Bernie Sanders is beginning to eat into Hillary Clinton’s once invincible lead, with his poll numbers up and a good showing in the last television debate.
Born 8 September 1941 New York 12.27pm (ADB) he’s got some mixed blessings ahead. Tr Uranus sextile his Jupiter will definitely help from mid March for two weeks.
But that apart he’s got tr Saturn square his Sun mid Feb to early March which is discouraging; loss-making and disappointing Neptune transits to midpoints from mid Feb to mid April. May and June looks high stress and insecure with tr Uranus square Sun/Saturn, Sun/Uranus and then conjunct his Mars. The last of those might even bring up health issues.
Hillary Clinton’s chart (without a verified birth time) has nothing too great. She looks uncertain and downbeat late Jan to early March with tr Pluto trine her Saturn/Neptune midpoint; with additional stresses in February from tr Uranus trine Mars/Saturn. April is overwrought with tr Uranus square her Uranus/Pluto; and May more so with tr Uranus opposition her Solar Arc Mars Pluto.
On an 8am birth time tr Jupiter is going through her 10th which has to help. But that’s not certain.
Her bid chart of 12 April 2015 3.05pm New York, is getting rocked on its axis at the moment and more so in May.