Jeffrey Epstein – possible fallout ** ++

Jeffrey Epstein has died in an apparent suicide in prison in New York. Given that he was on suicide watch from a previous attempt last week, it’ll set the conspiracy theorists off on a rampage of speculation. But he did have the cornered and defeated Solar Arc Mars square his Pluto on his chart this year which can crop up for suicides; plus a raft of Neptunian sinkers. See post 7 July 2019.

No one else has been charged and all the high profile names dragged into the spotlight deny robustly any involvement in his underage sex crimes and trafficking. Of those at the top of the list Ghislaine Maxwell looks most upbeat at the moment with a confident and lucky tr Pluto conjunct her Sun/Jupiter till late this month and returning in November for a few weeks. But she’ll run into a catastrophic tr Uranus opposition her Mars/Pluto late September into October and repeating in early 2020. With a trapped and scary tr Pluto square her Mars/Node from January 2020 on and off till late 2021 and a seriously disruptive and high-risk Solar Arc Mars opposition her Uranus late 2020/21. See post July 8 2019

Prince Andrew looks to be facing disaster at the moment till late this month and again November/December with considerable challenges to his reputation and direction in life and career from early 2020 through 2021. See post July 12 2019.

Bill Clinton, who is also facing the prospect of a Monica Lewinsky expose, looks panicky and uncertain at the moment with tr Neptune square his Solar Arc Mars; his Solar Arc Moon is in a depressing conjunction to his Saturn, exact within a few weeks; and he has a seriously disruptive and high-tension tr Uranus square his Saturn late December into February 2020 as the same time as tr Uranus opposes Hillary’s Scorpio Sun. Birth time of 8.51 am being accurate he also has an undermining tr Neptune opposition his Solar Arc Midheaven this year and then tr Neptune in a highly-strung square to his Uranus in 2021.

Alan Dershowitz, whose denials have been more vociferous than most, looks muddled at the moment till late year but doesn’t face major headaches until 2021 when he has a couple of loss-making, disastrous influences.

It’s not possible to say how any of the above connect to Epstein and they may reflect other events ongoing in each of the individuals lives. But Ghislaine Maxwell certainly isn’t going to sail into the sunset in a contented glow.

What is truly extraordinary is how slippery, deeply corrupt Epstein – ‘without a moral compass’ – managed to slide out from under any official or even media scrutiny over four decades. He started as a teacher without any college qualifications, became a financial adviser without any obvious experience or qualifications. Recently businessman Leslie Wexner who years ago gave Epstein power of attorney over his money because he trusted him admitted that Epstein “misappropriated” more than $46 million of his wealth. Yet Wexner did nothing when the theft was discovered.

And below is detail of Epstein’s involvement in a Ponzi scheme which ripped money from ordinary people and further expanded his wealth. His partner got 18 years inside and Epstein got?? – off scot free. Nothing ever stuck – he had his own magic shield. NB: Sex offenders are often financial crooks as well.

Mark Acklom – a Gemini swindler


A fugitive conman and fraudster on the UK’s Most Wanted list has been finally convicted and jailed for five years and eight months at Bristol Crown Court yesterday. Mark Acklom had victims in three countries; put his father £110,000 in debt and stole £200,000 from his brothers. He had a long criminal history and is believed to have posted as an MI6 agent and banker to swindle a widow out of nearly £1 million of her savings during a year-long affair in 2012.

From an earlier July 3 2018 post:

Born 1 June 1973 in London, he started his crime spree early at 16 stealing his father’s American Express card and posing as a stockbroker to commit a £1m fraud that included obtaining a £446,168 mortgage on a house and hiring private jets. The judge described him as “utterly selfish and completely ruthless” and gave him four years in juvenile detention; and his poor parents had to sell their house to pay back his debts. Since then he’s been in prison three times in Spain. He is married with two daughters.

He has five planets in Gemini – Sun, Moon, Saturn, Venus and Mercury, and while it isn’t true of all Geminis, there is a decidedly shifty and slippery streak in some. His Sun is in an expansive trine to Jupiter, an evasive opposition to Neptune and is widely trine Pluto, for a hint of delusions of grandeur. His Saturn, Venus, Mercury are trine an innovative Uranus and in a risk-taking square to Mars in Pisces.

It a predominantly Air sign chart, so emotionally detached with an over-active mind that needs constant stimulation; and little sense of his physical needs so times of rest are crucial – prison must have given him a chance to recharge though I can’t imagine Spanish jails are exactly a spa.

His ‘creative’ 7th Harmonic is strong and entrepreneurial, though it can also point to mental imbalance. His 9H is very marked which is pleasure-seeking and common amongst fraudsters (Madoff, Ponzi etc). His self-defeating, highs-and-lows, wheel of fortune 10H is also heavily aspected. But the most notable is his 12H which is odd since it is supposed to be the victim/healer harmonic, neither of which seem to apply in his case. He sacrificed others to his greed rather than the other way round.

Five years doesn’t sound a long enough sentence and presumably will be out in under three for good behaviour. Though he looks very off balance and uncertain in 2021/22/23 with tr Neptune square his Ssturn, then Venus and Mercury.

Damian Hurley – not your standard upbringing

Damian Hurley renowned for being close to his mother model Liz Hurley has been giving a nod to her most famous Versace outfit with a fashion publicity pic of himself in a suit with huge safety pins. He followed it up by an Instagram outing of him in a provocative pose with his long flowing, androgynous hair down his bare back looking creepily like her.

He was born 4 April 2002 at 12.22pm London with his father American businessman Steve Bing initially denying paternity until it was proven. Damian recently fought through the courts to be included in his grandfather Peter Bing’s family trust as a grandchild and won. He was brought up partly with stepfather Indian tycoon Aruun Nayar and then Australian cricketer Shane Warne; and has as godfathers Hugh Grant, David Beckham, Elton John. A thoroughly showbiz baby.

He has an ambitious and suited-to-a-public-career 10th house Sun Mercury in Aries with a charming and fashionable Venus in Taurus also in his 10th as well as an ultra-determined Mars in Taurus. A full 10th house does suggest identification at least with mother’s ambitions if not with her appearance. His Sun is emphasised being on the point of a T Square to Jupiter opposition a Capricorn Moon and being on the focal point of a mini-Grand Trine of a 7th house Neptune trine Saturn in Gemini in the 11th – so  ego-centric,  confident to over-confident, inclined towards older friends; and has difficulty making friends and committed relationships. An attention-demanding, grandstanding Pluto in the performing 5th is in a bleak, stubborn opposition to Saturn. A Moon Jupiter mother tends to feed sweeties rather than emotional sustenance, so it’s superficial  nurturing.

He enjoys his own company with Jupiter in the 12th and will be a maverick with an 8th house Uranus square his Mars, so dislikes compromise. It’s a chart with potential for a showy career but finding a fulfilling personal life may be trickier.

It’s not, surprisingly, that close a match with his mother, 10 June 1965, since her Uranus Pluto squares his Saturn opposition Pluto, with her Mars square his Pluto – so rough edges and power struggles for the upper hand in there. Her Scorpio Moon opposes his Venus which will give an affectionate link; though her Neptune opposition his Mars could suggest ego-clashes and conflicting ambitions.

Their relationship chart is fairly stark with a composite Saturn opposition Pluto square Mars – and that is definitely difficult, bringing a simmering cauldron of anger issues; with a head-in-the-clouds and over-hopeful Jupiter opposition Neptune and a needs-space composite Venus opposition Uranus (Moon).

I’d think there might be problems when her star fades and his rises.

Pic Instagram.

Lisa Marie Presley – a toxic legacy to carry


Lisa Marie Presley, only daughter of Elvis and his sole heir apparently owes nearly half a million dollars in back taxes. She’s had a tricky two or three years with her fourth marriage collapsing in 2016 and leaving Scientology.

She was born 1 February 1968 5.01 pm Memphis, Tennessee, was married first to a musician, then to Michael Jackson, then actor Nicholas Cage and finally guitarist and music producer Michael Lockwood – with two children each from the first and last of these; and has admitted to an opioid addiction.

She does have a tricky chart with an Aquarius Sun in her 7th which will be why she’s always opted for the security of a relationship. But it’s the 8th house Moon Mars in Pisces opposition Uranus Pluto in Virgo and trine Neptune in her 4th which will give her most problems. It’ll create a good deal of inner chaos and significant challenges handling money. Emotionally as well her gilded life left a good deal to be desired – not only is her sensitive Moon in constant turmoil from Mars, Uranus, Pluto and Neptune; her Venus in Capricorn squares Saturn giving her problems with self-esteem and making her feel unloveable.

It would seem extraordinary that with that amount of money she should have cash flow problems but she does have tr Neptune now moving through her 8th house of joint finances, making a panicky-failure conjunction to her Mars now and moving on to an undermining conjunction to her Moon and then an opposition to her Pluto in the next two or three years. So there will be some sinking moments, especially in 2021 when her Solar Arc Mars makes a ‘shocking’ square to her Sun.

All the money in the world and it doesn’t help.

UK economy – worst fall since the crash


The UK economy moved into a sharp contraction after the Brexit stockpiling boost wore off with the pound sinking further against the dollar and euro; and UK growth having the worst showing since 2012 with the worst fall since the financial crisis in 2009.

The UK 1801 chart has tr Uranus just across the cusp and into the UK 8th house which is a classic for business finance volatility and it remains in that state until 2027, with particular turbulence from mid 2021 for a year as tr Uranus is conjunct the 8th house Mars; and again in 2024 when Solar Arc Uranus is conjunct the Mars. It’s not necessarily a complete disaster just major swings up and down.

The Bank of England chart, 27 July 1694 JC 10 am London, shows similar fluctuations – is ploughing through heavy seas until later this month and then picks up heart into September. Then down again and in a complete upheaval over the New Year with tr Uranus square the Pluto, but bouncing up again in April and May/June 2020 and on and off in patches into 2021.

Gerard Lyons, 31 March 1961, who is evidently Boris’s favourite economist and a possibility as replacement at the Bank of England, is a sunny optimist like his boss. He admits to an economic shock if there’s a no-deal but says the economy will recover from the ‘short-term’ disruption. He’s not looking quite so chipper through later this month and through most of September and October to mid November with catastrophes tripping him up; is panicked and nerve-stretched additionally over the end of October. He’ll get his mojo back and be firing on all cylinders across the New Year but there’ll be more sink-holes of some magnitude before mid 2020.

Sajid Javid, the Chancellor, is also hiccupping his way along though with less Jupiterian uplift so more down.

Mitch McConnell – upset by name calling


Mitch McConnell, the Senate Majority Leader, has been rattled by the nickname ‘Moscow Mitch’ and then ‘Massacre Mitch’ for his single-handed blocking of stronger election security measures after Russia’s interference in 2016; and his refusal to tighten gun laws. Then he broke his shoulder – not a great week.

He was born 20 February 1942 Alabama sadly no time, and is a Sun Pisces with a heavyweight, tough-minded and unsentimental Mars Moon Saturn Uranus in Taurus trine Neptune; plus Mercury Venus in Aquarius opposition Pluto probably square a Taurus Moon. Incredibly Fixed, stubborn, enduring.

He’s taking a fair battering this year and exactly now with tr Pluto trine his Mars; and then moving to trine his Saturn continuing throughout 2020, which is pushing boulders uphill and not exactly light-hearted and happy. He’s also got the accident-prone tr Pluto trine his Mars/Saturn midpoint now and returning later in the year. Pressures won’t ease in 2020 with various major jolts and jangles from June onwards with tr Uranus square his Solar Arc Mars and then Solar Arc Saturn – which could be health related or major setbacks. Over the election itself he has the tr Jupiter Pluto conjunction trine his Saturn and tr Saturn trine his Uranus – neither of which are ecstatic nor are they devastatingly bad. Though what comes next won’t please him with a highly stressed December; and badly sagging morale and plans collapsing late January 2021 just after the Inauguration and running off and on till late 2022.

His relationship with Trump, which has been relatively calm to date will hit a chilly and stormy patch from February 2020 onwards with tr Saturn square the composite Sun, then Venus and tr Uranus square the composite Pluto from May turning their connection upside down. The Saturn freeze and separation repeats through the year returning for the final time mid November 2020. Whether that is McConnell being beset by health issues or other political distractions since he’s up for re-election in 2020 isn’t clear.

Queen Elizabeth and her PM of the day – the odd couple * +

Queen Elizabeth 11 has seen prime ministers come and go in her 67 year reign – 14 in all including the present one. She sees them weekly for an entirely private meeting and little emerges of her personal likes and dislikes, apart from this time round Boris blowing off his mouth after their first meeting which would not go down well.

Maggie Thatcher she got on with better than credited though it wasn’t a BFF match. There was a composite Sun opposition Venus and a chained-together by circumstances Saturn Pluto. Harold Wilson surprisingly was a favourite as was John Major, both with Sun Venus conjunction in their relationship charts with her.

Winston Churchill her first PM was a tight relationship since she was just learning the ropes – they had a composite enthusiastic Mars Jupiter opposition an idealistic Neptune and controlling Pluto. Tony Blair she didn’t take to with a really stuck, chilly composite Sun opposition Saturn square Pluto.

Nicola Sturgeon’s relationship with her is eexy-peexy with a friendly Sun Venus though trine an illusory Neptune; an aggravated Moon opposition Mars and a chained-together Saturn opposition Pluto – it will be seriously ruffled from June 2020 onwards with tr Uranus opposition the composite Sun and then conjunct the Mars. Alex Salmond she’d find tricky and evasive, keen on gaining the upper hand and erratic.

Her astro with Boris is fairly gruesome with a hostile composite Mars trine Pluto, in a constantly-changing sextile to Uranus; with a delusional Jupiter opposition Neptune. She almost certainly has to pull rank to keep him in place. Plus a ratchety, bad-tempered composite Mars square Saturn. It looks very nerve-stretched and confused between them from late this October effectively through till late January 2020 as tr Neptune squares the composite Uranus.

But whatever her reservations about Boris, her interface with Republican Corbyn not suprisingly is worse with a differing-agenda composite Sun, Uranus, Mercury in a slippery trine to Neptune; and an aggravated Mars opposition Saturn.

Corbyn’s immoveable Mars in Taurus sits on her IC opposition her Saturn in Scorpio and Midheaven and square her Aquarius and Leo planets so not a happy combination.

Boris’s chaotic Uranus Pluto falls in her 8th opposition her Venus which is conjunct his Saturn – so he’s emotionally an unsettling influence for her. And his Cancer Midheaven is exactly conjunct her 6th house Pluto – which can do one of two things. If he listens she could help him improve his methods and approach; otherwise it’ll be a power struggle.

Her Coronation chart, 2 June 1953 11am, did look unnerved over the Brexit vote and result with tr Saturn exactly opposition the Sun and tr Neptune square; and tr Pluto exactly opposition the Coronation Uranus. Last year and this year it’s been moving through tough times with discouragement and confusion as tr Pluto squared Saturn Neptune. It’s in a further slump late October through till late January 2020 with tr Neptune square the Sun/Mars midpoint and sliding further morale-wise in 2021 with tr Neptune square the Mars and Mercury; with an emotional upset from tr Uranus square the Moon. But that may not all be Brexit, given her age.

Boris & Dom Brexit – pots and kettles


This is a stumble in the dark since I have zero idea of what’s happening in the near future. Britain is being hurtled along by a manic fantasist and a Machiavellian aide – neither of whom was actually elected by the people – in their helter skelter, do-or-die dash to be rid of the unelected Brussels technocrats. There’s a hint of Trumpian logic in that.

The 31st October has an aggravated, bad-tempered and frustrated Mars in Libra square Saturn and Pluto and a freedom-seeking Sun opposition Uranus; plus a head-in-the-clouds, over-hopeful Jupiter square Neptune. Whether it actually is a split isn’t clear.

Most of the panicky failure influences affecting the Boris crew come mid November onwards. So perhaps Brussels blinks and puts off the evil hour for another few months, at which point the PM and cronies realise what a hole they’ve dug for themselves. Or maybe we crash out and the lorries start backing up from Dover to London as Brussels and France set out on a payback mission. Or maybe there’s a snap election and BJ loses; or he loses a vote of confidence and retreats into a bunker refusing to budge. The possibilities are legion.

Boris’s PMship chart has catastrophe and disappointment write large for a few weeks from mid November and is considerably discouraged from January 2020 onwards.

His relationship with aide Dominic Cummings is sagging badly from mid November and is, in any event, hardly a soulmate connection at the best of times with a chaotic Sun Pluto Uranus and a one-sided, irritable Mars Saturn in the relationship chart. They look hemmed in every which way from late August to early November with tr Pluto square the composite Mars/Saturn and Mars/Node midpoints.

Cummings and Gove are at explosion point in late October and very deflated in November/December. Cummings and Carrie Symonds are at cross purposes mid August to mid September; and Cummings’ relationship chart with the UK also flags up this as a panic point.

Boris himself goes into a spasm and a lurch from 22 September to mid October with tr Uranus square his Sun/Pluto midpoint; and he also has tr Neptune square his Mars/Node which Ebertin describes as ‘disappointment, falsehoods, undermining of relationships’. And worse from mid November for four weeks with his career being damaged, losses, disappointment, lack of energy and motivation – a sag and several banana skins. Plus from mid November all the trapped, cornered, stuck influences on various charts return till mid December.

Who knows? We dragged ourselves out of Theresa May’s Neptunian swamp straight into street racing scenario – who crashes first?

See previous post on Dominic Cummings July 24 2019

Any thoughts welcome.

Joan Hickson – a Leo for Agatha Christie’s Virgo

Joan Hickson, the English actress, who brought Agatha Christie’s Miss Marple to life in a long run of celebrated television episodes was born on August 5 1906. She first appeared on stage in an Agatha Christie play in the 1940s and the author wrote to say she hoped one day she would play Miss Marple.

Joan Hickson was an entertaining Sun, North Node, Mars and Mercury in performing Leo with an Aquarius Moon. What would link her into the role was her Venus in Virgo being in an affectionate conjunction to Agathe Christie’s communicative Virgo Sun; and her Mars being in an enthusiastic opposition to Christie’s Jupiter.

Their relationship chart had a passionately exuberant Mars Venus opposition Jupiter and trine a joint-enterprise Pluto Saturn, square the composite North Node – linking their connection to the zeitgeist.

They might not have got on as 24/7 companions since there was a composite Sun square Uranus and it was a business-like rather than a warm connection but good news all the same.