Dishevelled, chaotic, prolific, the Boris spinning-top twists and twirls ever onwards, unimpeded by the karma that forces most to pay the price for their actions. Happy news for the UK – to add to a bucketload of Olympics medals – as Carrie is expecting her second child in December, after a miscarriage earlier this year.
Boris is on to his 7th offspring, at least that’s what’s written in the record – four from second wife Marina Wheeler, the first of which arrived five weeks after his divorce from Wife No 1; one from an art consultant, and this will be a pair. One of his other great loves Petronella Wyatt admitted to a termination and a miscarriage during their affair during which he promised to leave his wife and didn’t; and he had to resign in 2004 from the shadow cabinet for lying about it.
Word has it that Marina Wheeler was the stiffener in his spine career-wise during their years together. She was born 18 August 1964 in Berlin, daughter of BBC correspondent Charles Wheeler and his Indian Sikh second wife. Boris does seem to have a penchant for ladies from connected and multi-divorced families since Petronella Wyatt’s father was a prominent Labour MP and her mother, the 4th wife of her father, was a Hungarian. Boris’s first wife was the daughter of a well-known and wealthy art historian and an Italian mother. Odd to be so anti-EU when his connections have been so global and fluid.
Carrie Symonds also comes from a complicated family lineage which may track back to an illegitimate daughter of Herbert Asquith, prime minister in the early 20th Century. And down the line there were other illegitimate offspring of journalists until Carrie herself was born out of wedlock on 17 March 1988.
Marina is a Sun Leo in a downbeat opposition to Saturn and an upbeat square to Jupiter in Taurus. What’s relevant to her chart is her enthusiastic and ambitious Mars Venus in Cancer falling on Boris’s Midheaven so she would throw her considerable energy behind his ambitions.
Carrie’s connection to him, surprisingly given her personal political ambitions, is of a different order. Her ramped up Mars Neptune in Capricorn sits on his IC with her Uranus Saturn close by. It does suggest a confused and argumentative home life and she will unsettle him at quite a profound level, the IC being the foundations of his chart and life. Her Pluto in his 2nd conjunct his Neptune and opposition his Jupiter suggests a compulsion on her part to get a grip of his muddled approach to his finances and there will be a fair amount of gameplaying between them for the upper hand with Pluto on Jupiter.
Their relationship chart does have a lucky and mutually supportive composite Sun Jupiter conjunction but it also has an unpredictable, needs-space opposition to Uranus and an erratic and can-be-downbeat square to Saturn, so there will be highs and lows. With tr Neptune conjunct the composite Mars from late this May on and off till early 2023, not everything will feel in tune between them. Mars Neptune brings a droopy sense of failure. The tr Uranus square tr Saturn is also rattling the composite Sun this year into early 2022, so not a smooth path ahead.
Boris’s Moon is coming in for a considerable amount of jangling ahead. His Solar Arc Uranus was conjunct his Moon about six months ago; and his Solar Arc Saturn will oppose his Moon in a year’s time. Plus his Progressed Moon is opposition his focal point (afflicted) Mars exactly now and moving on to square his Saturn come December, with hitches and glitches in 2022 as it squares his Uranus and Pluto. So his lunar life won’t be exactly settled.
Which fits in with the wedding chart – see 30 May 2021; and other indicators, see also posts May 24 2021 and July 22 2021.
I’d hazard a guess that Carrie was getting to the age where the now-or-never question about children came up and she was keen where he might not have been so enamoured of the idea. He’s been moaning abut being short of money since he lost his lucrative column writing fees on becoming PM and has to contribute to past children. My impression is he would not be that unhappy to move on from No 10, having been-there, done-that, and on to greater wealth and security. But Carrie presumably won’t want to budge from a position where she can pull political strings. And there no real indication – see previous posts – of a sudden exit. All remains to be seen.
Thanks for this and all the great comments.
The Saturn/Neptune between Boris and Carrie is intriguing – the mutual reception and sextile in the synastry and the perfect septile in the composite. Saturn being stationary in Boris’s 5th house and Neptune ruling Carrie’s Sun. I’ve seen Saturn/Neptune interactions in the synastry and composite of couples that seem to do “crazy” things to be together – leaving long marriages, coming together across age gaps, social class – etc. Any sacrifice seems worth it to them; there is a crazy, fated feeling to the relationship. I expect that the close septile in the composite will ramp this feeling up.
So with that in mind and also his track record, I suppose it isn’t a surprise.
Is Saturn in Pisces disposited by Jupiter and Neptune which are the ruling planets for Pisces? Boris has rather prolific Jupiter opposition Neptune in Taurus / Scorpio across the 2nd and 8th houses. Perhaps that partly explains his fecundity?
Gosh, bit muddled, does not look that great actually for Boris and Carrie
Love the hungry chicks picture, Marjorie! A second baby for Carrie is pretty much as many of us expected, if that’s the right word. It does make me wonder, a little, if Johnson’s birth time is quite right though. Saturn in the 5th could be read as few children? Although opposing Uranus in 11th perhaps suggests that he is endlessly “surprised” by the arrival of his children?
Also, so much for the “barren” signs of traditional astrology – he has Mars in Gemini and Venus in Aries, neither of which are said to be very fertile!
I’m thinking Saturn in the 5th could also be that the offspring feel like a burden or that they bring heavy lessons to learn. As for Mars and Venus — I guess those natives spread their chances far and wide, “wild oats”, as they say!
Would it be wrong to say that his Pisces Saturn in the 5th points to his somewhat bleak and rootless childhood? The opposition from Uranus maybe shows how Stanley couldn’t provide a stabilising influence for the young Johnson since he was a law unto himself and notoriously unfaithful to Johnson’s mother Stanley is an eccentric who does what he wants.
I suppose also that Saturn in the 5th can beget children in older age.
I wouldn’t think Saturn is his favourite planet given the chaos in which he lives, breathes and thinks. Wherever Saturn falls is a heavy responsibility and can feel like a burden, and it can also mean older parenting here. Also Aquarius rules his 5th (on this birth time) which could give a Uranian feel to his approach to procreation. He’s clearly never heard of contraception and it won’t be for fervent RC reasons.
Thanks for this interesting discussion on Saturn in 5th. And agree he doesn’t seem to understand contraception, Marjorie! Interesting how Uranus seems to predominate, or at least is more visible in its manifestations than Saturn here. Possibly some of his children feel they have to ‘parent’ Boris, or will feel like that in years to come? Dealing with these new siblings is likely to be quite challenging for the others (or most of them) I would think. It’s all an odd layer cake of bohemian (including BJ’s parents) and establishment isn’t it?
“I suppose also that Saturn in the 5th can beget children in older age.”
God VF, I hope not! Thankfully the odds of that are diminishing rapidly 😀
I suppose my Saturn in the 5th meant I had mine around the age of 30 and very close to the average 2.4 children. I definitely put a lot of work in as my husband was regularly away with his job. Family also lived far away and my mother had died several years earlier anyway. Single friends would get frustrated when I couldn’t get childcare to come out….and actually even some friends with children, who had childcare and support on tap from their own parents wouldn’t understand the limits of what I could do – ditto work (happy days). Hard work – definitely. Burden? No way. They are the best thing in my life.
But hey, who knew that Boris could relate? Haha!
Of course Saturn has its old goat side and was connected to the Saturnalia which had its orgiastic side as well as drunkenness. And there is that odd Venus Saturn aspect connection with promiscuity/sex addiction. Boris’s Venus is trine Saturn which isn’t as tricky as a hard aspect though it is in a Grand Trine, but it can give a compulsive edge to Venusian pleasures as well as a coldness. Some of it presumably attempting to make up for lack of childhood affection.
Moon Venus in aspect Richard Idemon always described as the poisoned apple – mother offering sexuality muddled in with maternal nurturing.
Crumbs, no wonder his always tucking his shirt in all the time. it’s amazing he has energy to run the country or write those books. what a man?
Madre de dios, not more more of them!
Thank you Marjorie for having a look at the Johnson clan, again. Hoisted by his own petard, so to speak. I always felt Boris was underestimating Carrie’s own ambitions and obvious need to look after herself and her own brood when he dumps her..
Or the reverse.