“With your feet on the ground you’re a bird in flight with your fist holding tight to the string of your kite.”
The deed is done, the die is cast – more or less, maybe. As the Boris tribe skip merrily on humming ‘practically perfect in every way’ it is tempting to believe past fears have been misplaced. Evidently he thinks the imposition of tariffs will prove to be like the millennium bug: feared by Cassandras as Armageddon, but ultimately passing off with little fuss. Dread warnings about the car industry will prove overblown, sterling depreciation will help offset tariffs for exporters, and importers will source more ingredients and components from the UK. He genuinely believes that with a bit of pluck, a fair wind and the advantage of language, a great legal system and convenient global time zone, the UK will find a way to prosper in partnership with some of the fastest-growing parts of the global economy. (BBC)
A jaundiced detractor might point to his natal Jupiter opposition Neptune. Sakoian & Acker remark of this placing: lack of practicality not favourable for business or financial involvements, unrealistic blind spot, makes promises can’t fulfil, unreliable, has an ego-centred notion of being a special messenger from on high.
Returning to the UK 1801 chart to ponder on whether fears have been overblown, what is significant – apart from the financial roller coaster and collisions for several years ahead of transiting and Solar Arc Uranus moving through the UK’s financial 8th house across (Solar Arc for longer) see post below 11th December – is another aspect.
The Solar Arc Pluto is moving to square the UK Midheaven in late 2021 and the UK Sun in late 2022, which suggests a major blockage and need to rebuild after old structures collapse. This repeats a similar Solar Arc Pluto conjunct the UK Midheaven and opposition the Sun in 1925/26. At that point there was a General Strike in solidarity with coal miners whose livelihoods were badly affected after World War 1. It wasn’t a history changing moment though it has become culturally symbolic of downtrodden workers, who went on to suffer worse through the 1930s.
The previous time of Solar Arc Pluto, this time in Aries, square the UK MC and Sun was in 1836/7 when there was increasing hardship from the curbing of Poor Relief. Chartism which fought for workers’ rights got under way.
It does suggest a mutinous under-class rising up in resentment.
The right-wing media have been hurling brickbats at Angela Merkel, whom they blame for EU intransigence and failure of any deal, though her relationship chart with Boris isn’t remotely as troublesome as his with Macron. Her Venus in Virgo certainly doesn’t appreciate his disorganized and aggressive Mutable T Square of Mars, Saturn, Uranus, Pluto but that apart, she’s so so about him. Though no doubt her strait-laced temperament doesn’t take to his cavalier approach to the truth or indeed to fidelity. Their relationship chart does have a composite Sagittarius Moon which is catching the Solar Eclipse tomorrow. And her own chart has Mars in late Sagittarius which will be making her unusually argumentative and up for a fight.
The UK chart has the tr Jupiter Saturn in Aquarius moving through the 5th house in 2021, which will impact on speculation, entertainment, children and the nation’s ability to shine. Jupiter will boost confidence and help to keep the population smiling. Saturn will, au naturellement, do the opposite so hard work will be needed at times to keep morale high. There will be financial discouragements from tr Saturn square the 8th house Mars; and in 2022 conjunct the 5th house Venus and 2nd house Neptune. But a light at the end of the tunnel – from June 2023 for a year Jupiter moves through the financial 8th which should bring some better financial news.
It won’t be a complete meltdown catastrophe and all countries will have a post-Covid economic hangover so it won’t be an end-to-the-world-as-we-have-known-it. The UK has survived epic political failures before – Suez and Iraq amongst them. Though both of these irrevocably tainted the respective Prime Ministers of the day. Whether Brexit will be worth the pain for the least-well-able-to-cope sections of the community in the next few years is another question.
Another non-astro thought. Early on after the Brexit vote Yanis Varoufakis, former Minister of Finance, who lived through the humiliation of Greece at the hands of the EU, advised that negotiating with the EU was a waste of time since they wouldn’t budge and it would only end in tears. Had the May/Johnson governments heeded they might well have been better prepared. Adam Marshall, DG of the British Chamber of Commerce said today: “It is hard to believe that we still have to ask ministers for clarity on the nuts and bolts of trade – things like rules of origin, customs software, tariff codes and much more besides – just a fortnight before the end of the transition period. Ultimately, businesses can and will adapt to the UK’s new trade reality. Yet they are not miracle workers or mind-readers.”
What was it Boris said just two years back? – “F*** business” when advised that industry heads were concerned about a hard Brexit. Who does he think employs people?
Philip Stephens in the FT:
“There you have it. Brexit is a national tragedy built on a chimera. The UK is about to discover that it has traded the real power to shape its destiny for an illusion drenched in nostalgia.”
“The bargain under discussion is the first trade agreement in history consciously to raise protectionist barriers.”
I would love see to a group of good honourable well paid people and experts in their field, a collaboration from all walks of life to run our country for the good of everyone.We are a very clever and innovative nation, The British Isles are made up of Wales, Ireland, Scotland, England, WISE we could be!
Forget Political Parties, they all in it for what they can get and make mostly!we need 50% male female split after all we are moving into the Aquarian Age and one myself!
What you propose is the opposite of Aquarian (Community, Equality & Diversity) as it would be anti-democratic.
We need more people to engage in politics, for our political system to be more representative of the voters, for parties to get their fair share of the votes cast and more independents.
Stray thought – there was a remark about Brexit negotiations going better when Michel Barnier (former French Minister of Finance) was absent with Covid. He has Pluto in the 2nd opposition Moon Mars in Aquarius in the 8th – flexible he ain’t. Whoever put him in as negotiator clearly wanted a No Deal – presumably former EU Commission President Jean-Claude Juncker who disliked David Cameron for opposing his promotion and was generally fairly anti-UK.
We have entered the Twilight Zone. In the Netherlands we went into lockdown last evening…….when I heard this I was at the beach with Jeep the border collie, so went to where the best butcher and bread man in the Hague are for the last 30 something years, expecting queues – none! they were lining up though at the booze shop 3 doors down the street and q’ing round the bend….today I went to the post office/card shop etc in our street and asked for a Euro lottery ticket just to dispel the boredom, but no! “You cannot buy one, you cannot buy the chocolate, or the birthday/condolence/baby cards/ ciggies – only post, in or out”. Big Brother is here….
Talk about having their cake and eat it too! It was easy to blame the EU (whatever its flaws) and use it as the enemy in the UK’s problems, and now, a la Trump, the EU continues to be blamed for any failures to reach an agreement? Johnson & co (including the voters, who should always shoulder at least part if not much of the blame just as those who support Trump) clearly thought they could simply impose their will after taking it back, but it doesn’t help to make demands and blame the other side after you’ve split, when you’re the one who wanted out in the first place.
Johnson is rather a conundrum. A prime minister with no fire signs or cardinal signs. He is very adept at taking his positions from those around him.So he has around him the rather right wing/ Brexit people and has taken on their views and his career to this point has prospered. The problem for these people is that they never expected this much success, and rather like Corbyn on the left would prefer to decry the present regime rather than take responsibility.
There is now a shift as Marjorie says into the more chilled Aquarian world which will be a change but will have it’s own problems. Saturn changing signs will bring more discipline and structure ( and rigidity) to the intellectual discourse and demonstrate the intellectual difficulties that are around. Think rather strict school teacher. Johnson will reflect/ personify all this or, if doesn’t, he will be gone.
I have been thinking about Johnson all day today. His natal Moon will square Saturn/Jupiter’s entrance into Aquarius on the Winter Solstice. This is also when Parliament breaks for Christmas. Brexit is about the ERG and money. Johnson is mercurial, yet his Scorpio Moon is on the cusp of his Second house – he is extremely money orientated. He knows he has a limited time left as Leader. I have a feeling he may sell out the country and announce a No Deal on Monday. The way he treats women and his attitude towards respecting people, is quite cold. There is no permanency with Johnson. If he can make money he will.
Dear Nel,
Commiserations thinking about Johnson all day – heavy!!!! Hope you’re having a big drink!
Here in the USA the new York times has links to watch live the electoral college vote biden in,and trump out tomorrow 12-14-2020,even list times each states elector’s vote,hope this helps cheer you guys up,and brings new faith that maybe the UK,and the rest of our world will follow suit,and put the best of humanity back in control,instead of the worst,I wonder what William Shakespeare would have written about this period of time,and our future as humans,whether here on our earth,or other worlds out in the solar system,or greater milky way galaxy,I imagine right now Shakespeare is having interesting talk with Issac Asimov,since Issac wrote the foundation series about humanity,and how 2 foundations,one based on knowledge systems of science,and other stuff,and the 2nd based on knowledge systems like indepth astrology,and how they both wanted to guide humanity through the chaos of the mule,and collapse of their future galactic empire,the more I re read the series the more I think the mule is trump,or other crazy mostly mutable humans if the 2nd foundation has a indepth knowledge system comparable to our indepth astrology,but who could be Harry seldom on our current earth,and how long would it take if most of humans wanted to leave our home here on earth,or would the next of our kin choose to stay here,and keep doing their best for each other,and this earth,hopefully biden gets up back on track to use the best of our human natures,so future generations of humans can decide for themselves if they want to continue roaming earth,or beyond,and hopefully as the winter solstice starts us back toward the light,we can truly help each other to use the best of our human nature’s to rebuild better as biden says,even though there is stuff like pluto return here in America,maybe we can use the better side of the pluto return to rebuild America,then maybe the rest of the world will follow suit,hope you guys have a as best you can holiday season,and new year.
Uranus square BoJo’s MC will soon make him a former PM. That can only be explained by the major economic difficulties Brexit will very soon inflict on the British people. Of course the EU wouldn’t budge. Brexit is an act of gigantic collective hubris. The reality is the EU is much bigger and more economically powerful than the UK. It is a commercial and financial superpower and the UK is not. When the UK sheepishly asks to rejoin in 15 or 20 years after a sharp decline in its standard of living for an entire generation and the loss of Scotland and Northern Ireland, the terms of reentry will be far more difficult. It will have to abandon the monarchy because by then the EU will be fully integrated as a federal superstate and the only accepted head of state will be the elected President of the United States of Europe. And history classes across the world will teach that Johnson and Trump were the worst leaders of the century.
@ Andre,
I definitely agree with you about Trump. However, I’d rank Jair Bolsanoro as the runner up. Boris Johnson is pretty awful….but he seems malleable compared to Trump and Bolsanoro.
The UK was prior to its departure the second biggest contributor, net at £9.4 billion, to EU Multiannual Financial Framework aka MFF.
Balance of trade surplus in EU favour of £95 billion annually.
The UK accounts for 26% of Spain’s tourism worth approximately £13+billion annually.
Our departure will cost the EU over £100 billion annually.
Brexit will lead to 700,000 unemployed in EU with at least 100,000 of the unemployed in Germany.
Now that we have left Ireland has had its MFF contribution increased by 50% to £1.5 billion which is a dire and pitiful sum, but nevertheless it does now make it the fifth biggest contributor to EU funds.
City of London remains one of only two global financial centres despite attempts by France and Germany to woo banks to Paris and Frankfurt.
UK is FIFTH richest country in the world and SIXTH largest economy in global rankings. This takes it above all EU nation states apart from Germany.
It has two of the top three universities in the world and three in the top 10.
It contributes more to NATO than Germany and France.
The UK has the FIFTH strongest military in the world. Above Germany and France.
Until we left the UK was the second largest military power in the EU.
Ursula von der Leyen, the EU President was so useless and wasteful as Germany’s defence minister that their army had to resort to using broomsticks during their military exercises.
Who’s going to help protect the EU now that we have left?
Ask to rejoin the EU in 15/20 years? If there is still an EU somehow I don’t think so.
Just wondering if the UK would have a new birth date as it is leaving the EU
Nope. Fraid not. You don’t get a new birth chart after a divorce. Stuck with the old one. Until it becomes no longer the United Kingdom.
Interestingly, there is a chart for 31st January 2020 at 11:00 p.m. UK time for when we officially left the EU.
The Sun is at 11 Aquarius 32 – very close to the Ascendant on Boris’s Term 2 chart (10 Aquarius 51). Transiting Jupiter will conj both that Sun and Boris’s Term 2 Asc at the end of Jan 2021.
It has Mars at 19 Sag 22 – triggered by today’s eclipse? They were supposed to have decided a deal by today but have not come to an agreement and are continuing to talk. (The eclipse in Sag is also triggering a stellium in Sag in the 1 Jan 1973 chart for when the UK joined the EU – that stellium was opposed by Saturn in Gemini.)
The other thing to note in that chart is Uranus at 2 Tau 50. It is going to get squared by transiting Jupiter and Saturn in Aquarius around 22/23 Dec 2020. That transit is also going to aspect the UK 1801 chart Uranus in Libra and Jup in Leo.
So some properly revolutionary stuff going on – indicating No Deal?
Gemini has dual, split nature symbolized by the twins which could manifest as light and dark. Perhaps the role of these prominent Geminis (eg: Johnson, Trump, even Corbyn) is shine the spotlight on the widespread polarization and divisions that have always existed. Astrologically Gemini does not resolve these multiple conflicts and contrasting views, but does appears to create a necessary, conscious awareness of myriad differences that were previously unspoken.
Thats my view. The Geminian energy is essentially amoral in nature, but as you say highlights, and can increase division.
In Greek mythology Hermes (rules Gemini), as a psychopomp, guides souls to the underworld. As an analogy, could Johnson with four planets in Gemini, including his 9th house Gemini Sun, be seen as guiding the UK (possibly even the EU on some level?) into some kind of Plutonic underworld/ eventual rebirth? (Johnson himself has quite a plutonic chart with Moon in Scorpio, Mars in the 8th square Pluto.) The UK 1801 chart has had Solar Arc Pluto hovering over its Libra Ascendant in 2020 and this influence will still be strong next year as Brexit unfolds under Johnson’s premiership. The Gemini influence in politics (whether on the Left or Right) seems to have brought an awareness of sharply contrasting splits and divisions to the point that they can no longer be ignored.
I’m not an astrologer just a lover of it but I do know what people say in my circle. Brexit happened because politicians never listened to those they serve. We would have never had the referendum if they thought we would vote out. It’s interesting what you wrote Marjorie about “the mutinous underclass rising in resentment”as that’s why labour lost its heartlands and that’s why brexit was voted for in my Northern town. And there’s are lot of anger in England towards politics as a whole so it’s going to be interesting if the seething silent majority do rebel. It will be interesting if the EU survive or it is a house of cards.
“It will be interesting if the EU survive or it is a house of cards.”
‘Interesting’, as in calmly looking at a social experiment. Let’s just say that Europeans, in general, may not feel as estranged from EU politics Brits seem to have be, despites a couple of million spending significant parts of their lives in other EU countries. The difference is that when Brits always had a sense of going abroad, we live in a reality where frontiers are much more blurred. Up until 10 months ago, people crossed boarders on daily bases for work, business or meeting family and friends. There are places, such as Northern Sweden and Finland, where free movement was established well before EU came in, people are truly divided by a frontier the first time in 65 years, and can’t wait to get back to “normal”.
As long as they know who they are rebelling against. By blaming the EU for decades for their own incompetent and corrupt behaviour UK politicians, and the tabloids , and the Conservatives in particular, have set ‘bloody furriners’ up as the patsy while they steal the silverware from in front of our noses.
Thanks Marjorie.
The big decision made in April 1925 was for the pound to go back on the gold standard at 1914 values. This decision was an attempt to revert to the good old days before the First World War but had disastrous effects including deflation and a devastating effect on UK trade. It brought crisis after crisis including the general strike and devaluation before the UK went off the gold standard in 1930. It destroyed the career, for the time being, of Winston Churchill but Prime Ministers Baldwin and Macdonald survived if not prospered for another 10 years or so.
One can imagine the General population here not taking well another bout of austerity however it is packaged
It was in the 1920s that the Labour Party overtook the Liberals who had been the dominant force in British politics up until WWI. And the Liberals’ inability to adapt to the new social reality of Britain that led to their demise. Could the forthcoming repeat of the Solar Arc Pluto suggest a similar political upheaval with people switching their allegiances possibly to a new or revitalized political force, or indeed the opposition parties starting to work together to weaken the Tories’ current stranglehold on power? We live in interesting times.
“Another non-astro thought. Early on after the Brexit vote Yanis Varoufakis, former Minister of Finance, who lived through the humiliation of Greece at the hands of the EU, advised that negotiating with the EU was a waste of time since they wouldn’t budge and it would only end in tears. Had the May/Johnson governments heeded they might well have been better prepared.”
Oh, I think Varoufakis (Sun Aries most likely square Mars/Moon in Cancer) might have more in common with BoJo he’d like to admit, because if you listen to Treasury Ministers who were negotiating with him in 2015, he’d more or less set himself to fail heroically, and never had much concern about wellbeing of “common” Greek people (he is married into money, and his wife is rumored to have inspired Pulp 1995 song “Common People”). That said, while myopic, there is some truth to this statement. There must be something into it *for them* for EU leaders to budge. The UK negotiators have had precious little to offer.
I commend Marjorie for even being able to write about Boris Johnson. He is the most morally bankrupt negotiator this country has had. So sad to watch our country become World Entertainment – perhaps even Comedy Gold!
Geminis to the left of us, Geminis to the right
Geminis undermine us with all their might.
Geminis before us, and Geminis behind us
friends or foe, they care not a toss
Geminis throw the whole damn lot of us under the bus.