USA – divided against itself ++ Trump grinding to a halt

Muddle and mayhem is the gift to the USA from Pluto in transit trine the US Neptune in Virgo from late this August to late November. Add in Saturn square the Mercury/Pluto midpoint from September 1st to October 28th which fosters bitter, quarrelsome attacks and it’ll be, as expected, a more fraught run up to an election even than usual.

  The USA Solar Arc Sun will also be square the explosively opinionated Mars/Uranus midpoint around now (timing dependent on start time).

  Late this December the stressed tr Pluto opposition the USA Mercury returns to stay across the Inauguration (assuming January 20). Plus there is a panicky tr Uranus square the USA Mars/Neptune midpoint from December 21st to early February 2021, which is associated with lack of energy, crises, weakness, illness, accident.

  The USA Uranus catches the late November Lunar Eclipse in Gemini and the December Sagittarius Solar Eclipse opposes the USA Mars in Gemini – which also suggest humps, bumps and an excessively combative mood. That will run through 2021 since the June 2021 Solar Eclipse will conjunct the USA Mars and the Lunar Eclipse oppose the USA Uranus.

  There will be some respite and an enthusiastic, morale-boosting Solar Arc Jupiter square the USA Uranus which usually brings relief from tension. It’ll be exact in six months but may trigger early.

  The USA Mercury opposition Pluto will continue to dominate the political and social scene through 2021 to early 2024 from tr Pluto square the Mercury/Pluto midpoint in 2021/22, returning to oppose the USA Mercury in 2021; and then moving on to the Pluto Return in 2022/23. Ebertin associates Mercury Pluto with demagogues; Wiki – ‘A demagogue or rabble-rouser is a leader who gains popularity in a democracy by exploiting emotions, prejudice, and ignorance to arouse some against others, whipping up the passions of the crowd and shutting down reasoned deliberation.”

   So it’ll be a long haul of hostile, divisive debate and nervous strain. Tr Neptune opposes the USA Mars from late March 2021 till January 2022 – which is panicky failure and could be associated with any number of problems including the economic fallout from covid.

 For previous post on Pluto Returns which only occur every 250 years or so see November 18 2018. From the few examples available of other countries it does coincide with a definite shift in the form of government.

 None of the above means that Trump will win and Biden lose or vice versa – merely that the rancour will run on.  It may be significant that Biden looks a good deal more cheerful in 2021 than Trump. Though you can argue that both ways – Biden just happy to be out of the gladiatorial arena and Trump is left with a mountain of problems, many of them self-created, which he handles badly. Though I’d have expected to see some uplift on Trump’s chart from a win to indicate his narcissism had been fed and there isn’t any.

Trump timeline:

From 5th July he picks up the catastrophic tr Uranus square his Mars/Saturn midpoint, to which Ebertin ascribes accidents, illness or tests of nervous strength. At the same time he has the disruptive tr Uranus square his Pluto. Both keep running till late September, and return in April 2021 along with a blocked tr Saturn in opposition to both his Pluto and Mars/Saturn, and those run on and off till early 2022.

   July 6 to August 18 he has the discouraging tr Pluto opposition his Saturn, returning late November till late December.

   He will get some uplift mid August to late November from tr Pluto trine his Mars/Jupiter midpoint though that’s minor and it won’t outweigh the fraught tr Pluto opposition his Mars/Uranus running at the same time which will bring a struggle for survival and a real test of nerves, and the other influences.

  He’s got an extended run ahead of Neptune transits which tend to lower energy and undermine ego-driven ambitions, and can also indicate underhand and deceptive tactics. He’s nerve-stretched at the moment and not thinking clearly with tr Neptune square his Sun/Uranus midpoint late April to late August. Tr Neptune squares Uranus/Node through September; and opposes his Progressed Moon over the election.

  Into 2021 from late March 2021 tr Neptune squares his Moon and then his Sun, on and off till early 2023.

  The June Lunar Eclipse this year will be opposition his Uranus for a shake up; and more significantly the December 23 Sagittarius Eclipse will conjunct his Moon and oppose his Sun.

  A Solar Eclipse opposition a natal Sun usually brings a realisation of not always being right and needing to acquire a fresh perspective. A Solar Eclipse conjunct the Moon brings up the past and tests the foundations of life in a major way. It can bring public image under scrutiny. Robert Jansky says: ‘If society considers you a valuable person it will let you know.

Add On: I’ve been so focussed on the election and immediate aftermath I completely overlooked the cataclysmic state of Trump’s chart moving ahead.

  In addition to the Neptunian low energy/low confidence swamp he moves into courtesy of transiting Neptune from next spring for two years he has a run of disastrous Solar Arcs. Mid to late 2021 his Solar Arc Saturn is conjunct his 2nd house Neptune which will bring a significant panic and rising neurosis possibly around his personal finances. In addition he has Solar Arc Neptune opposition his 10th house Uranus which may have a dissolving action on one of the planks of his career – and could also have a neurological component. Worse by far is Solar Arc Mars square his 12th house Pluto from mid 2022, followed swiftly by Solar Arc Pluto square his Saturn, both of which are likely to run him into a dead-halt meltdown. These Solar Arcs are not dependent on his birth time – but what it does mean in the unlikely event of his re-election that he would almost certainly not see out the term.

BBC – new broom determined to sweep out the old

Tim Davie, the new broom Director General at the BBC, is picking up the reins this Tuesday with a rolling series of crises to handle – rows over funding, journalistic bias, audience loss to streaming giants. He evidently has bold plans to scythe through the corporation’s over weighty and expensive management, which has been a bone of contention for years, to unpick the metropolitan London mindset by connecting to audiences outside the capital – and last but not least is rumoured to be about to reinstate the words of Land of Hope and Glory and Rule Britannia at the Proms.   

    Born 25 April 1967, he’s a Sun Taurus with Uranus Pluto in Virgo sextile Neptune (Moon) in Scorpio inconjunct Mercury in Aries which in turn opposes Mars in Libra. He’ll be determined, innovative, argumentative, not always easy to relate to. His Saturn in Aries will make him self-reliant and his Jupiter in Cancer squaring his Mars will give him confidence and enthusiasm.

  He’ll start his new job at 8am in Glasgow which gives a crisis-ridden Saturn Pluto opposition Venus square an 8th house Mars in Aries – so he won’t go short on drama and high-stress, with money being a key issue. What may help on his DG term chart is an Earth Grand Trine of a Virgo Sun trine Uranus trine Jupiter which should lead to sound business ideas. But it will be a rough ride – with internal resistance given Saturn Pluto in the 4th as well as external pressure and setbacks with joint finances being a hot spot.   

  His relationship chart with the BBC has a volatile Mars Uranus trine Pluto and Pluto opposition Sun – so there will be a few if not constant running tugs of war and outbursts.

  However his personal chart does have some go-ahead, upbeat influences through 2021/22 from tr Pluto opposition his Jupiter; and his Solar Arc Jupiter conjunct his Pluto and then Uranus between now and 2023 so he will have more than a few successes with his radical overhaul plans.

  The BBC is in an insecure and quarrelsome few months with tr Uranus square the Mars in unyielding Aquarius. And no sooner will that have moved on than after mid 2021 than a sharp-shock Solar Arc Mars opposition Sun will hit. So running collisions for a while. Assuming the start time is accurate of 6pm then there may be a minor easing of some financial pressures from this New Year. Though it’ll be 2025/26 before it’s out of the woods as far as funding is concerned.

Black Lives Matter puts Biden in a tight spot

  The protests in Kenosha which started with understandable outrage about a white police officer shooting a black man seven times in the back, leaving him paralysed, has escalated to the point where it could damage the Democrats chance of election. Parts of Kenosha are described as being like a war-zone Syria and protests are now spreading to Portland. All of which allows Trump to go heavy on a Law and order ticket, condemning violent protests though ignoring the underlying trigger; and traps Joe Biden, who has been supporting Black Lives Matter protests, between a rock and a hard place.

   Biden’s chart picked up the first of his undermining Neptunian influences from August 18th – tr Pluto square his Mars/Neptune midpoint and this particular one runs till late November. His second less-than-helpful Neptune transit to his Mars/Jupiter midpoint picks up early October and runs till late January 2021. Neither of which make it certain he’ll lose but they will certainly not help his cause.

  Kenosha, 5 June 1835, has a Sun Jupiter in Gemini sextile Mars in Leo and trine Saturn in Libra with Saturn opposition Pluto – a mix of chatty, confident and tough-minded. The Kenosha Jupiter falls on the USA Mars in Gemini arguably making it a catalyst for the country’s argumentative streak.  The relationship chart has an explosive Uranus Mars Saturn T Square and the composite Sun is triggered by this December’s Sagittarius Solar Eclipse – so events there could be central to the election result.

  It was always the fear with the USA chart’s Mercury in Cancer opposition Pluto in Capricorn being triggered by the tr Pluto hard aspects until 2023 – that the USA would be riven by bitter and hostile debate. As is happening now in Portland with BLM supporters fighting pro-Trumpers. And it was also likely that his coming election was too soon to expect all the rancour and divisiveness stoked up by Trump to be stamped out.

   Black Lives Matter started out on July 13 2013 as a non-violent civil disobedience movement to protest against incidents of police brutality and all racially motivated violence against Black people. But like all protest movements was at risk of infiltration by violent, anarchic elements – and indeed justifiable anger at a dismissive government and callous police action.

  BLM has a powerful chart with a Cancer Sun and more significantly a Water Grand Trine of Saturn in Scorpio trine Neptune in Pisces trine Mars Jupiter in Cancer, formed into a Kite by Mars Jupiter opposition Pluto, making Pluto the driving planet. And that opposition also squares onto a revolutionary Uranus in Aries. The seeds of disruption are inherent in the chart with the enthusiasm of Mars Jupiter all too easily bubbling up to explosive levels.

  The relationship chart between BLM and the USA is under severe stress through 2020/2021/22 so not settling any time soon. 

  And the relationship chart between BLM and Joe Biden is equally under strain right through until after the Inauguration.

Lionel Messi – leaving his football home

Lionel Messi, reputed to be the best football player of all time, has shocked fans by announcing he wants to leave Barcelona after 20 seasons at Barcelona. At 32 he is nearing retiring age but everyone thought he would see his days out in the place he called home. The club’s performance has been deteriorating in the past five years so it’s assumed he wanted one last shot at greatness before hanging up his boots. There’ll be a vicious legal wrangle before he goes and it’s not clear he’ll be able to reverse out of his contract.

  Born 24 June 1987 6am Rosario, Argentina, he’s a Sun Cancer in the financial 2nd house opposition a mesmerising 8th house Neptune square North Node in Aries. His ambitious Mars Mercury in Cancer are also in his financial 2nd house in a risk-taking square to Jupiter. He has a confidently enthusiastic Jupiter in Aries in an adventurous trine to Uranus and a well-balanced trine to Saturn.

 He has had tax authority problems with fraud charges being laid which he blamed on his father who handled his business affairs. That is interesting in terms of his 8th house Neptune, which Sean Connery also has – and his wife Micheline was embroiled in a major Spanish tax tangle recently over the sale of a house. The 8th house rules joint and business finances and Neptune there can indicate evasiveness where authority figures are concerned. Which being Neptune usually comes out into the open at some point.

   Messi does have tr Pluto opposition his Mars trailing on from last year until late this November which is acutely frustrating so he won’t have been contented. Especially with tr Pluto still moving through his trapped 8th house where it has been for the past decade or so. And tr Saturn has also been moving through his 8th since late 2017 which won’t have improved his spirits either.  I wouldn’t be surprised if there hadn’t been more financial headaches although the main tax charges were theoretically tied up in 2016.

  It’ll be easier on him from the New Year with tr Saturn moving out of his 8th and the tr Pluto Mars aspect being finished. But he’s still got tr Neptune trailing along for a couple more years square his Saturn/Uranus midpoint and then his Uranus. But he’ll be energised with tr Pluto square his Jupiter over the New year and on and off through 2021.

  Barcelona FC was founded 29 November 1899 and has a lively Sun Uranus in sporting Sagittarius, with Mars Node, Mercury, Saturn, Venus also in Sagittarius and Neptune Pluto in Gemini. Messi’s Jupiter in Aries trines most of the Barcelona Sagittarius planets and the Barca Jupiter in money-magnet Scorpio is trine his Mars Mercury. But there would always have been rough edges with Messi’s Saturn Uranus conjunct the Barca Mars, Mercury, Saturn.

  The relationship chart has an friendly, business-like and innovative composite Sun opposition Venus square Uranus Saturn with a go-getting Jupiter trine Mars.

  The club is labouring under the same swampy Neptune transits over the next three years as Messi is, so it won’t be a progressive time for them.

Photo: Кирилл Венедиктов

Apologies for absence

Oops, irksome site collapse after a Denial of Service assault meant it had to be taken off line. I can’t think I’m important enough to be targeted deliberately tho’ it did cross my mind it might be Trumpy-ites getting irked by the jackal pack pic. More likely random. Now upscaled firewall in place and final loose ends getting tied together. So should be normal service asap.

Jonathan Ross & Jane Goldman – an enduring Scorpio Gemini match

A long-running showbiz marriage is an oddity so TV presenter Jonathan Ross’s 32nd anniversary to screenwriter Jane Goodall is being much lauded. Though it’s not an intuitive match since he’s a Scorpio Sun and probably Moon while she’s a Gemini Sun and Virgo Moon.

He was born 17 November 1960 and has been at the top of the TV presenting stakes for decades, with interests in movies and comics. She was born 11 June 1970, and is co-writer of Kingsman, The Golden Circle, X-Men: First Class, Kick-Ass and Stardust; has written several books and presented her own paranormal TV series. Neither have birth times sadly.

Her Virgo Moon connects well with his Venus, Jupiter and Saturn in Capricorn; while his Moon may be conjunct her Jupiter. Her Venus in Cancer is good with his Scorpio Sun and his Venus in Capricorn opposes her Mars for a sizzle of attraction. But her elusive Neptune is conjunct his Sun with her stubborn Saturn opposition his Neptune and Sun – so there will be glitches.

Their relationship chart is complicated with a private, emotionally-loaded Grand Trine of Saturn trine Mars trine Neptune, with Saturn opposition Uranus Pluto. Mars Neptune is publicity-attracting; Mars Saturn suggests an imbalance and element of unfairness on the part of one, so not all sweetness and light. A family friend is quoted as saying: ‘They are a family who regard themselves as being very bohemian and very open with each other. The children are more like friends than kids.’ According to the Daily Mail other friends describe a ­haphazard way of family life in their north London home, once described as ‘a 17th-century baroque palace as seen through a kaleidoscope, drunk’.

The relationship chart also has a Yod of Venus sextile Mercury inconjunct Saturn, suggesting a ‘fated’ union that has irrevocably changed both their lives. She was 18 when they married in 1988 and he was 28. The composite Sun square Jupiter will help to keep enthusiasm alive.

Their wedding chart for 24 August 1988 has more affectionate crossovers with a passionate Venus trine Pluto and square Mars.

One daughter, now in her twenties, has recently complained about their attitude to her weight problems as a teenager – she’s a ‘fattist’ influencer who insists she’s happy being the weight she is. No birth date.

Birth times might shed more light on their eccentric relationship which won’t be all seamless contentment. It’s never a good idea to judge showbiz marriages from their glam and gushing Instagram posts.

Photos: Gage Skidmore

Mali – seeking stability


Mali in West Africa is in turmoil after the second military coup in eight years ousted the unpopular president. There is concern that coups, once a regular part of African political life, are making a comeback with Sudan and Zimbabwe seeing similar in recent years. The initial justification is usually to reinstate democracy after rigged elections keep dictators in power often for decades, but it can end up with more of the same.

Mali, the eighth largest African country, has a complicated history, was once an empire twice the size of France, enriched by the trans-Saharan trade. During its golden age, peaking around 1300, there was a flourishing of mathematics, astronomy, literature, and art. In the late 19th century, France seized control of Mali, making it a part of French Sudan and it gained independence on 22 September 1960 after the secession of Senegal.

The 2012 coup is more obvious on the Mali chart with tr Uranus in Aries (square tr Pluto) then hitting on the Mali Mars in Cancer with the several years following being fraught. Though what may be significant is the Solar Arc Uranus which was then approaching the three Libra planet conjunction in the Mali chart. In the intervening years it has moved across the Mali Mercury, Moon and will next year conjunct the Venus.  So perhaps this coup can be seen as a continuation of a running unease – with again indications of ongoing disruptions for five or six years ahead. Climate change water challenges, poverty, AIDS, the pandemic and corruption are problems that won’t be easily fixed.

The Economic Community of West African States (ECOWAS) have expressed disquiet and become involved in talks to ensure a peaceful democratic settlement. It was established by 15 West Africa countries including Mali on 28 May 1975 in Lagos, aimed at creating an economic and trading union; and also serves as a peacekeeping force in the region able to intervene at times of political instability and unrest.

It has a Gemini Sun opposition Neptune trine Pluto with Pluto opposition Mars – not short of ambition or determination. It’ll come into its own after a major overhaul and reorganisation in 2023/24 as tr Pluto squares the Uranus; and then starts to flourish from the middle of this decade with tr Pluto into Aquarius and tr Uranus into Gemini with a peak by 2027.

Laci & Scott Peterson – a fated and soul-less murder


The death sentence has been overturned in the case of Scott Peterson found guilty of murdering his wife who was eight and a half months pregnant, in 2002. His conviction has been upheld.

Laci Peterson, 4 May 1975 4.44am Modesto, California, disappeared on Christmas Eve and her decomposed body and that of her unborn son were discovered the following April on the San Francisco Bay shore. It transpired that her husband had entered into multiple affairs throughout their marriage and informed his latest squeeze that he was about to become a widower two weeks before she vanished.

Laci was a Sun Taurus sextile Mars in Pisces in the 12th and sextile Saturn in Cancer in the 4th, so used to hardship and with Uranus in her 7th house of relationships would be attracted to a maverick, unpredictable partner. She had a cool Air Grand Trine of a mischievous Aquarius Moon trine Uranus trine Venus in Gemini; and a confident Jupiter in upfront Aries on her Ascendant opposition Pluto Descendant. Pluto there also suggests she would veer towards a controlling, manipulative husband.

Scott Peterson was born 24 October 1972 9.36am San Diego, CA, and is a Sun Scorpio with a volatile and uncompromising thrill-seeking Mars Uranus conjunction; a controlling Pluto in the 10th in a rules-don’t-apply square to Jupiter. He had Saturn in his 7th house of marriage suggesting he found it hard work and his Sagittarius Moon was in a slippery opposition to Neptune on his Ascendant.

It was hardly an ideal match with her Uranus conjunct his Sun; her downbeat Saturn in his 8th and her Mars in his 4th. Despite her efforts to be the perfect housewife she did have an independent streak, would put a damper on intimacy and be argumentative at home.

His Mars Uranus as well as his Sun fell in her 7th so he was always going to be a combustible partner, constantly on the move and not co-operative. Her North Node was conjunct his Neptune with his Moon exactly opposition.

Their relationship chart was toe-curlingly bad with a high-risk, scary, unkind (cruel) composite Mars opposition Saturn square Pluto; plus an illusory/delusional Sun Venus in aspect to Neptune. It was always guaranteed to blow a fuse at some point. The tragedy is they ever got together in the first place.  When she disappeared, tr Saturn was conjunct the composite South Node and tr Uranus was opposition the composite Mercury and conjunct the Mars/Chiron midpoint. These aren’t exactly headlines, but the transiting Sun just into Capricorn was moving round that brutal composite T Square of Saturn Pluto Mars – and tr Neptune was just over the opposition to the composite Sun Venus.

Her chart at the time had tr Pluto square her Mars which is trapped and dangerous; with tr Mars moving into her 8th house; and tr Uranus heading to conjunct her Moon.

On his chart there was a good deal of movement with a ‘confident’ tr Jupiter square his Solar Arc Mars Uranus conjunction. Perpetrators often have uplifting Jupiterian influences to give them the ‘courage’ to do the deed and presumably for the benefit they think it’ll bring them. He also had tr Saturn exactly conjunct his South Node in the 8th Plus a variety of other transits to midpoints including two warped Neptune ones to two Mars midpoints.

The crossovers with and activity around the Nodes are what is remarkable with his Moon conjunct her South Node; her Saturn conjunct his South Node. And the tr Saturn conjunct the composite South Node on the relationship chart and the South Node on his personal chart when she disappeared.

For a man who has had a death sentence lifted he doesn’t look that cheerful with an uncertain tr Neptune square his Saturn till early 2022 and other less than upbeat influences on midpoints.

It takes a particular kind of evil to kill a pregnant woman, near term, who was carrying his child. And all presumably for the insurance money and the freedom to screw around as he pleased.

ExxonMobil – a weather-vane for the future

Another milestone has been passed in the decline of the oil and gas industry with Exxon Mobil now removed from the Dow Jones Industrial Average.  Historically the Dow consisted of heavy industries, manufacturing, and transportation, then oil and gas rose up, but they’ve now been replaced by global technology firms. Energy fossil fuel stocks have been declining since 2015, with a 35% dip last year as the broader market rose by nearly 20% (along with shares in major renewable energy firms).

ExxonMobil came together in a merger on 30 November 1999. Tr Saturn is exactly in an enthusiasm-denting square to the Jupiter now and next month – and although tr Pluto will move into overdrive in 2021/22 as it squares the EXXM Jupiter for a hefty push, there are other less favourable indicators. The tr Uranus in Taurus square tr Saturn in Aquarius in 2021 usually associated with an economic downturn will hit the ExxM Saturn in Taurus square Uranus in Aquarius throughout the year.  2024 to 2027 will be even more discouraging with the Solar Arc Saturn opposition first the Sun and then Pluto.

Chevron, 9 September 1879, the only oil company to remain on the Dow for the time being, while not doing well, with 28% drop in stock price over the past year, is in marginally better shape than others in the industry.  It’s slogging through an exceptionally tough four years with tr Pluto trine its Mars Pluto in Taurus since 2019. And will be just as rattled if not more so than ExxonMobil by the tr Uranus square tr Saturn in 2021 as it impacts on their Neptune in Taurus. 2022 will see tr Saturn in Aquarius square the Mars Pluto for mishaps and significant setbacks. And 2023 to 2025 will be exceptionally insecure as tr Uranus is conjunct the Mars Pluto conjunction.