David Cameron – pressure beginning to show

David Cameron is wading knee deep in flood water, getting heckled, trying to explain why he did not put a decent defence plan into operation despite multiple warnings.
He’s got tr Pluto returning to square his Libra Sun from this Thursday for a month, and returning on and off till late 2016, so it is a pressured year for him. Not that he ever gives much sign of caring. He’s also got a run of Neptune transits in opposition to his Sun/Jupiter, Mars/Pluto and Mars/Uranus midpoints from mid January till March and again October to Jan 2017 – which look panicked, disaster-prone and disappointing. Neptune on the Sun/Jupiter has a hint of economic problems so all may not be as rosy in the garden as is being made out at the moment.

Chancellor George Osborne, has slightly similar with tr Neptune square a Mars midpoint early and late in the year; and tr Pluto conjunct his Solar Arc Jupiter Neptune conjunction which will boost his confidence hugely, then bring it crashing down. Plus a jolting Solar Arc Saturn square his Uranus sometime around now.

The cracks in his relationship with David Cameron will start to show from late April with tr Uranus square the composite Venus and worsening through 2017. It was never as cosy as it looked with a cold Venus square Saturn; and worse an unsupportive composite Mars Neptune = when one succeeds the other feels diminished. There’s luck in there with a Jupiter Uranus conjunction and some good feeling from Jupiter trine Moon, but scratch the surface and there’s resentment lurking. Some of which will become more obvious as this year progresses; but especially in 2017 when tr Pluto is sextile the composite Mars and tr Uranus is conjunct the composite Saturn.

Cameron’s personal chart is showing real strain in 2017 with tr Pluto starting the long haul trine his Pluto Uranus and then sextile his Saturn. Changes will be forced on him. Though for all that tr Jupiter will be moving through his 1st then which always gives a lift.

His 2nd Term chart has tr Pluto trine the Sun in 2016/17 so perhaps exerting more control (Freedom of Information etc). There’ll be some slipping and sliding and evasion this year with tr Neptune square Mercury on and off. But it is 2017 where the real headaches and instability come with the Pluto Uranus square closing to exact by Solar Arc and by transit.

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