Bobby Brown, the US singer, songwriter, rapper and actor has suffered another family tragedy with the loss of the second of his seven children. Bobby Jnr who was following his father into the music business was found dead at home aged 28. Five years ago Bobbi Kristina, Brown Senior’s daughter with Whitney Houston, then aged 22, was found unconscious from a drug overdose and never recovered, dying six months later. Three years before that Whitney Houston died also from drugs. Her fifteen-year marriage to Brown Snr was marred by drug abuse, violence and infidelity and he was blamed for her downhill slide.
Born 5 February 1969 at 5.21am Boston, Massachusetts, he was diagnosed with ADD and in his thirties with bi polar disorder and was alcoholic from a young age.
He has a 2nd house, financially-oriented Aquarius Sun square a hard-driving and ambitious Mars in Scorpio in his 10th. What is striking about his chart is challenging Saturnine Yod with his Mars sextile an 8th house Pluto and Virgo Moon inconjunct Saturn in forced-to-be-self-reliant Aries in his 3rd house. Yods usually accompany a sense of strain and with Saturn on the focal point it requires great maturity, self-discipline and self-control to handle well – which he clearly has never been able to muster up.
The 3rd house can also indicate mental problems, not emotionally based but because there is too much pressure put on the ego-shell. Although a combination of Mars, Pluto, Moon and Saturn suggests a great deal of emotional turmoil and angst as well.
He wasn’t handed an easy hand of cards to play, for sure. And working in an addiction-prone business wouldn’t help.
The haunted look in Bobby’s eyes speaks volumes.
I do not see how he will cope with the second death of another child.
Re Marjories’s comment about financially oriented Sun in 2nd house: I wonder about the astro interpretation of the 2nd house as being about finances. I have 4 planets in 2nd house with Sun Leo, plus Leo on 2nd house cusp. My interpretation is that Leo Sun in the 2 nd house show you need to develop the ability to shine. I certainly don’t do that, not with a cancer moon in 12 th opposition Saturn. Certainly money was never a motivator in my life. More’s the pity! Maybe Bobby Brown needed to value his Aquarius Sun’s maverick/idealistic/humanitarian qualities. I think it’s very hard to develop 2 nd house qualities. planets here can show where you lack worth, and what you need to value. Certainly that’s the case for me.