Barr in the box – Justice under the microscope



William Barr on the Senate investigative stand is getting testy but it won’t do him any good with his astrology going pear shaped. He’s now got tr Neptune opposition his Mars/Saturn midpoint picking up today and running constantly till mid August, returning March 2020 and October 2020 till end of January 2021. Ebertin describes this as ‘waning powers and weakening vitality, insufficient power to tackle obstacles in his way, a grievous loss etc.’

He’s also got the restrictive and highly discouraging tr Pluto opposition his Sun/Saturn midpoint picking up later this month till early July, and on and off till late 2020.  With some uncomfortable jolts come this July to September – which shows up in a minor way on the Mueller/Barr relationship chart as well, so maybe more movement then.

Trump and Barr as a twosome, look swamped below the waterline for the next few months with losses mounting.

Barr and Mueller were theoretically good friends but it may have been an arms’ length professional connection more than a bro-romance. Mueller is a Sun Pluto in Leo while Barr is a Moon Pluto in Leo; in each case their Saturn collides with the other’s Uranus and vice versa, so they were frequently not on the same page in terms of outlook and opinion. And Mueller has Mars Mercury in Virgo which sits uncomfortably with Barr’s Saturn and Mars in Virgo so there would be arguments.

Their relationship chart has a composite Sun Mercury in an evasive and disappointing square to Neptune, which will be in the line of fire of the July Cancer Solar Eclipse. They also have a chained-together by circumstance Saturn Pluto conjunction which will be majorly disrupted from mid 2020 onwards as tr Uranus squares the Saturn. And an explosive, highly volatile composite Mars square Uranus which will hit a significant dip from late April 2020 onwards as tr Neptune opposes their composite Mars – removing the last vestiges of good feeling between them.

Mueller’s relationship chart with Trump is under separating influences this year; with a sharp elbow around July from the Eclipse conjunct the composite Saturn; and tr Uranus trine the composite Mars. With even more significant upheavals from mid 2020 onwards for a year or so.

This tale has a ways to run before it finds closure.

6 thoughts on “Barr in the box – Justice under the microscope

  1. My real question here is what kind of a person with a long and distinguished career in politics and law would willfully agree to put himself in a position of covering up deeds of a malign narcissist? Surely, Barr has seen enough narcissists on his career to know this is terribly risky, since narcissists will throw just about anyone under the bus to protect themselves.

    • Barr has been drinking the Fox News/GOP cool aid like Trump’s Republican enablers.

      From a Talking Points Memo post: “Bill Barr is another Republican guy in his late 60s whose been living… in that Fox News/GOP legal circles cocoon for two decades. Why would he be any different from your birther uncle you avoid at holiday dinners? More to the point, why would we be in the current situation if the bacillus of Foxism or rightwing authoritarianism (whatever you want to call it) wasn’t as pervasive with the Bill Barrs of the GOP as the ordinary Joes you see at the Trump rallies? More articulate, yes. But different? Not really. And why would it be?”

  2. Barr will be made to look a fool and be the A.G for another 1 term President *again* as Trump will get what’s coming to him no doubt. The problem is how Trump will react when his back is against the “WALL”. What catastrophe may he cause in retaliation!

    • There are worse faiths, as Richard Nixon’s AG John N. Mitchell, could have told Barr.

      (I’m also fully expecting a Martha Mitchell to come out sooner than later )

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