Battle of Aleppo – never ending horror for Syrians

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There have been protests on streets in many cities as the bloody battle for Aleppo draws to a destructive end. The Eiffel Tower went dark, Qatar cancelled its national celebrations; there were demos in London, Sarajevo and Amman, with outbursts of feeling when the Russia/Turkey cease fire failed to hold as Syrian government and Iranian forces continued to pound rebels and civilians.

The Battle for Aleppo started on 19 July 2012 on a brutal Mars square Pluto; and a Cancer New Moon square Saturn. Saturn has now moved to square the Sun exactly as the city is all but annihilated.

The Syria country chart, 1 Jan 1944 12 am, was always heading for a total meltdown as the Solar Arc Saturn squared the Uranus Mars conjunction exactly over the past few months and weeks. There may be a ray of sunshine from May 2017 onwards with tr Uranus trine the Syria Jupiter.

Despite the ‘win’ Assad’s Presidency chart, 17 July 2000, doesn’t look that upbeat or settled with tr Uranus square the Mars at the moment and square the Sun from late April, on and off for a year; with worsening dangers and frustrations from tr Pluto opposition Mars in 2018/19.

His personal chart with its Virgo Sun Uranus Pluto opposition Saturn in Pisces is also heading for an undermining, uncertain, panicky few years of ebbing power from April 2017 on for several years.

His Saturn is conjunct the Syria Pisces Moon with his Uranus Pluto Sun in opposition so he’s been a disaster for the country over which he’s had an iron grip. Whether he gets dislodged is a moot point, though there are signs of movement on his relationship chart with Syria in 2017/18 so we can always hope.

6 thoughts on “Battle of Aleppo – never ending horror for Syrians

  1. Me too. My daughters been working in Screbenica and says this wasn’t supposed to happen again after Balkan war. We never ever learn do we?
    I was in Iran during the revolution so understand conflict but this…? Words fail and tears take over.

    • Iraq happened and the West got disheartened about interfering on the ground given the unholy mess that Bush/Blair/Cheney/Rumsfeld left behind with their inept shock and awe and then?? CHAOS.

  2. My thoughts, too, Larry.
    Marjorie, after reading your comments on Putin and his joyful Jupiter influences, it almost signifies a reward for mass murder.

  3. How does the denuding of an entire population become a victory or a win? How does one rule over the dead?

    I cannot think of words to express this.

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