Bob Geldof – doesn’t do moderation

Bob Geldof


Bob Geldof, singer-songwriter, political activist and now entertainment business mogul worth a reputed £32 million, didn’t make himself popular this week by staging a crass demo on a Thames cruiser for the Remain campaign, V-signs and all.

Born 5 Oct 1951 2.20pm Dublin, he always knew how to rock anyone’s boat with a spear-carrying Uranus on the point of a T Square to Jupiter in upfront Aries opposition Sun Saturn Mercury and Neptune in Libra. His intervention in the famine in Africa and subsequent Band Aid gained him plaudits, though also some criticism. Uranus can be a torch-bearer, lighting the way into the unknown but it can also be chaotic and overly honest. In his case he also has a packed, communicative 9th house with his four Libra planets there and a passionately enthusiastic Venus Mars in Virgo – so when he wants to spread the word, he doesn’t hold back. He also has an influential Pluto in the 8th.

He’s still recovering from the death of his daughter, Peaches, two years ago from an overdose, when his Solar Arc Saturn was conjunct his 12th house Moon, so a sore loss.  Tr Neptune and tr Saturn have been in hard aspect to his Moon through this year so not a great time for him emotionally. With confusion from tr Pluto square Sun/Neptune and similar from tr Pluto square his Neptune in 2017/18.

With tr Saturn aiming for his Ascendant at the end of this year, he’ll want to draw back from too heavy a work schedule and find that his efforts bring less success thereafter. Tr Uranus moving across his IC in 2018 suggest a major domestic upheaval.

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