Unity Mitford – a sick infatuation

Unity Mitford was one of five infamous debutante sisters of the 1930s, who developed an infatuation with Hitler. Her sister Diana, wife of Oswald Mosley of the British Fascist Party, spent the war in an internment camp because of Nazi sympathies. Unity’s diaries of her time in Germany between 1935 and 1939  have been published relating her intimate access to Hitler and she was viewed as his English girlfriend. Her dearest wish, friends said, was to become Mrs Hitler. Rabidly anti-Semitic, she wanted him to conquer the world.

   Her defiant wearing of a swastika badge got her stoned in Hyde Park and arrested and strip-searched in Czechoslovakia. Because of her, the Mosleys and the Duke of Windsor, Hitler was led to believe that the British upper classes would not only align with Nazism but have a popular following.

   At the outbreak of the war, she shot herself in the head from which she never recovered, dying in the UK in 1948.

 Born 8 August 1914 in London as World War 1 broke out, she was an attention-seeking Leo Sun opposition Jupiter, though more significantly she had Mars Venus conjunct in Virgo square Saturn in Gemini and Pluto in Cancer. Mars Venus can be promiscuous and would certainly have made her compulsive in her interests. Square Saturn adds a masochistic streak. Mars Pluto would attract her to powerful and ruthless men. Plus she had delusional Neptune Mercury in Cancer.

  Hitler’s Saturn in Leo was conjunct her Sun and opposition her Jupiter – she attempted to be his cheerleader while he kept her at arm’s length. Her Neptune in Cancer fell close to his Midheaven and square his Taurus Sun – illusions were rife. His manipulative 8th house Neptune Pluto in Gemini, the subterranean influencer, tugged at her Mars Venus in trine. Her Venus Mars in earthy Virgo may well have been attracted to his Mars Venus in Taurus, unbelievable though it may sound.

  Their relationship chart had a perverse composite Venus, Mars, Saturn conjunction opposition Jupiter hinting at a decidedly one-side relationship with elements of cruelty in it.  There was also a composite Sun conjunct controlling Pluto on one side and illusory Neptune on the other.

 As war approached in 1939 tr Pluto crossed over her Mercury Neptune and tr Saturn in Taurus in square – putting immense pressure on her mental instability. And tr Neptune was square their composite Sun.

  What a weird, unbalanced woman.  Oddly enough Eva Braun, longtime companion and briefly wife of Hitler had her Aquarius Sun in his 4th opposition his Saturn. His Taurus Sun sat on her Descendant which is good for relationships though her Uranus in square would make for tensions.

 Their relationship chart had a passionate though disruptive composite Venus Mercury opposition Uranus square Pluto; and a moody, changeable Jupiter opposition Saturn Neptune square Sun.

USA – Trump mark 11 day one ++ health, finances, secret deals backfiring etc

The US is holding its breath as Trump is inaugurated for the second time with fears that his wild and inflated promises will be followed through. Commentators are divided between downplaying the threat – ‘My counsel would be not to sweat what he says, but judge him by what he does.’ And doing the opposite ‘Nobody should kid themselves that he’s only ever bluffing. Donald Trump is a slob, a cheat, a lawbreaker, a bully, a careless liar, a cheap jingoist and a dangerous politician.’

   Before panicked outrage takes over it is helpful to take a hard look at America’s past – George H Bush actually did invade Panama and toppled the regime of Manuel Noriega. Reagan invaded Grenada, a member of the Commonwealth. There were wars in Indo-China pursued by John F Kennedy, Lyndon Johnson and Richard Nixon, never mind the misbegotten “global war on terror” pursued by George W Bush, Rumsfeld and Cheney. In comparison Trump may not be such an outlier and his previous record might suggest, for all his inflammatory rhetoric, he is not a war monger.

  His Inauguration chart of today is worrisome with a 10th house, control-freak Sun Pluto conjunction – akin to Kim Jong Un’s North Korea leadership chart, 29 December 2011 11.57am P’yonggang, NK,  with its 10th house Sun Pluto in Capricorn.

 But other strongman dictators did not (where times are available) have Pluto in the 10th. Al Sisi in Egypt, 8 June 2014 11.18am Cairo, did not. His administration chart has Pluto in the 5th house which is admittedly strongly aspected being opposition Jupiter square Mars opposition Uranus. The Ayatollah Khameini’s Leadership chart has a Sun square Pluto. Gadaffi’s had Mars square Pluto.

  George W Bush whose first term oversaw 9/11 and the wars on Afghanistan and Iraq had a confused 10th house Sun Neptune conjunction with admittedly an aggressive, explosive, vengeful Mars in the 7th square Uranus in the 10th and more significantly even than that a hidden, dirty-dealing 8th house Moon Pluto conjunction.

 The most recent Joe Biden administration had Pluto conjunct the Midheaven and 10th house Sun, somewhat similar to this one – plus Jupiter Saturn in the 10th square Mars Uranus – which looked ominous in advance though all things considered did not prove to be as tumultuous as it looked.

  Below has all been said before and will no doubt be said again ad nauseam – but here is a precis to keep in mind. The USA is labouring under Solar Arc Saturn conjunct its Mars 2024/early 2025) inducing fear and anger; followed by SA Saturn square the US Neptune exact late September 2025 and fading from early 2026 onwards. 2025 also sees tr Uranus square the Moon for an unsettled electorate. And tr Neptune square the financial Venus from mid 2025 onwards and tr Saturn square Neptune in 2026.

 Trump’s chart is both hyped up and mired into confusion. Tr Uranus will make a final square to his Mars late April to mid May 2025 for a shock, anger, insecurity and over-reactions.   This February, mid July to late August and December 2025 look quarrelsome in the extreme with bitter rows ongoing.  Throughout 2025 and 2026 Neptune will be undermining two of his Mercury midpoints and SA Neptune will conjunct his Moon soon and then opposes his Sun in late 2026 – none of which will clarify his thinking or make constructive progress with his plans easy.

  One obscure thought, his Progressed Mars will conjunct the USA’s Saturn in Libra exactly towards fall 2025 which is around the time the SA Saturn squares the US Neptune and when the Inauguration Sun Pluto conjunction is drawing close to exact.

ADD ON: If Trump’s 10.54 am birth time is sound then he also has tr Pluto entering his 6th house of health for years to come which can be pressured; plus tr Neptune into his 8th for financial deceptions/secrets emerging; and tr Uranus conjunct his Midheaven late this March into April which could suggest a jolting change of direction. Plus his Solar Midheaven conjunct his Pluto in the 12th within months which could suggest both an exaggerated push for influence through behind-the-scenes manipulation and a dead-halt since Pluto can have a destructive effect on career plans. But these are all dependent on an accurate birth time.

N.B. (Nota Bene = take notice)  I hate to sound like a nag BUT this is an astrology website, not a fan club or the opposite. Facts are helpful for context. Outraged opinions need to be directed elsewhere or they will be binned. Ranters and ravers will get blocked permanently.

Joan Plowright – a talented Scorpio with an upbeat Moon

Joan Plowright, one of Britain’s finest stage actresses, married for three decades to Laurence Olivier, has died aged 95. She garnered innumerable awards for her performances on screen as well, most recently for Tea with Mussolini where she played in an ensemble cast with Judi Dench and Maggie Smith.

 She was born 28 October 1929 in Brigg, England, (rectified by Starkman to 4.38am which works well) with her mother, a keen amateur actor prompting her onto her first stage performance aged 3.  In the early 1960s she met Olivier during a performance and was cautious since he was still in a high-profile marriage to the increasingly unstable Vivien Leigh and she was also married. He was 22 years older but after both divorced their previous spouses they made it work, producing three children, though he was not an easy temperament. She said, “He has extremes of behaviour, which you understand.  You just find a way not to be swept overboard by his demons.”

 She was a Sun Scorpio sextile Neptune with a Virgo Moon conjunct Neptune and an influential Pluto in her 10th conjunct her Midheaven – determined, creative, influential, controlling.  Her charming Venus and Mercury in Libra sat on her Ascendant opposition Uranus conjunct her Descendant, suiting her for an unconventional marriage. Despite her intensity she could be amiable and laid back at home.

  Her creative 5H, 13H and 22 harmonic charts are all strong for talent, influence and fame.

 Laurence Olivier, 22 May 1907 5am Dorking, England, had a 12th house Taurus Sun Mercury with a Virgo Moon and a volatile, explosive 8th house Uranus Mars in Capricorn. His Venus fell in her 7th house of marriage for an affectionate bond and both had Virgo Moons so would understand each other’s moods.

 Their relationship chart had a workmanlike composite Sun opposition Saturn and an argumentative Moon square Mars, tied into the North Node – so their joint public careers would keep them on their toes. Assuming her rectified birth time is sound then the saving grace would be a strong friendship from Jupiter in the 11th.

Israel cease fire – surprise Trump intervention

Two astro-thoughts about a possible ceasefire in Gaza which no one is expecting to be the end of the conflict. One is that the original Hamas invasion chart of 7 October 2023 which was announced at 6.30am that morning had a brutal, ruthless Mars square Pluto. That has moved by Solar Arc to close the hard aspect to exact within a minute of a degree now which hardly suggests the bad feeling on either side has eased. That chart also has the disaster-prone Vindemiatrix, the widowmaker, exactly on the Ascendant and Algol in the 8th.

   The other is the surprise of Trump’s emissary, an aggressive businessman Steven Witkoff sent in to give the hard word to Netanyahu. A change from the softly softly Anthony Blinken/Biden approach, he evidently put his foot down and insisted a ceasefire had to be agreed. Born 15 March 1957, Witkoff, is a Sun Pisces but more significantly has Mars in Taurus conjunct Algol square Pluto, making him even more intimidating than Netanyahu and Trump put together.  

 Netanyahu has a problem  with two of his coalition parties, Religious Zionism and Jewish Power, who are demanding he withdraw from the deal until Hamas have been completely destroyed.  

  Hamas may also sabotage the deal since the terms may insist their rival the Palestinian Authority take over Gaza. The second and third phases will only be discussed at least 16 days into the ceasefire.

  Outgoing Secretary of State Blinken is an unusually blunt farewell speech said: “I wish I could tell you that leaders in the region always put their people’s interests ahead of their own interests. They did not.” That was a message to Netanyahu and he criticised the illegal settlements on the West Bank. Far too little and far too late.

 The Israel chart has its 12th house Neptune being rattled by the Libra/Aries Solar Eclipses late 2024 and through most of 2025; with the SA Midheaven moving to conjunct the Neptune by 2026/27 which is all indecision and confusion.  With the insecure, explosive tr Uranus square the Israel Mars before mid 2025 and tr Pluto opposition the 10th house Moon in 2026/27 suggesting massive pressures on the Israeli government and a mutinous electorate. And worse the devastating, trapped and scary SA Mars is square the Israel Pluto, same degree within less than six months and exact over New Year into early 2026. So nothing suggesting relief at the end of hostilities.

  Trump’s relationship chart with Netanyahu will continue to be tumultuous through the early months of his administration. As will his relationship with Israel itself. He is not quite what they expected.  

 Ceasefire or no ceasefire there is no end in sight to the inhumane plight of the Palestinians which is what fuels the resistance.

 “The end is in the beginning and still we go on.” Beckett.

David Lynch – seeking truth in the darkness ++ plus Fellini, Polanski charts

David Lynch, the film director, ‘the visionary of America’s subconscious’ and a ‘a singular auteur whose films found poetry in the ugly underbelly of American life’ has died. He ‘saw that if the US dreamed of safety and prosperity and the suburban drive and the picket fence, it also dreamed of the opposite: of escape, danger, adventure, sex and death. And the two collided and opened up chasms and sinkholes in the lost highway to happiness.’

 Best known for Twin Peaks, The Elephant Man, Dune, Blue Velvet he was described as ‘a purebred, corn-fed all-American surrealist and a man who insisted that below our manicured lawns and behind our tidy housefronts lay incomprehensible urges and unholy evil. In his work, the sunny American Dream and its nightmare subconscious were conjoined and inseparable, each unimaginable without the other.’

Blue Velvet for example was ‘a subversive coming-of-age tale in which the boyish naïf played by Kyle MacLachlan falls under the spell of a sexually masochistic chanteuse (Isabella Rossellini) and her brutal gangster lover (Dennis Hopper), it was wide-eyed and wondrous one moment, deeply disturbing the next.’

‘The movie haunts like a Freudian spectrograph of the country’s soul.’

 According to ADB his first film which won awards was about an abused, bed-wetting boy who grew a kindly grandmother from a seed.

 Despite the nightmares permeating his movies and creative subconscious he claimed to have had a happy childhood, albeit constantly moving because of his father’s job as a research scientist in agriculture.

 Born 20 January 1946 3am Missoula, Montana, he had a sharp-witted, communicative Capricorn Sun Venus conjunction and Mercury in his 3rd house opposition Mars Saturn in Cancer in his 9th square a 12th house Jupiter.  

 Mars Saturn can be a destructive energy and juxtaposed with an amplified Jupiter may have given him his sense of a two-tier life/society. Jupiterian success and sunny smiles on the the one hand and ruthless/perverted Saturn Mars on the other. His Uranus in his 8th would also give him a doorway into deeper realities as would his 8th house North Node.

 His 10th house Virgo Moon conjunct his Midheaven suited him for a career that brought him into contact with the public  But being unaspected would give him a sense of disconnection with his environment initially at home and later with society. It would make him vulnerable and feel unsupported, perhaps one reason he ‘let in’ the horrors that lurked below the surface which most manage to blot out.

Bob Dylan & Timothee Chalamet – a lucky pairing

 The legendary Bob Dylan has been given a Hollywood biopic which has been rapturously received by the upmarket film critics. “A Complete Unknown: Timothée Chalamet embodies Bob Dylan’s once-in-a-generation coolness.

“The rocker is too mercurial a figure for a biopic to ever fully capture him – but this gorgeous film comes as close as you could hope.”

“For anyone under 75, Dylan’s greatest hits have always been heirlooms: somehow just there. Amid the recreated past, the movie restores a sense of how seismic they would originally have been.”

“Timothée Chalamet shines as a brusque and brattish Bob Dylan.”

  Dylan, born 24 May 1941 9.05 pm Duluth, MN, was awarded the the Nobel Prize for Literature in 2016 “for having created new poetic expressions within the great American song tradition”. His songs include Blowin’ in the Wind and The Times.

He has a Sun Venus in Gemini, a common sign amongst popular singers, with the Sun conjunct Jupiter and Uranus in Taurus, all in the 6th house of work.  He’s got a stellium in Taurus – Saturn Moon in the performing 5th plus Jupiter Uranus, all in an inspired, creative trine to Neptune and North Node in Virgo. His Mercury in Gemini conjunct his Descendant makes him a communicator; and Pluto in his 8th sextile his Sun gives him depth and the ability to influence widely. His Sun also squares a 3rd house Mars in Pisces, so he is assertive, can be get angry about issues.

 His super-star 22nd Harmonic is strong; as is his literary 21H; and that curious 13th Harmonic. ‘This number is associated with exploration, genius and breaking with the orthodox. It warns against the unknown and the unexpected. It requires adaptation to change to be successful.’

  Timothee Chalamet, 27 December 1995 9.16 pm Manhattan, NY, has a packed performing 5th house with a Capricorn stellium of Sun, Mars, Mercury, Neptune, Uranus  – with his Sun like Dylan conjunct Jupiter sitting late in the sign before.  Chalamet like Dylan has a Moon conjunct Saturn though in his case in Pisces and his Pluto in the 4th has certain similarities to Dylan’s Pluto in the 8th.

 Dylan’s Jupiter Uranus is conjunct Chalamet’s Midheaven so definitely a lucky connection on the carer front.

  Their relationship chart has a composite Sun Jupiter conjunction in the 5th which is also fortunate.

Michelle and Barack Obama – opposing attitudes

Michelle Obama was conspicuous by her absence from Jimmy Carter’s funeral and evidently does not intend to attend Trump’s Inauguration.  Reasons proffered in the media are that she does not do hypocrisy and refuses to put on a false smile to applaud a man who has directly insulted them and she thinks is a danger to democracy. Barack is reckoned to be a supporter of ‘unity’.  [LBJ’s “Better inside the tent p***ing out than outside pi**ing in.”]

  Michelle certainly harbours a strong hostility to Trump with an aggravated composite Saturn Venus opposition Mars in their relationship chart – with the composite Sun at 9 Aries catching the Solar Eclipses right through late 2024 and most of 2025 for rolling jolts plus another from tr Uranus square the composite Pluto before mid year.

 Her Saturn (Moon) in Aquarius opposes DT’s bombastic Mars in Leo and her Capricorn Sun opposes DT’s Saturn – aggravating and chilly.

 Barack and Trump’s relationship chart has a forced acceptance composite Saturn trine Pluto; and a suspicious, doubt-ridden, chilly composite Sun Uranus squaring a Saturn opposition Neptune. Not exactly cosy but the dislike is more battened down.

  Michelle is looking horror struck at the moment with tr Uranus opposition her Mars/Pluto midpoint till mid March; and has a frustratingly stuck trapped, fearful tr Pluto conjunct her Mars from this March on and off till late 2026. Plus a confused, devastating SA Pluto conjunct her Neptune in 2027.

 Barack has his Solar Arc Midheaven conjunct his Jupiter in coming months so looks less stressed; though tr Uranus moving into his 4th house before mid 2025 will be unsettled domestically and where the family is concerned. He does look emotionally on edge with tr Uranus moving to conjunct his 4th house Gemini Moon in 2026/27; and even before then tr Neptune Saturn square his 5th house Venus in Cancer from mid 2025 into 2026. Plus a considerably jolt where partnerships are concerned in 2026 from SA Mars square his 7th house Uranus.

 He has tr Saturn heading for the nadir of his First Quadrant so he won’t be as motivated or ambitious as in the past and will be keen to step back and give personal matters more attention. 

  There’s no verified birthtime for Michelle though Starkman puts it at 1.56am which puts her at a different phase of life career-wise to Barack. But she also has a few emotional ups and downs coming with tr Uranus square her Moon (?) soon and then square her 4th house Venus after mid 2025.

 There could be strains on their relationship through this year and the next several, with their composite Venus opposition Sun square Saturn feeling the full weight of tr Pluto hard aspects through till late 2029. Plus aggravations this year with tr Uranus opposition the Mars and tr Uranus square the composite Pluto in 2026/27. So very rock n’ roll and not in tune.  

Astrology – searching for mother in the chart + Chiron

A search for mother (or the experience of mother) in a birth chart will focus on the Moon house position and aspects and 10th house planets.

 This is a quick skip round main features which can be amplified by reading elsewhere.

   Where the Moon falls house-wise is what brings nurturing and protection (the mothering energies). Different children born at different times in a marriage or in the mother’s changing circumstances will reflect on the children (and their chart), sometimes producing a radically different experience of the same mother to different siblings. Also the different temperaments of each child will sit comfortably or less so with the mother so where one child may feel accepted, another may feel rejected through no fault of their own.

Moon aspects:  A Moon aspected (conjunct, square, opposition) by Jupiter gives a rosy view of mother, perhaps because of lax boundaries or spoiling, over indulgence though tends to have a superficial feel. Mother feeds sweeties but not genuine deep affection. The adult child will have a tendency not to see the reality of mother/women and will resist looking at the shadow.   

Moon Saturn (Princess Anne and Queen Elizabeth 11) is an emotionally distant mother distracted by duty, responsibility and perhaps difficult circumstances, so instilling in the child a sense of discipline and an acceptance that hard work is expected.  

Moon Uranus is an unpredictable mother, can-feel-rejecting mother, sometimes there, sometimes not, which lays the ground for independence early on and a tendency to be restless, in need of constant change emotionally and domestically.

Moon Pluto is a possessive, controlling mother which is not felt as emotionally supportive but suffocating and results in emotions in the child being shut down and firewalled off from invasion – and defensively becoming over controlling themselves.

Moon Neptune is a mother lacking in psychological boundaries so the child finds it difficult to distinguish between ‘my’ feelings and ‘mother’s’ feelings and indeed others in adult life. Mother may be seen as needy, sick, weak or head-in-the-clouds.

Moon Mars is a mother who blocks assertion and anger, thus building up a reservoir of resentment and anger in the child who will react impatiently with women of all varieties in adult life.

Moon Venus, astrologer Richard Idemon described as ‘the poisoned apple’ – mother offering maternal affection with a streak of sexuality wrapped up in it.

Moon Chiron – the wound is the mother who may have been inadequate and like Moon Neptune tends to make the child more aware of others’ needs than their own which continues into adult life.

New Moon mother will result in the child seeing both parents as a single unit, or perhaps being brought up by a single parent who has to be both mother and father.

Sun opposition or square Moon – parents very different in temperament, almost incompatible and could be divorced, which leaves a lifelong struggle in the adult child to reconcile their masculine and feminine sides. What I want and what I ought to do are always at odds. It does find a resolution but usually only later in life.

An unaspected Moon gives a sense of disconnection, being detached, not at home, less demonstrative emotionally. Can feel vulnerable or unstable, not secure or supported.

Houses:  An 8th house Moon suggests a grandparent (mother) was the one with whom there was the strongest maternal connection. An 11th house Moon has mother as a friend rather than a parent/or friends acting as the main emotional support. A 9th house Moon brings support from books and knowledge. A 12th house Moon points to a mother who was emotionally absent during the gestation of the baby and who will struggle to form a strong bond after birth. A 3rd house Moon brings mothering from siblings or mother feels like a sister. A 4th house Moon suggests that the wider family and sense of roots is what offers emotional security. A 2nd house Moon – mother and attitudes to to money are intimately connected. A 6th house Moon can bring a connection between emotional states and physical stamina so mother may have been overly anxious or had health issues? A 5th house Moon brings nurturing from children in adult life. 7th house Moon maybe mother as partner rather than parent? Produces in adult life a need for security and support of a close partner.

Planets in the 10th or the ruler of the sign on the cusp of the 10th –

Moon in the 10th – mother who instils a need for outer acclaim, often found in politicians’ charts or in public careers.

Mars in the 10th – assertive, ambitious, angry mother who engenders a competitive instinct in the adult child.

Jupiter in the 10th – a flamboyant, drama queen mother, who instils confidence and brings luck in later life.

Saturn in 10th – disciplinarian mother, instils a work ethic, but not good for relaxing or playing, pays off in later life in success.

Uranus in 10th – zany, erratic, changeable mother, not good for stability or reliability but suits the adult child for an exciting, changeable career.

Neptune in 10th – a mother who needs support and sympathy, suits adult child for either the healing professions or creative ones.

Pluto in 10th – a controlling mother who once her domination is escaped produces a strong personality in the adult which can make for a career of influence, though there will always be an issue around power and control.

Celebrity examples are not always a good guide to ordinary living or psychology but the Kardashian family do give some pointers.

Mama Kris Kenner 5 November 1955 6.42 am San Diego, CA has a determined Sun and Saturn in Scorpio straddling her Ascendant with a flamboyantly confident, ambitious and controlling Jupiter Pluto in her 10th house of career.

 Of the five girls –

Kourtney, 1979, an Aries, has Neptune in the 10th and an 11th house Capricorn Moon square Mars in Aries, trine Saturn – not a great chemistry with mother who comes across as needy (Neptune in 10th) as well as cold, overly-hard-working and unfair in her expectations.

Kim, 1980, despite being a Sun Libra, is the closest to mother in career aspirations with Jupiter conjunct her Midheaven and Saturn in her 10th as well. Her 4th house Pisces Moon opposes Jupiter so she’ll see Kris through rose-coloured glasses although a hint of the workaholic mother comes through in Moon opposition Saturn and trine Uranus.

Khloe, 1984, a Sun Cancer with Mars Saturn in Scorpio, she has unpredictable Uranus conjunct her midheaven for a restless, changeable mother who would feel abandoning at times. Her 4th house Moon opposes Neptune for a mother with too few boundaries who needed nurturing herself.

Kendall, 1995, a Scorpio, with a highly-strung Uranus Neptune in Capricorn in her 10th has a 12th house Aries Moon trine an 8th house Pluto Venus and widely Mars. Mother at an awkward time in her life, very wound up with intergenerational issues flooding in.

Kylie, 1997, an 8th house Leo Sun with a 10th house Scorpio Moon square Uranus Jupiter and her Sun.

 The first two children had the more Saturnine mother perhaps struggling to make a career for herself and she mellowed as she grew older and became more successful. The sense across all five is of a surprisingly needy mother who required her children to mirror her (rather than the other way round) and give her a stronger sense of identity. Their success became her prize.

 The all-time horror mother was Natalie Wood’s stage mother who put her through nightmares as a child star to achieve success for mother rather than herself. Natalie, 20 July 1938 11.16 am San Francisco, had her Cancer Sun conjunct a ruthless Mars Pluto conjunction all in the 10th and square a Taurus Moon. It’s a miracle she lived as long as she did.

From previous posts. In search see: Moon Pluto,  Moon Uranus,  Moon Neptune,  Moon Saturn,  Moon Mars in different posts from a year or so ago.

UK fiscal woes – heading for a moment of truth

Never was the financial panic afflicting the UK more clearly marked than on Andrew Bailey, Governor of the Bank of England’s term chart. He accompanied Rachel Reeves on her bizarre trip to China which accomplished meagre returns.

  Taking up office on 16 March 2020, his administration chart has a triple whammy of undesirables at the moment – Solar Arc Mars conjunct Pluto for trapped, scary, stuck; SA Pluto conjunct Saturn for equally blocked and deprived, mountainous obstacles; and SA Saturn square Uranus for tensions and outbursts.

  Born 30 March 1959, he has an Aries Sun Mercury in the line of fire of the Solar Eclipses covering late 2024 and most of 2025 for rolling crises; plus a devastating/meltdown SA Pluto conjunct his Neptune this year as well. He will get a lucky break when tr Uranus opposes his Jupiter after mid 2025 and into 2026 squares his Pluto – which may mean a change of chancellor or change of direction for him personally.

 His relationship chart with Chancellor Rachel Reeves was destined to come together in a time of high crisis with a yod of Pluto sextile Neptune inconjunct Mars – and that is being rattled on two legs by the eclipses on the Pluto, tr Uranus opposing the Neptune; plus tr Saturn Neptune opposing the Jupiter Uranus composite conjunction from mid 2025 into 2026.

  The Bank of England, 27 July 1694 JC, similarly is being assailed by an undermining, loss-making tr Neptune Saturn opposition the zero degree Mars in Libra from April 2025 into 2026 at which point Neptune Saturn square the financial Venus. 2025 also has an uncertain tr Neptune square the Saturn February to early March 2025. Confidence will return into 2026 and towards 2027 and beyond.

 Evidently the next major test comes on March 26 this year, when the Office for Budget Responsibility, the official economic watchdog, publishes its Spring Forecast. An emergency Budget cannot be ruled out and she may have to cut her spending plans. ‘Her decision to increase borrowing by £30 billion a year is looking increasingly reckless.’

  March 26 is when tr Uranus is back at 24 Taurus squaring RR’s Sun for a major jolt. When tr Uranus moves into Gemini in July 2025 she’s into major catastrophe zone. And that repeats into 2026. Her relationship with Starmer is under stress at the moment with tr Uranus opposing the composite Saturn exactly now to mid March and tr Neptune opposing the Pluto throughout 2025. But the critical time is probably from July onwards with tr Uranus opposing the Neptune, Sun and into 2026 the Venus.

 Previous sterling crises have occurred with some repeating astro-themes. Black Wednesday 16 September 1992 had tr Pluto conjunct the SA Mars conjunct the financial 2nd house Neptune; and SA Saturn conjunct Pluto; SA Uranus square the UK Sun.

The 1976 sterling crisis is similar to this one given it happened with the Solar Arc Neptune exactly conjunct the 8th house Mars; tr Pluto was square the UK Sun, SA Saturn was conjunct the financial Venus in the speculative 5th house; and tr Uranus was conjunct the SA Mars.

  This time round once the Solar Arc Uranus crosses over the 8th house Mars in 4 months and will be out of the same degree in six months after which the situation may start to ease.

  Although tr Uranus will square the UK Pluto in 2026 for an upheaval and reset and tr Neptune Saturn will oppose the UK Uranus from mid 2025 into 2026 for additional worries, it was also expected/hoped that the UK would settle once tr Uranus moved out of the 8th house which is around 2026/27. The unsettled phase from 2021 as tr Uranus rattled up the UK’s four Fixed planets will be over. And tr Pluto is heading to exit the 4th house which has made the years since 2013 challenging and troublesome at an internal domestic level.