Conspiracy theories are rooted in paranoid thinking which is a primitive way of looking at the world. Peasants are typically paranoid and deeply superstitious, which is due in large part to their powerlessness and therefore fragile hold on survival. Central to it is a fear of ‘invasive malevolence’ and ‘imminent annihilation’ from an outer world felt as not just unsafe but destructive. That paralyzing, all-pervasive fear nowadays attaches to authority figures (illuminati for example) who are displacement symbols for malign parents, and are deemed to be ganging together to wreak havoc on the poor defenceless ones.
Paranoid thinking is also inextricably linked with schizoid ‘splitting’ into good and bad, us and them, shining white and the opposite. Nothing can be allowed to contaminate the ‘good’ which in the paranoid’s mind is his/her/their standpoint, so death-rays are turned on anyone who disagrees, points out flaws in cult (political) idols or threatens to let a sliver of factual reality in.
It’s an infantile approach to life. As the baby/toddler matures it becomes possible to tolerate ambivalence and see that people are both good and bad; situations can be right and wrong at the same time. It’s a move into complex thinking, see illustration, larger version on URL below.
As to the astrology? The last time I thought about it, see post March 2 2018, I connected it to the world wide web and specifically to the Uranus Neptune conjunction in Capricorn when it was launched on 6 August 1991. Uranus Neptune can be tinged with genius, produces ‘eureka’ moments of inspiration and is associated with religious art – but it also has this fanatical side which, even faced with incontrovertible fact won’t acknowledge there might be an alternative viewpoint.
The internet has many positive benefits, one of which is it can join together small pockets of people who might otherwise feel isolated and allow them to share their common interests and thus build up a critical mass where their particular hobby horse is concerned, which was not possible before. But, of course, it does the same for the whackjobs and amplifies what is always there in a segment of the population – and gives it a much louder voice.
Most of the conspiracy-nut leaders I’ve looked at are driven by not just anger but black rage, connected to their relationship primarily to their father but not exclusively since mother had to have a hand in their dysfunction somewhere. And that hatred/anger/ferocious fear is then projected out into society at large, hooking onto secret and not-so-secret power figures.
Uranus Neptune isn’t the only culprit since the other ‘paranoia’ signature is Saturn Neptune which were in square in 2016 tied into the North Node for Brexit and Trump’s election, when politicians and the internet disgraced themselves with nonsense, playing on fears for profit and success.
But both of these aspects do come round once in a while so it’s not entirely clear why the effect has been so strong. Neptune in Pisces will be another part of it since it, amongst other attributes, can be delusional and cling onto irrational beliefs.
Yeats’ poem The Second Coming was evidently more quoted in 2016 than ever before.:
“The best lack all conviction, while the worst
Are full of passionate intensity.”
He wrote it in 1919 after the carnage of World War One but it does seem to have touched a chord for the next hundred years. The 20th Century was the most murderous on record with running wars almost throughout, so there may be a touch of global PTSD in those who are more delicately balanced mentally. That’s a psycho-babble thought since regressing back to infantile levels does suggest a degree of unbearable pressure.
Really I’ve no idea astrologically why conspiracy theories have had such a field day in recent years. It is weird and scary. And it extends beyond ‘they are out to get us’ mentality. The whole transgender thing has been blown up into manic and hysterical proportions for what is a small problem in statistical terms. Those who are genuinely conflicted about gender are certainly due sympathy and help but it’s got ridiculous. And anyone who speaks out against the line laid down by the transgender lobby are subjected to the death-ray treatment. There is a definitely unhinged feeling about.
Plus, of course, some conspiracies turn out to be hard fact which doesn’t help. The big bad corporations and corrupt or thick-as-a-brick political leaders don’t do much to calm anxieties.
Social fads and moods tend to go on a pendulum swing so it’s not beyond the bounds of possibility this will swing back at some point as people get irritated and bored by the hogwash spewed out.
Pic: https://www.facebook.com/Acts.Random.Kindness/photos/a.623678174312244/3077106268969410/?type=3&theater