iran. Wiki have a date of 22 December 1501 which may be there or thereabouts and to be treated with caution as a date. That chart has a late Sagittarius Sun which fits with Hamas’s Sagittarius heavy chart in the last decan; and also a ruthless Mars in Taurus opposition Pluto in Scorpio which keys into Hezbollah’s chart.

It has more of a feel of a warlike nation and that chart did resonate to both the 1980 earthquake and the Iran-Iraq War.  It will be rattled up from mid 2024 with tr Uranus conjunct the Mars.

  As will Hezbollah’s, 16 February 1985, who have to date being held in reserve, partly it is thought as a protection for Iran itself if the conflict widens. Hezbollah’s Aquarius Sun square Saturn in Scorpio both at 27 degrees catches the aftermath of the Mars Uranus Algol in July 2024 and into the following month will be propelled into action.

  Joe Biden has his Mars exactly on the Descendant relocated to Teheran so it is one of his “hot” possible warzones and tr Uranus will oppose his Scorpio Sun next August as well.

  It is all brewing up to be an exceptionally volatile summer in 2024.

EU – a colossus stumbling through thick fog

Whither the EU in 2024? – if only they knew. With the chief economic-driver Germany faltering and the other lead country France floundering, there is a sense of disarray and lack of resolution about how to tackle the economic slowdown.

  Neptune abounds in various charts – square the EU Midheaven at 29 Gemini, opposition the France Virgo Sun, denting Ursula von der Leyen the commission president’s hopes. Her start chart and that of Germany’s Olaf Scholz were both Sun square Neptune administrations which is never a hopeful sign for constructive progress. Emmanuel Macron’s 2nd term likewise started on a Mars Neptune conjunction. Sea fogs, swamps and illusory, unrealistic hopes all round.  

  The EU chart, 31 December 1957, in addition to a confused and dithery tr Neptune square the late Gemini Midheaven, has a car-crash SA Midheaven square its Mars which is being dragged down by tr Saturn through into February 2025; with massive pressure for change being exerted by the Solar Arc Pluto conjunct the North Node in Scorpio at the moment. Scorpio Nodes are famously reluctant to allow changes to take place since they involve letting go, burning old bridges and adopting a radically new outlook in future. Which would not be an easy task for as unwieldy a body as the EU.

 The ECB (central bank), 1 January 1999, has a confused/devastating tr Pluto conjunct the Neptune picking up in February 2024 and running on and off till late 2025. Plus a jolting, high-tension Solar Arc Saturn and tr Uranus square the North/South Node axis in coming months, which is a particularly sensitive point, having flagged up at the 2008 collapse.

  Christine Lagarde, President of the ECB, has a calamitous road ahead with disruptions, upheavals and major setbacks through the next this year and next.

  The Germany 1 January 1871 chart is logjammed with tr Pluto in a frustrating, trapped trine to the Mars continuing through this year from last. With a can-be-devastating SA Pluto opposition the 7th house Neptune almost exact now and in coming months, hinting at relationship problems. And there is an uncertain, panicky tr Neptune Saturn in Aries opposition the Germany Mars and square Saturn in 2025 and 2026. Nothing that will sort quickly.

 Berlin is grappling with a budget crisis after the top court ruled that the government broke the law by using Covid cash to fund net zero spending. House prices have suffered double-digit declines. Problems have been compounded by a slow transition away from cheap Russian gas, which analysts believe will continue to hold back Germany’s recovery next year. Manufacturing is weak, with lower Chinese demand.

France, 21 September 1792 3.30pm has a discouraging tr Pluto square Saturn continuing on from last year until December 2024. Tr Neptune opposes the France Sun from May 2024 on and off till January 2026 which will be disappointing and confused. With employment and other losses from tr Pluto conjunct the Jupiter/Saturn midpoint in 2024/25.

But much more crucial and to be watched for – the France revolutionary T square of Uranus opposition Pluto in Aquarius square Mars (MC) in Scorpio is being severely jolted/activated. not only by tr Uranus in Taurus rattling up all three ends of the T square from April 2024 through till April 2025. But also by the Solar Arc Sun square the France Uranus and Pluto, exact late 2024 into early 2025. All of that will be massively unsettling, disruptive and could be violent.

 Emmanuel Macron is struggling badly with thoughts that he may bale or be ousted in a confidence vote before the end of his term in 2027 with unfixable immigration problems and hostility to any suggestion of public sector cutbacks. All of which might let in Marine Le Pen who looks to be on a successful roll from 2026.

  The intriguing astrological question for the time ahead is Germany’s relationship with the EU which is fraying at the edges through this coming year and moving into a complete volte face in 2025/6/7 with tr Pluto opposition the composite Uranus square Mars and conjunct the Moon. It would be difficult to see Germany exiting but there will be an almighty battle to change the rules and come to a different understanding within the EU framework.  France looks at odds with Germany for the next two or three years; and keen to upend certain strictures this year – but nothing like as fraught as the Germany/EU bond. Interesting times.

China 2024 – a limping dragon short on cash

China’s power-house economy is creaking with a mounting debt crisis hitting the property sector and local governments; and export earnings post-pandemic showing disappointing returns. There are doubts about whether the old playbook of credit-financed investment and monetary stimulus will be wise because of the weakness of the renminbi.

  The 1 January 1912 China country chart has been undergoing a sizeable upheaval since 2022 with tr Pluto conjunct the Uranus which has just completed its two year run though the after effects will run on. 2024 will see tr Uranus conjunct the Moon and Mars and oppose the financial Venus from April throughout the rest of the year which will bring sudden jolts and shocks, hasty reactions and some alarm – these run on into April 2025.  Tr Neptune is also square the Mercury opposition Pluto which will bring a degree of panic and confusion covered over by lies and deception.

 The Bank of China has been downgraded as the central party has taken over more of the money decisions but its chart is still flagging high-anxiety from May 2024, worsening as tr Neptune Saturn in Aries in 2025 squares the normally ebullient Mars Jupiter – and SA Neptune adds a larger dollop of woe in 2026/27. So it is showing no signs of a quick recovery.

 Xi Jinping’s 3rd term chart from 23 October 2022 is under heavy pressure to change with tr Pluto square the Sun through 2024 with high levels of panic about failures at the moment into mid February 2024. Possibly more relevant is his presidential start chart of 15 November 2012 which sees a jolting tr Uranus opposing the Scorpio Sun in the second half of May 2024 followed by tr Uranus opposition the North Node at 26 Scorpio in that troubled July 2024 Mars Uranus Algol patch.  Plus it has the panicky-failure tr Neptune square the Mars in April 2024, September to mid October 2024 and February 2025. Plus another Neptunian balloon-bursting, enthusiasm-denting Solar Arc by 2026.

 His personal chart is also flagging up 2026 as a disaster year with his SA Saturn Neptune opposition his Mars.

On international relationships:-

With USA a foot-dragging, edgy year ahead.

With Russia – confusion and disappointment extending into 2025/6.

India – a relationship under pressure, with uncertainty with hints of relief by July 2024 though more angst through 2025.

Saudi – high hopes may disappear into the sand by 2025.

EU – fractious in the extreme in 2025 and heavy challenges through 2024.

Gypsy Rose Blanchard – a messed up life

Gypsy Rose Blanchard, a Munchausen-by-proxy victim, who was jailed for her complicity in killing her abusive mother Dee Dee, has been released after serving eight years in prison. She spent her childhood with her head shaved, pumped full of drugs, posing as a wheelchair-bound invalid suffering from leukaemia and muscular dystrophy. She was fed medications that caused her to lose her teeth and was forced to undergo unnecessary surgeries on her eyes and salivary glands while cashing in with charity handouts and perks including a free trip to Disney World. When doctors raised red flags, Dee Dee relocated to Missouri where she got a home built for free, courtesy of Habitat for Humanity and told everyone that Gypsy’s medical notes were destroyed in Hurricane Katrina.

 Eventually in an effort to escape 24 year old Gypsy persuaded her autistic boyfriend to kill her mother. Gypsy was born 27 July 1991 11.12 am Raceland, Louisiana and has a Leo Sun conjunct Chiron opposition Saturn in Aquarius. Her 5th house Aquarius Moon opposes Jupiter squaring onto a 2nd house Pluto. A disruptive-homelife Uranus Neptune in her 4th is trine Venus Mars in Virgo in her 12th.

  I must confess I was expecting a starker chart than this.  The Moon Jupiter Pluto certainly suggests a controlling/possessive, drama queen mother. And her childhood home looks chaotic and off-the-wall with Uranus Neptune in the 4th; and a 12th house Venus Mars suggests an affection-deficiency as well as buried anger. Chiron close to the Sun would bring loneliness and low-self-esteem, exacerbated by the Saturn opposition.  So there are hints of her bizarre and damaging childhood but not a strong indication of what was effectively torture.

  Dee Dee Blanchard, 3 May 1967 no birth time, was a Sun Taurus trine Uranus Pluto in Virgo with a Pisces Moon. Her Venus in Gemini was trine Mars square Uranus Pluto and inconjunct Neptune, so emotionally unsettled with contradictory and erratic reactions. Her Saturn in forced-to-be-self-reliant and hard edged Aries was unaspected, bar a wide opposition to Mars, hinting at a disordered life.

  Her Sun fell in Gypsy’s 8th, her Saturn on Gypsy’s Descendant and her Pluto Uranus in Gypsy’s 12th – a deep, entangled connection, with empathy lacking and psychologically damaging.  

  Their relationship chart had a composite Sun opposition a delusional Neptune square a competitive and publicity-seeking Mars. Confusion was writ large in their connection with an underlying fear that only one individual’s needs could be fulfilled. There may also have been a yod of Venus sextile Mars inconjunct Moon – which sounds likely – again pointing to emotional disorganisation.

  Gypsy Rose Blanchard has stepped out into a blizzard of publicity with promises of a reality show and a new husband whom she married when inside.  Fans can look forward to her TikTok page – with 400,000-plus followers – and her new eBook, Released: Conversations on the Eve of Freedom.

  Not the best way to heal from her ordeal and it won’t be an easy road ahead with tr Pluto opposing her Chiron this year and then her conjunct her Saturn and opposition her Sun through till 2027.

India – economy succeeds, democracy suffers

India is forecast to become the world’s third $10 trillion economy in 2035 in a geopolitical shift from two superpowers – USA and China – to three. PM Narendra Modi up for election in April/May is expected to win because of his economic reforms but is criticised for his autocratic administration and attack on India’s secular values, discriminating against Muslims, cracking down on rivals and curtailing civil society including journalists.

  Infrastructure building has taken off during his premiership since 2014 a doubling of airports to 149; metro lines tripled; medical colleges doubled. Despite troubling allegations of assassinations of Sikh separatists abroad and buying discounted Russian oil, he is forging a strong relationship with Joe Biden as the US looks for alternative trading and diplomatic partners to China. And he appears to be willing and able to tap dance amongst world leaders, even those at odds with one another.  On Israel – he is a key partner with technology and has a shared right-wing nationalist world view with Netanyahu while supporting aid to Gaza and pushing for a two-state solution. He takes a harder stance against China, because of a long-running border dispute.

  The election will be in April/May when tr Uranus is square the India Leo Sun which might suggest a change and tr Uranus is also square his BJP’s party chart which could suggest an upheaval as well. But no one seriously thinks he can lose and Rahul Gandhi, the opposition Congress politician has tr Neptune square his Gemini Sun suggesting a disappointing result.

 The Reserve Bank of India, 1 April 1935, does have tr Pluto square its Uranus this year but that could be a turnaround for the good as well as the opposite and a lucky/relieved tr Uranus opposition Jupiter in late April/early May around election time. It does look less stressed than other key central bank charts.

  Where there will be a few financial setbacks will be by 2025 when tr Neptune and Saturn in Aries square the India country Mars, and even before then as both square the Uranus/Mars midpoint which could suggest that high financial hopes don’t materialise as quickly as mooted.

  But for all that with tr Jupiter moving across the India Ascendant from June 2024 for a year ahead there will be a resurgence of confidence and enthusiasm. And tr Uranus moving across the Ascendant in 2025 onwards suggests an India flexing its muscle to go its own way and not care about the consequences.

 Narendra Modi has no birth time and some questionmarks over the date but on 17 September 1950 he is a serious Sun, Saturn, Mercury in Virgo with a tough, ruthless Pluto square Mars in Scorpio which in turn squares Jupiter – which fits a pragmatic autocrat. Tr Uranus will oppose his Mars from June 2024 which could rattle his composure but since his Mars its tied into his Jupiter, it could also prompt him into taking opportunistic and adventurous risks. That runs on and off into 2025 when he will be the recipient of more good luck.

 His first prime ministerial stint started 26 May 2014 6.13pm with a high-octane Cardinal Grand Cross of Mars opposition Uranus square Pluto opposition Jupiter – forceful, explosive, an initiator and reformer and not backwards about putting his foot down. There is nothing much to suggest he’ll topple off his perch instantly. Though he will start running into headwinds come 2026 onwards as tr Saturn in Aries starts to hard aspect his initial premiership Grand Cross.

Photo of a grand temple of Lord Ram, worshipped by millions of Hindus, will open in January in northern India at a site believed to be his birthplace, fulfilling a promise from the ruling party in a location that was a flashpoint for Hindu-Muslim violence. The site was bitterly contested for decades with both Hindus and Muslims laying claim to it. A Hindu mob destroyed the mosque in 1992, triggering riots that killed about 2,000 people across India, most of them Muslims.

Building a Ram temple at the site has been a central, campaign theme of Prime Minister Narendra Modi’s Hindu nationalist Bharatiya Janata Party (BJP) for more than three decades.

Delors & Schauble – EU architects now gone

Two Titans of the EU have died. Jacques Delors,  who led the EU Commission from 1985 to 1995, promoted an unashamedly federalist, centralising agenda and presided over the Single European Act in 1987; and the Maastricht Treaty. From 1985 to 1995, he was the high priest of “ever closer union” – including the adoption of the single market and the creation of the euro. ‘The EU is so much his creation that one of Delors’s biographers called it “the house that Jacques built”.’

  Along the way he fought vigorously with Margaret Thatcher and his policies arguably did a great deal to bring about her downfall.  

  The other is Wolfgang Schauble, the German statesman, an indispensable assistant to Helmut Kohl and Angela Merkel, who charted the German response to the collapse of eastern European communism in 1989, designed road maps for closer EU integration in the 1990s and crafted emergency measures to save Europe’s monetary union after 2010.

 Jacques Delors 20 July 1925 12.30pm Paris, France, had a Cancer New Moon in his career 10th alongside a ‘leadership’ North Node in Leo and Mars also in Leo. Plus a visionary, idealistic Venus, Neptune, Mercury in Leo in his 11th. His pushily-confident Jupiter opposition Pluto clashed badly with Maggie’s similarly forceful Jupiter opposition Pluto and it also squared her Sun Mars. Their relationship chart had a competitive composite Sun Mars conjunction, a oneupmanhship-struggling Jupiter opposition Pluto and an outspoken Mercury opposition Uranus.

 Delors’ leaving-a-legacy-for-history 17th harmonic is exceptionally strong with a pulling-together-opposites Saturn opposition Uranus square a successful Sun Jupiter; as well as a do-or-die determined Mars opposition Pluto square Venus. His vision was railroaded through against bitter hostility.

  Wolfgang Schauble 18 September 1942 11.45 am Freiburg im Breisgau, was a softer temperament with an intuitive Sun Neptune conjunction in Virgo conjunct Mars in Libra; a good-for-PR Venus in his 10th; and a financially astute and inventive Saturn in his 8th conjunct Uranus.

  His 17th harmonic was also strong, hooking him into the zeitgeist, the spirit of his time.

UK 2024 – there is sunshine ahead, just not yet

Careering towards a general election with no great enthusiasm for either of the top two choices, the UK is no less confused and uncertain than elsewhere.

  This will be due in part to the lacklustre, indecisive Solar Arc Sun square the UK Neptune exact now and fading over coming months. But change is coming for good or ill once Neptune’s sea-fog is blown away by tr Pluto trine the UK Uranus from late February 2024, repeating on and off till late 2025. That influence runs alongside tr Pluto opposing the UK 10th house Jupiter which should bring a surge of confidence and enthusiasm with a renewed push for success.

  2024 is the year for a UK Nodal Return bringing a reevaluation of partnerships since the North Node falls in the 7th house of close relationships.  It was crucially upended at Brexit so there may be a revisitation of an adjusted EU relationship post the split. It will never be reversed but there could be more cooperation. Though with the Progressed Moon going through the 12th house till late 2025 it will continue to be a time of endings and introspection rather than a leap-ahead into a brave new future.

 Transiting and Solar Arc Uranus remain the key influences. Tr Uranus is square the UK 11th house Saturn bringing shock changes to the UK legislature? Or a shift in forward hopes. It hits once May 12 to 28 in 2024 and again December 20 to March 16 2025.  Which may or may not be a hint about the House of Lords. But the really consequential aspect remains the SA Uranus conjunct the 8th house Mars in Taurus which comes exact in late 2024/early 2025. Transiting Uranus is still moving through the UK’s 8th house of deeper transformations, joint finances and sexuality (2020 to 2027) which was always going to be roller coaster on the international and business finance front.

  When tr Uranus crossed the Mars in 2021/22 it was the anniversary of the previous Uranus in Taurus in 1938 as WW11 approached and before that 1853 when the UK along with France declared war on Russia over the Crimea. In 1853 as well there was a cholera outbreak in London which killed 10,000.

  The UK deeply buried 8th house Mars tends to stir up a volcanic eruption of accidents or anger when it is triggered. When tr Pluto in Scorpio opposed the UK Mars in 1987/88 – there was a relentless stream of disasters – Hungerford mass shooting, Zebrugge Ferry sinking, IRA bombs various, Kings Cross fire, Piper Alpha rig explosion, Lockerbie plane crash, Prince Charles equerry killed in skiing accident, Clapham Rail crash.  Maggie Thatcher was elected for the 3rd time and the Channel Tunnel was started – no noticeable economic fall out. Admittedly Pluto will have brought a more destructive effect to bear on the Mars than Solar Arc Uranus will – but there is still likely to be a key event or events of a highly unsettling nature.

  The Bank of England chart, 27 July 1694 JC, like elsewhere globally is logjammed through 2024 with tr Pluto trine the Mars; and extremely anxious and uncertain from April 2024 into 2025 with tr Neptune square the Saturn. That undermining Neptune transit along with tr Saturn continues on to square the BoE Venus for a downbeat 2025. But a recovery looks likely with a confidence surge and a mighty push forward in 2026 and onwards from tr Pluto square the Jupiter/Pluto midpoint and then the Jupiter in following years. Which timeline coincides with tr Uranus exiting the UK’s 8th house of joint finances so financial stability if not an outright improvement may return.

  PM Rishi Sunak, 12 May 1980, will be rattled by tr Uranus conjunct his Taurus Sun mid March to early April and then opposition his Uranus in May 2024. That is when the Conservative Party chart, 9 May 1912, is also in a disruptive phase with tr Uranus and SA Uranus both conjunct the Sun/Saturn midpoint. Which may or may not be a spring election. But the Tory Party chart will continue to be undermined by tr Neptune square the Pluto through 2024 and SA Uranus conjunct the Saturn in 2025/6 – a longish phase of instability and major pressures for change. The April Solar Eclipse is also exactly opposition Rishi Sunak’s Pluto in Libra, bringing heightened tension.  And now that I look the Tory Party is also on a Nodal Return – much rethinking of direction and objectives.

 The UK are not that enamoured of Rishi Sunak, though oddly they may prefer him to Keir Starmer. Which does not mean Starmer could not get elected this year and rapidly become seriously disliked since his relationship chart with the UK has a strongly hostile Mars Pluto aspect as did Tony Blair. But Starmer is certainly going nowhere good – even in the short term with a disappointed Progressed Mars square his Neptune over coming months; and two cataclysmic Solar Arcs by 2025/26 – SA Mars conjunct his Sun, Pluto and SA Sun Pluto conjunct his Neptune. He is by no means a slamdunk even for a an early 2024 election though he does have one faintly upbeat popularity surge from now till mid March 2024.

  His leadership chart, 4 April 2020 10.45am is facing an aggravated uphill slog over the next three years with setbacks galore.

  I am not overly fond of political party charts but for what it is worth the LP 12 February 1906 chart will be rattled by the late March Lunar Eclipse opposing its Mars with an all-systems change tr Uranus square the Venus Sun in May 2025. But it is heading for a roadblock of considerable proportions by 2025 with the SA Sun Venus conjunct the Pluto. And 2027 to 2029 looks like a downhill slide.

 The LP 27 February 1900 chart is having a Saturnine year in 2024; some shocks in 2025 and setbacks in 2027.

 The Liberal Democrats, 3 March 1988, upbeat through 202/23 with tr Pluto square the Jupiter looks completely trapped now and on for a few months with nothing about undermining Neptune’s entry into Aries in 2025 which will suit it through till late decade.

Throw them all into the Thames and start again – I wish