Barack Obama – not a great start but a flying finish for his final lap

Barack Obama is coasting the way into his last year, improving his golf in Hawaii. He’ll still be working hard with tr Saturn going through his 10th, glad handing with great enthusiasm as tr Jupiter moves through his 7th till June. He’ll have some sinking moments and setbacks in January and on till March with first tr Pluto square his Mars/Neptune which is either low energy or plans dissolving under his feet; and then tr Neptune opposing Mars/Uranus and Mars/Node – somewhat similar to Cameron so may be violence out in the world causing anxiety.

His Solar Arc Neptune opposes his 5th house Venus, exact in six months’ time – an emotional disappointment perhaps about one of his children; or even his relationship since his Secondary Progressed Venus is moving to conjunct his 7th house Pluto through this year – so intense feelings.

That apart nothing too dramatic. Though tr Jupiter going into his 8th from June for a year will bring more money his way and a positive change in his life. Into 2017 tr Uranus moves into his 3rd where it stays for several years bringing an even busier everyday schedule. So he’s clearly not going to be putting his feet up.

His 2nd Term chart isn’t showing anything too dramatic apart from tr Pluto conjunct the 9th house Venus, which could be foreign affairs causing some angst and putting on a charm offensive. Venus can also be economic.

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