Boris Johnson, the UK Foreign Secretary, has recently looked as lack-lustre in the role as his US counterpart Rex Tillerson. Now Bojo has bounced back to form with an ‘optimistic, positive and glorious’ vision for Brexit, just days before Theresa May is due to give a definitive speech on same. Not a coincidence, as he implicitly dares her not to soften her stance and sets out his stall for the next leadership election.
She’s in a real bind since firing him would: a) improve his income as he went back to highly-paid journalism; and b) free him up to speak his mind as trenchantly as he pleased.
Their relationship chart is a mish-mash of conflict. There’s a definitely-needs-space and non-cooperative composite Sun Uranus; with a see-saw Jupiter opposition Saturn in an outright-dislike square to Mars. That T Square is being pounded by tr Pluto through 2017 to 2020 as it opposes Jupiter this month and next for a who’s-going-to-have-the-last word tussle; then returning to a discouraging conjunction to Saturn; and moving towards open warfare in 2019/2020; and squeaking emotions up to an ear-splitting screech in 2021/22.
Theresa May’s Saturn in Scorpio opposes Boris’s focal point Mars in early Gemini with her Pluto square his Mars – so her slow, stubborn, control-freakery will enrage him.
He’s on a downer late this year with tr Saturn opposing his Sun Venus, but aiming to make more money in 2018 to keep him cheerful. By 2022 tr Uranus is conjunct his Jupiter and if his 2pm birth time is accurate his Solar Arc Jupiter is nearly conjunct his MC, so he should be in luck. Though with tr Neptune moving through his 6th house for years to come, ego-centred ambitions won’t work well. He’ll need to develop a more idealistic, selfless approach, which might be unlikely.