Jeffrey Epstein has died in an apparent suicide in prison in New York. Given that he was on suicide watch from a previous attempt last week, it’ll set the conspiracy theorists off on a rampage of speculation. But he did have the cornered and defeated Solar Arc Mars square his Pluto on his chart this year which can crop up for suicides; plus a raft of Neptunian sinkers. See post 7 July 2019.
No one else has been charged and all the high profile names dragged into the spotlight deny robustly any involvement in his underage sex crimes and trafficking. Of those at the top of the list Ghislaine Maxwell looks most upbeat at the moment with a confident and lucky tr Pluto conjunct her Sun/Jupiter till late this month and returning in November for a few weeks. But she’ll run into a catastrophic tr Uranus opposition her Mars/Pluto late September into October and repeating in early 2020. With a trapped and scary tr Pluto square her Mars/Node from January 2020 on and off till late 2021 and a seriously disruptive and high-risk Solar Arc Mars opposition her Uranus late 2020/21. See post July 8 2019
Prince Andrew looks to be facing disaster at the moment till late this month and again November/December with considerable challenges to his reputation and direction in life and career from early 2020 through 2021. See post July 12 2019.
Bill Clinton, who is also facing the prospect of a Monica Lewinsky expose, looks panicky and uncertain at the moment with tr Neptune square his Solar Arc Mars; his Solar Arc Moon is in a depressing conjunction to his Saturn, exact within a few weeks; and he has a seriously disruptive and high-tension tr Uranus square his Saturn late December into February 2020 as the same time as tr Uranus opposes Hillary’s Scorpio Sun. Birth time of 8.51 am being accurate he also has an undermining tr Neptune opposition his Solar Arc Midheaven this year and then tr Neptune in a highly-strung square to his Uranus in 2021.
Alan Dershowitz, whose denials have been more vociferous than most, looks muddled at the moment till late year but doesn’t face major headaches until 2021 when he has a couple of loss-making, disastrous influences.
It’s not possible to say how any of the above connect to Epstein and they may reflect other events ongoing in each of the individuals lives. But Ghislaine Maxwell certainly isn’t going to sail into the sunset in a contented glow.
What is truly extraordinary is how slippery, deeply corrupt Epstein – ‘without a moral compass’ – managed to slide out from under any official or even media scrutiny over four decades. He started as a teacher without any college qualifications, became a financial adviser without any obvious experience or qualifications. Recently businessman Leslie Wexner who years ago gave Epstein power of attorney over his money because he trusted him admitted that Epstein “misappropriated” more than $46 million of his wealth. Yet Wexner did nothing when the theft was discovered.
And below is detail of Epstein’s involvement in a Ponzi scheme which ripped money from ordinary people and further expanded his wealth. His partner got 18 years inside and Epstein got?? – off scot free. Nothing ever stuck – he had his own magic shield. NB: Sex offenders are often financial crooks as well.