In the world of high finance, fantasy reigns as Trump’s Truth Social, a poor cousin of Twitter and Facebook, which has apparently made a cumulative loss of at least $31.5 million since its inception on 21 February 2022, is due to be floated. It will net Trump a paper fortune of $3bn though he won’t be able to cash in his shares for six months (theoretically) though he could borrow against his stash. A financial analyst said Truth Social “hasn’t really taken off”. At this point, it’s a meme stock. It’s really just a betting tool on the probability of Trump winning the election.”
Another commentator tried to explain further: “Trump Media & Technology, the firm behind his minnow social network Truth Social, has spent years fighting to land on the stock market via a so-called “blank check” merger with a shell company.” [If anyone understands what that means I don’t want to know.]
Truth Social has a Sun Jupiter conjunction in Pisces with Neptune also in visionary, slippery, illusionary Pisces. Plus a hard-headed, ultra-determined and ruthless Mars Venus Pluto conjunction in Capricorn.
With tr Saturn opposition the Truth Social Jupiter at the moment and again throughout this November across the election dampening enthusiasm and confidence it does not look to be overly jubilant at the result.
Trump does have one more stroke of good luck this year from mid March to early April with tr Uranus square his Sun/Jupiter midpoint but thereafter the fates may be less kind to him. In particular with tr Neptune heading into his 8th house from April-ish onwards for many years which is not normally a supportive financial influence to put it mildly. Though it will amplify his finagling tendencies. The Lunar Eclipse on Monday hits his 2nd house Neptune which also hints at financial foot shuffling and the Solar Eclipse will conjunct his Jupiter boosting his confidence (maybe over the top).
Trumps’ relationship chart with Truth Social has an overly-optimistic, head-in-the-clouds composite Jupiter Neptune which tr Neptune is undermining from April onwards; with a hugely aggravated composite Saturn opposition Mars Pluto – not a happy alliance.
Just for fun I had a skip round Star aspects, given that the Taurus North Node of Truth Social is exactly conjunct the destructive Fixed star Algol.
The Pisces Sun is conjunct Sadalmelik – often associated with lawyers and complicated lawsuits. Sometimes warns of sudden misfortune.
Jupiter in Pisces opposition Zosma is associated with selfishness, immorality and a tendency to calculatingly use other people.
Saturn opposition Merak associated with the love of command and domination.
Neptune opposition Denebola warns of misfortune and disasters. Risk of loss of position or a fall from grace.
Pluto opposition Procyon – hasty and single-minded. Changeable and unpredictable, Procyon can take people to great heights and bring them crashing down.
Pluto conjunct Terebellium – brings good fortune followed by regret or disgrace. Sometimes shows cunning and selfishness.
We watch, we wait and pray the gods of decency are paying attention.
ADD ON: Devin Nunes, former Congressman and now CEO of the Trump Media & Technology Group (TMTG) was described by the LA Times as “one of Trump’s most ardent and outlandish defenders in Congress” who “parroted the president’s conspiracy theories” and used his position “to try to undermine [the] investigation into Russian interference in the 2016 election.” Trump awarded Nunes the Presidential Medal of Freedom. He is highly litigious.
Born 1 October 1973 7.07 am Tulare, California, he has a controlling, hard-edged Sun Pluto in Libra square Saturn in Cancer conjunct South Node. With a confident (and lucky) Jupiter in Aquarius trine his Sun Pluto and in an opportunistic square to his Mars in money-magnet, determined Taurus. He has a yod of Neptune Moon sextile Jupiter inconjunct Saturn – which has a tough reputation bringing karmic payback if Saturn’s strictures on maturity and self-discipline are not strictly adhered to – which generally don’t include shifty get-rich-quick-schemes. His Solar Arc Saturn will get elbowed through this June, late November to mid December and spring 2025 which will put his morals to the test.
Not that his confidence will completely disappear since he will be on a roll through 2024/25 with tr Pluto conjunct his Jupiter and tr Jupiter moving through his 8th bringing shoals of money in.
However he will have a few gulps of panic through this April with tr Uranus square his Mars/Neptune and Saturn/Saturn midpoints = sudden disadvantages, crisis, restrictions. And tr Pluto will oppose his Mars/Uranus midpoint for violent interventions, a test of nerves, struggle for survival mid July to early September, after mid November to end of December 2024. Hmm maybe?? GOP convention not going his way or the election. He’ll stay bullish with tr Pluto conjunct his Jupiter through 2025. But tr Neptune starting to square his Capricorn North Node in 2025 followed in 2026 by tr Neptune and Saturn undermining his Saturn square Sun (Pluto) – and on till late decade will undermine his progress and then some.
His relationship with Trump will be jangled mightily come July and is under discouraging pressure right through from this September to late November.