Jade Goody – an unlikely agent for change


Jade Goody was an early reality TV star in the UK and phenomenally popular – thick as a brick, semi-educated, but given her own shows after her first Big Brother appearance and was adept at attracting publicity and earning from her own product lines. She latterly blotted her copybook by making racist remarks about an Indian actress on a subsequent Big Brother but was regarded more sympathetically after she contracted cervical cancer from which she died aged 27. A three part documentary TV series airing now is titled The Reality Star who changed Britain.

Born 8 June 1981 she was brought up by a single mother, her half-Jamaican, drug-addict and habitual criminal father having baled early on. She was a Sun Gemini trine Pluto and widely opposition Neptune; with Jupiter Saturn conjunct in Libra trine Mars in Gemini. She should have been intelligent with all that Air and was certainly street smart enough to succeed. Mars Jupiter would give her enthusiasm; Mars Saturn, toughness and a degree of self-discipline. Her Mars was also in an explosive opposition to Uranus. Her Moon was probably in late Cancer; and she had a leadership, rags-to-riches North Node in Leo.

When she died, leaving 2 young children behind, the country went into mourning. In the latter stages of her life she campaigned to publicise the risks of cervical cancer and need for smears.

At her death, tr Saturn in Virgo was hovering around the square to her Sun; tr Pluto was opposition her Venus Mercury in Cancer; and her Solar Arc Uranus was exactly conjunct her Neptune.

Pic: Keira76

Ghislaine Maxwell – drawn in by wealth ** and sex: update * More

With Epstein gone, the focus has shifted onto Ghislaine Maxwell, his confidante and alleged facilitator. Stories are that she has deliberately disappeared or alternatively is splicing a deal with the feds in return for spilling the beans. (Though the Daily Mail has just announced she’s in a boyfriend’s multi-million dollar oceanfront house outside Boston. He now denies it and the Daily Beast says she could be in France where some of her siblings have houses.) She certainly looks cheerful enough for another ten days with tr Pluto conjunct her confident Sun/Jupiter midpoint; but there’s a calamity awaiting her from late September with tr Uranus opposition her Mars/Pluto midpoint for a few weeks and returning in early 2020.

There’s much talk of her having been under the thumb of her dominating and crooked father Robert Maxwell which made her more susceptible to falling under Epstein’s spell. She was seventh of nine children, her father’s favourite and evidently fell completely to pieces when he suicided/was murdered off the back of his yacht The Lady Ghislaine leaving behind billions in debts and murky tales of having been a Mossad and Russian agent.

I don’t quite buy the theory of Epstein being a father substitute. Maxwell senior was a Gemini with a brutal and ruthless Mars Pluto in Cancer square Saturn. Epstein was nowhere near as heavyweight a personality. There is a slight similarity in that Maxwell senior’s Airy Gemini Sun was trine Saturn and sextile Neptune; and Epstein’s Airy Aquarius Sun was square a Saturn Neptune conjunction – so both reasonably slippery.

What does connect the two men and Ghislaine is that both their money-attracting Jupiters, in Scorpio for senior and Taurus for Epstein, were tied into her focal point Neptune. Her Neptune squared her Jupiter and probably her flashy, five-star-lifestyle Leo Moon. She lived in a dreamworld with her father where money was no object and anything she wanted landed at her feet. When he died in debt, she needed a replacement money pot and Epstein filled the bill as well as having certain of the devious traits her father had.

Her relationship chart with her father is fascinating with a composite Sun opposition Neptune square Jupiter possibly opposition Moon – living in an illusory/delusional dream world of grandiosity. Emotionally a mess with a chilly and unpredictable Venus square Uranus and square Saturn but the Jupiterian bounty flowed regardless.

Her relationship chart with Epstein is nothing like that, with a passionately enthusiastic Venus Mars opposition Uranus which does admittedly square onto Neptune for a dash of deceit. But the composite Jupiter, so prominent with her father, is barely integrated.  He definitely stirred her Venus which on the synastry was trine his Pluto.

This saga is likely to run and run.

See previous post on Ghislaine Maxwell, July 8 2019 with more details on her transits ahead.

Add on: What is a noticeable theme running through several associated charts is a Venus Mars conjunction, exact in Pisces in Epstein’s chart; in Capricorn in Prince Andrew’s; in Libra in Bill Clinton’s; and conjunct in Capricorn/Sagittarius in Ghislaine’s. It repeats, obviously, in all the relationship charts – as it does in Ghislaine’s relationship chart with her mother Elisabeth.

Mars conjunct Venus, whether in a relationship chart or an individual hints at a powerfully enthusiastic energy, usually quite sexualised. Sakoian & Acker remark that Venus Mars is one of the primary aspects concerned with sex, though it also indicates a passionate enthusiasm for any activity which interests. Feelings run very high when it occurs in a relationship chart and needn’t indicate a homosexual relationship if both are same gender. Where it is expressed sexually there will be a strong physical component to the connection. Ebertin associates it with a ‘strongly sensual nature, lack of tenderness and tact, a strongly emotional and sexual life coupled with disharmonious tendencies; masturbation.’

Elisabeth Maxwell, 11 March 1921, married Robert Maxwell when she was 24 and had nine children. She was a downbeat Sun Pisces opposition Saturn in Virgo; though with an adventurous Jupiter opposition Uranus. Her relationship with Robert wasn’t all negative with a wide affectionate Sun Venus and an upbeat Jupiter Mercury; though there was a trapped Pluto square Jupiter Saturn.

In many ways her relationship with Ghislaine was much more controlling than daughter with father, with Elisabeth’s Pluto opposition Gh’s Mercury Sun; with E’s Venus in Taurus trine GH’s Sun Mercury Mars and trine Uranus Pluto – so there would be a good deal of emotional intensity between them.

The relationship chart has a possessive and controlling composite Sun Mercury opposition Pluto; and a Venus Mars conjunction square Jupiter Saturn – which is half manically up and half hard-edged and unkind. Which may reflect the situation with the bullying father ruling the roost and presumably mother fitted in and facilitated him.

But based on this, mother makes more sense – at least on the astrology – of the Epstein connection. Though I’m struggling to disentangle the psychology of it. Weird family, weird cross currents.

Late Extra: For additional background on the weirdness of Mama Maxwell, snippets from a review by Jenny Diski of her autobiography A Mind of My Own. It explains a good deal and gives a hint that Ghislaine with Epstein to some extent mirrored her mother’s behaviour in the parental marriage.

‘For all the berating on his part and the grovelling on hers, Betty Maxwell comes across, not as a domestic doormat, but as a fully collusive partner in a very complicated relationship, which, right from the start, is powerfully sexual. But the power is not, as it appears or as it is portrayed, entirely one-sided.’

‘The key to this kind of partnership is not actually the dominant member’s demands, but the submissive one’s power to elicit those demands while seeming to remain docile. ‘I never felt belittled by deferring to his authority … He was forever searching for that indefinable “something” which he sensed I was holding back. For my own part, I was convinced it was precisely that very chasse au bonheur – the chase for love so clearly depicted in Stendhal – that would keep him interested in me.’

‘In addition to the nature of the hankerings, the prose style holds an important clue to Betty Maxwell’s character. There is a marvellous mixing of respectability and libido. She is the perfect suburban lady honeycombed with dark subterranean desires.’

‘Betty could play the dominance/submission game from either end of the pitch.’

‘The relationship between the two of them was all-consuming and it seems odd that they chose to have so many children (there were nine in all, of whom seven survived) to clutter their self-absorption. Perhaps hostages are necessary in such a relationship, so that notable sacrifices can be made as test and proof of sincerity of intent. When a choice was to be made between her husband’s overweening needs and her children, there was never any contest.’


Priyanka Chopra – mixing politics with makeup


Priyanka Chopra, Bollywood super-star and lead in the US TV series Quantico, lately married to Nick Jonas, stepped into a political minefield at a beautycon summit (whatever that is). She was pulled up by a Pakistani questioner for tweeting support for Indian armed forces when they were teetering on the brink of a conflict with Pakistan. It’s also been remarked that she invited Narendra Modi to her wedding. None of which sits easily with her role as UNICEF Goodwill Ambassador or indeed with the celebrity public relations scene.

Born 18 July 1982 1.05 am (astro-charts) Jamshedpur, India, she has a quick-witted and chatty 3rd house Cancer Sun in an ultra-determined square to a megaton collection of Saturn, Mars, Pluto in Libra and Jupiter in Scorpio. Not a lady to be tangled with and emerge unscathed.

She’s in for a tough two or three years ahead with tr Pluto continuing in a frustrated square to her Mars, then her Mars/Pluto midpoint this year and into 2020 to be joined by tr Pluto opposing her Sun and squaring her Pluto in 2020/21 – so she will be under considerable pressure and then some. She’ll get a fair jolt very soon and indeed this kerfuffle may be part of it from Solar Arc Sun conjunct her Uranus and further disruption from a major upheaval in 2020 from Solar Arc Pluto conjunct her Uranus.

Her parents were army medics and she spent much of her childhood in army bases with them, so her support isn’t surprising though not perhaps entirely sensitive to the political situation.

Placido Domingo – not such a rousing chorus


Placido Domingo, one of the most celebrated figures in opera, as a singer, conductor and director, still attracts sell-out concerts round the globe at 78 and has sung in than 4,000-plus performances, more than any opera singer in history. Now he’s attracted sexual harassment charges from eight singers and a dancer who said he tried to pressure them into sexual relationships by dangling jobs and sometimes punishing them professionally when they refused his advances. Needless to say he denies all and says anything that happened was consensual. He has been married since 1962 to his second wife.

He was born 21 January 1941 at 10pm in Madrid, Spain (9 days before Dick Cheney so there are certain similarities in their charts). Domingo has a Sun Mercury in Aquarius in the performing and party-loving 5th house in opposition to Pluto square Saturn Jupiter in Taurus in his 8th house. He’s a heavyweight personality and fairly controlling with an earthy streak from the Taurus planets especially falling in his 8th house. He also has a Scorpio Moon opposition Uranus; his Mars in an ultra-determined trine to Pluto; and his Venus in earthy Capricorn is trine Saturn Jupiter.

He certainly wouldn’t like anyone thwarting his wishes with such a strong Pluto; and the Scorpio Moon plus Jupiter Saturn in Taurus in the 8th will give him a sensual streak.

Pic: Klaus Dolle

Miley Cyrus & Liam Hemsworth – lovingly apart

A gem of showbiz bizarre as Miley Cyrus and Liam Hemsworth separate after a few months of marriage. Their rep said: ‘They still remain dedicated parents to all of their animals they share while lovingly taking this time apart.’ And added, “Ever-evolving, changing as partners and individuals, they have decided this is what’s best while they both focus on themselves and careers.’ Yay.

She’s a stratospherically successful singer/songwriter and actress who first got together with Liam, an Australian actor, in 2009 and they had an on/off and on again liaison over the years while she described herself as pansexual and gender fluid.

She was born 23 November 1992 4.19 pm Nashville, Tennessee, with a singer father -and has a 7th house Sagittarius Sun trine Mars in late Cancer in the outspoken 3rd. She has Jupiter in charming Libra in the performing 5th in a successful trine to her midheaven and well-organised Saturn in Aquarius. Her Venus deeply buried in the 8th is conjunct unpredictable and experimental Uranus and elusive Neptune; and her intense Scorpio Moon is made doubly so with a conjunction to possessive Pluto. Her North Node falls in her 7th so close relationships are not her strength. Definitely a complicated emotional life.

Liam Hemsworth, 13 January 1990, Melbourne, AU, is part of the triple conjunction in Capricorn with Uranus, Neptune, Mercury, Saturn and his Sun in a stellium there – very earthy, somewhat chaotic and changeable. His Leo Moon is probably trine his Mars in Sagittarius; his Venus in Aquarius is unaspected.

The mystery is what drew them together in the first place. His Venus does trine her Jupiter and opposes her Mars for a superficial and fairly sparky connection. But his Uranus, Neptune and Saturn conjunct her Venus which isn’t too sympatico. And falling in her 8th it would stir up deep and not altogether comfortable feelings. An odd tie.

His Mars is conjunct her 7th house Sagittarius North Node and her Saturn is conjunct his Aquarius North Node – so a karmic connection with tough lessons to learn.

Their relationship chart does have a morale-boosting composite Sun trine Jupiter and a hint of passion from Venus sextile Pluto; but it also has a volatile, argumentative Mars square Uranus and Mars in an irritable trine to Saturn; plus an ego-clashing and only-one-can-win Mars square Neptune. Not the stuff that dreams are made of.

Helen McCrory – the menacing gangster matriarch returns


Actress Helen McCrory has been doing the media interview rounds for Peaky Blinders return, season five. The highly popular and darkly violent television drama about Birmingham gypsy gangsters from the 1920s and 1930s features her as the matriarch Polly Sheldon. Her gravelly voice, sassy and menacing manner suit her for the role – and indeed reflect her own maverick attitude to life.

She was born 17 August 1968 with a diplomat father and travelled with her two siblings and parents on a peripatetic few years from Paris, Tanzania, Norway to Madagascar, finally ending up at boarding school. She graduated from Drama school and hasn’t stopped working since, walking straight into a job at the National Theatre followed by 10 years alternating between there and the Donmar and is a notoriously enthusiastic party-goer. In 2003 she acted with Damian Lewis (Brody in Homeland and Bobby Axelrod in Billions), had a coup de foudre and been married ever since with two children.

She has a Sun and Mars in entertaining, fiery Leo with her Sun in a creative square to Neptune and a sensible trine to Saturn in forced-to-be-self-reliant Aries. She’s got a charmingly indulgent Venus Jupiter in hard-working Virgo square a restless Gemini Moon. Most notably she has a tricky Yod of Neptune sextile Uranus Pluto inconjunct Saturn. That’s a tricky Yod to handle well since it requires maturity, self-discipline and control otherwise it turns self-defeating.

Her Solar Arc Mars has been rattling her Yod as it is conjunct her Uranus this year and tr Pluto will move to square her Saturn in a couple of years’ time. Both of which will shift her onto a new trajectory and not without some considerable effort.

Her relationship with Damian Lewis is a match of two opposing Suns with his Aquarius Sun across from her Leo Sun. But his (probably) Virgo Moon will conjunct her Venus which also chimes with his Capricorn Venus which works well as does his Jupiter opposition her Moon; with his Mars in a sparky, adventurous square to her Venus Jupiter. There are no birth times but I’d have expected slightly more of a merging of planets frankly.

Their relationship chart has a creative though evasive composite Sun Neptune; with an enduring though cool composite Venus sextile Saturn; a volatile and argumentative composite Mars Uranus; and (maybe) a reassuring composite Moon square Jupiter. It’s probably as well they spend a fair amount of time apart with conflicting career demands.

Jeffrey Epstein – possible fallout ** ++

Jeffrey Epstein has died in an apparent suicide in prison in New York. Given that he was on suicide watch from a previous attempt last week, it’ll set the conspiracy theorists off on a rampage of speculation. But he did have the cornered and defeated Solar Arc Mars square his Pluto on his chart this year which can crop up for suicides; plus a raft of Neptunian sinkers. See post 7 July 2019.

No one else has been charged and all the high profile names dragged into the spotlight deny robustly any involvement in his underage sex crimes and trafficking. Of those at the top of the list Ghislaine Maxwell looks most upbeat at the moment with a confident and lucky tr Pluto conjunct her Sun/Jupiter till late this month and returning in November for a few weeks. But she’ll run into a catastrophic tr Uranus opposition her Mars/Pluto late September into October and repeating in early 2020. With a trapped and scary tr Pluto square her Mars/Node from January 2020 on and off till late 2021 and a seriously disruptive and high-risk Solar Arc Mars opposition her Uranus late 2020/21. See post July 8 2019

Prince Andrew looks to be facing disaster at the moment till late this month and again November/December with considerable challenges to his reputation and direction in life and career from early 2020 through 2021. See post July 12 2019.

Bill Clinton, who is also facing the prospect of a Monica Lewinsky expose, looks panicky and uncertain at the moment with tr Neptune square his Solar Arc Mars; his Solar Arc Moon is in a depressing conjunction to his Saturn, exact within a few weeks; and he has a seriously disruptive and high-tension tr Uranus square his Saturn late December into February 2020 as the same time as tr Uranus opposes Hillary’s Scorpio Sun. Birth time of 8.51 am being accurate he also has an undermining tr Neptune opposition his Solar Arc Midheaven this year and then tr Neptune in a highly-strung square to his Uranus in 2021.

Alan Dershowitz, whose denials have been more vociferous than most, looks muddled at the moment till late year but doesn’t face major headaches until 2021 when he has a couple of loss-making, disastrous influences.

It’s not possible to say how any of the above connect to Epstein and they may reflect other events ongoing in each of the individuals lives. But Ghislaine Maxwell certainly isn’t going to sail into the sunset in a contented glow.

What is truly extraordinary is how slippery, deeply corrupt Epstein – ‘without a moral compass’ – managed to slide out from under any official or even media scrutiny over four decades. He started as a teacher without any college qualifications, became a financial adviser without any obvious experience or qualifications. Recently businessman Leslie Wexner who years ago gave Epstein power of attorney over his money because he trusted him admitted that Epstein “misappropriated” more than $46 million of his wealth. Yet Wexner did nothing when the theft was discovered.

And below is detail of Epstein’s involvement in a Ponzi scheme which ripped money from ordinary people and further expanded his wealth. His partner got 18 years inside and Epstein got?? – off scot free. Nothing ever stuck – he had his own magic shield. NB: Sex offenders are often financial crooks as well.


Mark Acklom – a Gemini swindler


A fugitive conman and fraudster on the UK’s Most Wanted list has been finally convicted and jailed for five years and eight months at Bristol Crown Court yesterday. Mark Acklom had victims in three countries; put his father £110,000 in debt and stole £200,000 from his brothers. He had a long criminal history and is believed to have posted as an MI6 agent and banker to swindle a widow out of nearly £1 million of her savings during a year-long affair in 2012.

From an earlier July 3 2018 post:

Born 1 June 1973 in London, he started his crime spree early at 16 stealing his father’s American Express card and posing as a stockbroker to commit a £1m fraud that included obtaining a £446,168 mortgage on a house and hiring private jets. The judge described him as “utterly selfish and completely ruthless” and gave him four years in juvenile detention; and his poor parents had to sell their house to pay back his debts. Since then he’s been in prison three times in Spain. He is married with two daughters.

He has five planets in Gemini – Sun, Moon, Saturn, Venus and Mercury, and while it isn’t true of all Geminis, there is a decidedly shifty and slippery streak in some. His Sun is in an expansive trine to Jupiter, an evasive opposition to Neptune and is widely trine Pluto, for a hint of delusions of grandeur. His Saturn, Venus, Mercury are trine an innovative Uranus and in a risk-taking square to Mars in Pisces.

It a predominantly Air sign chart, so emotionally detached with an over-active mind that needs constant stimulation; and little sense of his physical needs so times of rest are crucial – prison must have given him a chance to recharge though I can’t imagine Spanish jails are exactly a spa.

His ‘creative’ 7th Harmonic is strong and entrepreneurial, though it can also point to mental imbalance. His 9H is very marked which is pleasure-seeking and common amongst fraudsters (Madoff, Ponzi etc). His self-defeating, highs-and-lows, wheel of fortune 10H is also heavily aspected. But the most notable is his 12H which is odd since it is supposed to be the victim/healer harmonic, neither of which seem to apply in his case. He sacrificed others to his greed rather than the other way round.

Five years doesn’t sound a long enough sentence and presumably will be out in under three for good behaviour. Though he looks very off balance and uncertain in 2021/22/23 with tr Neptune square his Ssturn, then Venus and Mercury.

Damian Hurley – not your standard upbringing

Damian Hurley renowned for being close to his mother model Liz Hurley has been giving a nod to her most famous Versace outfit with a fashion publicity pic of himself in a suit with huge safety pins. He followed it up by an Instagram outing of him in a provocative pose with his long flowing, androgynous hair down his bare back looking creepily like her.

He was born 4 April 2002 at 12.22pm London with his father American businessman Steve Bing initially denying paternity until it was proven. Damian recently fought through the courts to be included in his grandfather Peter Bing’s family trust as a grandchild and won. He was brought up partly with stepfather Indian tycoon Aruun Nayar and then Australian cricketer Shane Warne; and has as godfathers Hugh Grant, David Beckham, Elton John. A thoroughly showbiz baby.

He has an ambitious and suited-to-a-public-career 10th house Sun Mercury in Aries with a charming and fashionable Venus in Taurus also in his 10th as well as an ultra-determined Mars in Taurus. A full 10th house does suggest identification at least with mother’s ambitions if not with her appearance. His Sun is emphasised being on the point of a T Square to Jupiter opposition a Capricorn Moon and being on the focal point of a mini-Grand Trine of a 7th house Neptune trine Saturn in Gemini in the 11th – so  ego-centric,  confident to over-confident, inclined towards older friends; and has difficulty making friends and committed relationships. An attention-demanding, grandstanding Pluto in the performing 5th is in a bleak, stubborn opposition to Saturn. A Moon Jupiter mother tends to feed sweeties rather than emotional sustenance, so it’s superficial  nurturing.

He enjoys his own company with Jupiter in the 12th and will be a maverick with an 8th house Uranus square his Mars, so dislikes compromise. It’s a chart with potential for a showy career but finding a fulfilling personal life may be trickier.

It’s not, surprisingly, that close a match with his mother, 10 June 1965, since her Uranus Pluto squares his Saturn opposition Pluto, with her Mars square his Pluto – so rough edges and power struggles for the upper hand in there. Her Scorpio Moon opposes his Venus which will give an affectionate link; though her Neptune opposition his Mars could suggest ego-clashes and conflicting ambitions.

Their relationship chart is fairly stark with a composite Saturn opposition Pluto square Mars – and that is definitely difficult, bringing a simmering cauldron of anger issues; with a head-in-the-clouds and over-hopeful Jupiter opposition Neptune and a needs-space composite Venus opposition Uranus (Moon).

I’d think there might be problems when her star fades and his rises.

Pic Instagram.