Brenda Lee named by Rolling Stone as one of the greatest singers of all time and singles chart-topping phenomenon along with Elvis, The Beatles and Ray Charles is still making waves with her “Rockin’ Around the Christmas Tree”, recorded in 1958, and now back topping the US Billboard Hot 100 in 2023. It makes her the oldest artist ever to top the chart and 67 years since her first hit aged 12.
Performing rockabilly, pop, country and Christmas music, she was given the nickname “Little Miss Dynamite”. Her hits include “Sweet Nothin’s”, “I’m Sorry”, “I Want to Be Wanted”, “Speak to Me Pretty”, “All Alone Am I” and “Losing You”.
She was born December 11, 1944 3.24 pm in Atlanta, Georgia with an 8th house Sun in Sagittarius conjunct Mars on the cusp of the 8th in an excitable opposition to Uranus. Her Sun is square a hard-working, warm-hearted Jupiter in Virgo in her entertaining 5th house; her creative/musical Neptune is also in her 5th on the point of a T square to Mercury opposition Saturn. She has a friendly, charming Venus in Aquarius conjunct her Midheaven square an intense Scorpio Moon. Her Moon is square a 4th house Pluto and trine Saturn. Not the easiest of Moon aspects though her Moon is conjunct her Venus/ Pluto midpoint giving her intense emotional attachments. She has been married for 59 years and not much is known about her husband or her marriage which fits with secretive, self-protective Moon Pluto aspects.
Her Solar Arc Jupiter is sitting around the midpoint of her Sun and Mars around now giving her a boost. Tr Jupiter is also hovering over her Ascendant, not quite exact but that will also do her brand image no harm at all into 2024. With tr Pluto conjunct her 10th house Venus in 2023/24. Her Solar Return from December 2023 has Jupiter in the 10th bringing her luck and attracting success.
The oldies rock on.
I liked Sweet Nothin’ but always switched off or changed stations when I’m Sorry, came on.
As someone who is not a big fan of “secular” Christmas music in general (love many classics, though), I must say it was about the time, must say, about the time! This is by far my favourite up tempo recording. Another favourite is “The Christmas Song”, Nat King Cole version (Michael Bublé is also surprisingly good).
hello Solaia!
It seems we like the same Christmas songs!
Over the years I have collected an eclectic collection of Christmas CD’s… always looking for something worth listening to!!! Manhattan Transfer, Sarah McLachlan (particularly fond of hers as it was playing in the background while I decorated the fellow’s tree who would soon become my husband!!), Loreena McKennitt, Quartette (I See a Star), and, yes, Michael Buble can be good!!
I wish there were better Christmas movies to match!! 🙂
all the best,
Hi, please could you do a piece on Selena Gomez the singer? So curious about her love life post Justin beiber !!thanks !
Thanks Marjorie!
I really do need to study more about midpoints and how transits/progressions affect them.
Always more to learn.
I read that she was a mere 4’9” tall!!
“Is”, although with the age, people tend to shrink, so maybe 4’7″ nowadays.
Amazing to know she has lived to experience the success. George Michael (another prodigy, he was all of 18 years old when he wrote “Careless Whisper”) unfortunately didn’t experience “Last Christmas” hitting Number 1 in 2020.