Nigel Farage is understandably ebullient about the Brexit Party in the UK taking first place in the European elections and getting voluble about repeating the trouncing of other parties at a General Election. Though standing back it’s obvious that the UK is no clearer about what it wants with the Lib Dems and Greens combined (mainly Remainers/pro second voters) easing ahead of no-deal Brexiters as results are counted. And Scotland indicating a resounding no to Brexit. The Tories and Labour both paid the penalty of fence sitting.
In Europe itself the far-right didn’t make as much headway as the doom and gloom merchants had expected; and although the two traditional left and right blocs lost, the pro-EU parties held ground with Greens and Liberals making gains.
Farage, 3 April 1964 Farnborough, England 4.30pm (from memory) doesn’t have anything too startling showing on his chart apart from tr Jupiter opposition his Solar Arc Jupiter which is upbeat but very mild.
Where he starts to sag badly is from mid August to late September and again February 2020 tr Neptune conjunct his Mars/Saturn which Ebertin describes as ‘waning powers, a grievous loss’ – which may be the campaign finance question rearing their head or another of his shoot-himself-in-the-foot moments to which he’s prone. Then into 2020 from April onwards, he picks up more Neptune and that runs on in various forms until 2023 which all looks swampy. Late this August to early November he does have a bullishly confident tr Pluto square his Sun/Jupiter midpoint though that can also bring tangles with authority over rules transgressions.
We don’t seem to have budged an inch in three years.