A seismologist has warned that that the San Andreas fault in California is “locked, loaded and ready to go” and a major earthquake in the region is overdue. This warning comes just months after Los Angeles Mayor pushed through legislation to make the most vulnerable buildings in the city more secure against major tremors.
Los Angeles was incorporated on 4 April 1850 when the Uranus Pluto conjunction in late Aries was in place conjunct Venus, with Sun Saturn also in earlier Aries.
When the 1994 quake struck the tr Uranus Neptune conjunction in Capricorn was square the Venus, tugging on the LA Uranus Pluto; with Solar Arc Neptune heading for the square with Uranus and picking up the tr Uranus Neptune opposition. With a destructive tr Pluto conjunct Solar Arc Mars. Neptune Uranus is a classic earthquake signature and Mars Pluto is violent and dangerous.
When the deadly 1906 San Francisco earthquake struck there was a tr Uranus in Capricorn opposition Neptune. On the San Fran Inc chart of 15 April 1850, that transiting opposition was a few degrees away from hard aspecting the SF Saturn Mercury in Aries square Mars in Cancer; but tr Pluto was conjunct the Solar Arc Uranus Pluto Sun conjunction.
The LA chart at the moment has tr Uranus moving to conjunct the Venus in Aries exactly now till late May and repeating into 2017 when tr Uranus is conjunct the Uranus Pluto; and Solar Arc Pluto will square the LA Mars, exactly within a few months. So it looks stark enough though it lacks the Uranus Neptune signature.