Boris Becker, once wunderkind of the tennis world, is a salutary tale of great success followed by an abysmal fall. At 17 the youngest Wimbledon champion in history, he continued on through six-time grand slam wins, earning £100 million-plus through deals and sponsorships over the years. He retired in 2012, was declared bankrupt in 2017 and in 2022 was sentenced to two and a half years in prison, the culmination of decades of financial irregularities in breaking tax laws.
He has been talking about his experiences, insisting he blames no one but himself for his decisions and says he has emerged better for his time inside.
He was born 22 November 1967 8.45 am Leimen, Germany with a 12th house Sun Neptune in Scorpio sitting on the midpoint of a trine from Mars in Capricorn in his financial 2nd trine a turbulent Uranus Pluto in Virgo. Certainly ultra-determined from Mars trine Pluto, volatile from Mars trine Uranus and evasive, unrealistic from a visionary Neptune.
A money-minded Mars in Capricorn plus a not-always-attentive (though can bestow sporting prowess) Sun Neptune and an erratic Uranus Pluto would be part of the problem.
A yod of Jupiter sextile Mercury inconjunct Saturn in Aries would be another, since it demands maturity and self-discipline to work, otherwise it turns self-defeating.
A third factor would be his Cancer Moon in his joint financial 8th house conjunct Procyon, the star which is both fortunate and unfortunate, often an indication of a rise followed by a fall. Pride can make the individual careless. It trines his Sun Neptune conjunction and his Chiron and Scheat in late Pisces, formed into a Kite by Sun Neptune opposition Algol and Black Moon. Aldebaran for those interested is exactly conjunct his Descendant, ruling close relationships.
That is an astonishing collection of the less upbeat Fixed stars.
His 10th harmonic, also indicative of a rise and fall, is marked; as is his sacrificial 12th harmonic and his needs-maturity 11H.
Interesting chart.
Thanks for asteroids