Lemmy – old rocker tunes out

Lemmy, the heavy metal rocker and frontman for Motorhead has died aged 70, the miracle being he survived as long as he did on a diet of drugs, whisky and coke, and cigarettes. He was brought up by his mother and grandmother, his army chaplain father having baled when he was 3.

Born 24 December 1945 8.30am Stoke-on-Trent, England, he had a Capricorn Sun on the Ascendant and seemed to have been a full-on kind of guy. His Neptune is emphasised on the focal point of a T square to Sun Ascendant opposition North Node, so musical, creative, addictive. He also had an outspoken Mercury in Sagittarius opposition Uranus square a Virgo Moon.

What is most striking about his chart is a wide Mars Pluto in Leo conjunction in his 8th with Mars conjunct Saturn in Cancer in the 7th – which is a very heavy combo. Driven by demons, perhaps why he had the baddest, loudest band of them all.

He slept with thousands of women but never settled to a committed relationship, due partly to his North Node conjunct his Descendant and high-risk planets in the 8th ,giving him a fear of intimacy. Obituaries says he was surprisingly cultured and well educated about social issues, despite his rough image, which may be down to Jupiter and Neptune in Libra in his 9th house of philosophy and broader understanding.

His creative, get-it-together 5th Harmonic is powerfully confident. But it is his 8th and 16th Harmonics especially which bring together an unholy collection – of Mars Pluto Neptune in his 8H; and New Moon Mars Pluto Saturn Venus in his 16H.

Vendla’s number interpretations certainly fit his life.

8H: A fated number. “Karmic debt”. Soul wounds, bad luck or loss may follow this number, which also gives an abundance of strength and stubbornness in the face of difficulties. The road to success is often bumpy and hard, and if it comes easy, or at all, it will not necessarily bring happiness.

16H: Destruction. This number warns against all kinds of catastrophes. Disappointments, humiliations, threatening dangers, accidents, disasters. Life as you know it might change completely. Sometimes this is self-inflicted, sometimes it is not. A special sensitivity is present, often artistic.

However hard he tried to self-destruct he kept hanging on in there. Latterly on medical advice he gave up whiskey and coca cola and switched instead to vodka and orange juice.

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