The Cancer Ingress tomorrow is one of the four marking points in the year as the Sun moves into one of the Cardinal signs – and also welcomes in the Solstice, peak summer in the northern hemisphere and winter down south.
The Cancer Sun will square an Aries Moon Jupiter and Neptune which will make for a restless and possibly overly optimistic mood with a few dreams and delusions thrown in for good measure. But it is at least a hint of cheer to balance out the Saturnine square to Venus (conjunct Algol) opposition the Scorpio North Node. Feelings will be running high especially with Venus trine Pluto though the sextile to Neptune will soften a few rough edges. Pluto square Mars will lead to frustrations and high-risk incidents; and Saturn square Uranus, as per normal for the past eighteen months, will be irritable and tension-erupting. Much of a muchness of what has been in the recent past.
If the astrocartography holds good:
UK has Uranus on the Midheaven hinting at a change of direction.
Central North America has Pluto on the Midheaven always a tricky placing, can be risky or overly intense.
Pluto on the IC and Saturn IC – in western India, Afghanistan to Bangkok look unsettled.
The Uranus Jupiter conjunction in April 2024 will be on this Cancer Ingress North node of 2022.
I moved house on June 21st and it all went marvellously after a lot of planning.
Not having a lot of choice of dates to move astrologically (who has?) I picked Ceres at 15 degrees Cancer and the Taurus node sextile my Sun.
But, I do wonder about that conjunction in 2024. Re 1939.
It looks as if we’re in for a pretty crazy summer, looking at that chart.
“Pluto on the IC and Saturn IC – in western India, Afghanistan to Bangkok look unsettled.”
And today reports of a devastating earthquake in Afghanistan.
There was the 3rd Para orgy (consensual, thank goodness!) scandal that led to them being ordered to remain at base, rather than deployed in NATO exercise. It involved a leaked video (Uranus Venus conjunction, then squaring Saturn?)
Free-access article at: https://www.theguardian.com/uk-news/2022/jun/17/paratroopers-orgy-colchester-barracks-essex-nato-deployment
terrorism(USA?) More shootings like ramos.
Given Mars sextiling Saturn, I’m hoping the new proposed gun legislation, though it does have its issues (no assault-weapons ban, no universal background checks, etc.), goes through.
The good thing is that it attempts to close the boyfriend loophole. (Is that influenced by the Venus-Pluto trine or Venus-Uranus conjunction?)
Is there any way you can look at the likelihood of that passing and improving the U.S. gun-violence epidemic?
Thank you,
Uranus/MC can also mean surprises as well. It is interesting Marjorie mentions change of direction. As the MC is the tenth house/ being out there and in the public. BA is swerving Brexit red tape by taking on Air Crews from Europe. Also there was an article/comment in the Times this morning by the Estonia U.K. Ambassador, discussing businesses circumnavigating Brexit. Boris Johnson may have unleashed a momentum to ignore rules. A taste of his own medicine!
US Supreme Court to release a raft of rulings this week. Abortion, Firearms and many more. A number are going to be controversial. The Congress will be wrapping up it’s Jan 6th hearings and Trump will be exposed but likely not legally attacked. Economy is starting to struggle with the oligarchy ignoring that since they are still raking in the profits. Food and weather will be major problems here this summer. Race and class irritations as well as rural/urban strains are becoming political barriers to compromise and solutions to benefit the great bulk of the populace. Gonna be fun in the summertime. (sick) Any comments, positive or not?
Algol is supposed to be at its most malefic when the star is being eclipsed by it dark companion star (there are actually 3 stars involved). That occurs every 3 days and takes place at 3:58 am UT in London (4:58 BST) on 21 June 2022 about 6 hours before the Cancer Ingress. Johnny Depp has Venus conjunct Algol as Amber Heard. So does Prince William and his late mother Princess Diana
Morning Marjorie (at least for me) The solstice effect on the US and the hearings?
Thanks Marjorie. A turbulent-looking Solstice indeed. UK train strike due to begin tomorrow, with a one day tube workers strike as well. Criminal barristers have just voted to go on strike re Legal Aid rates today – current news says they will be striking from next Monday. That seems to be described by “the Saturnine square to Venus (conjunct Algol) opposition the Scorpio (South) Node” you write about here. Interesting too that the Nodes can represent both alliances and pathways or passageways. The rising Solstice Sun illuminates those pathways at a number of ancient monuments and sites around the world. Do we still feel this in some ancient part of ourselves? And did the disruptions of the pandemic pull a thread in the tapestry of “normal” life?
The Solstice Uranus/MC is very descriptive of all the UK chaos, and interesting how the transport strikes are happening alongside air travel (Uranus?) disruption here, and in Europe. There are also ongoing dock workers strikes in Antwerp and Zeebrugge, and action in the Netherlands, Finland, Germany and Belgium. Ryanair Italy staff are planning a strike in a few days time, Air France pilots are calling for a strike…..In India, an all-India bank strike is currently planned for next week – you mention Pluto and Saturn, quite financial themes there. There’s currently much ongoing unrest and demonstrations in Thailand too.
And, it is Prince William’s 40th birthday tomorrow. So somewhere in his Solar Return, these energies will also prevail.
Happy Summer/Winter Solstice everyone!
Thanks Jane for the info – How ignorant of me; I was completely unaware of the criminal barristers strike action and the strikes going on in other countries too. Im sure there will be more to come from other sectors in the very near future. A summer of discontent!
Hi Angie – yes, agree there’s more to come, and you’re right about the summer of discontent. The Saturn-Pluto conjunction of 2020 seems to have started something, and the Uranus/Nodes now is shaking the tree even more. Let’s see what falls out!
And now, just announced, EasyJet’s Spanish cabin crew threaten to strike in July…..