Jean-Marie Le Pen – unpleasant cv



Jean-Marie Le Pen, father of Marine, who started the far-right French Front National party in 1972, has been prosecuted for xenophobia and racism, Holocaust denial and hatred towards Muslims; has been convicted of assault; and accused of torture in Algeria when in the French army. Marine split away from him politically, reckoning rightly, that his views were too toxic for voters and has to some degree sanitised the Front National since taking over the leadership.

He was born 20 June 1928 3am Nantes, France, and has a 2nd house Sun Venus in Gemini, sitting on the focal point of a mini-Grand Trine of Mars in Aries (conjunct Jupiter in Taurus) trine Neptune in Leo; with Saturn in Sagittarius; and Uranus in Aries square Pluto Mercury in Cancer. So plenty of Fire for hot air; an Air Sun for ideology; and Uranus square Pluto for troublemaking and a desire to upset the status quo. He also has a patriotic Cancer Moon in the 4th.

His relationship with Marine would always have been troubled with her Mars in an angry conjunction to his Moon; her self-reliant Saturn in Aries conjunct his aggressive Mars for more aggravation; his Pluto on her Midheaven creating a power struggle; his Saturn square her Jupiter and Pluto, so he’d be critical, dent her enthusiasm and try to block her will to power.

She’s more practical than he is with her four planets in earth signs.

Their relationship chart does indicate some affection from a composite Sun Venus Mercury; but the Sun is quincunx Saturn and Saturn is trine Mars and opposition Pluto. This would result in blockages, major irritations, a sense of being chained together and resenting it; and with the composite Mars trine Neptune, not mutually supportive. Their connection, not good at the moment, will be seriously shaken across the French election and after with tr Uranus square the composite Venus Mercury.

He has his Solar Arc Jupiter conjunct his Moon this year which does suggest a happy family event. Though tricky to say how he’d react if she won – he wouldn’t know whether to smile or rage.

North Korea – Trump’s Bay of Pigs moment



As the insults and threats escalate between North Korea and the USA, with China warning of the possibility of outright war, some additional thoughts to earlier posts (below). Kim Jong Un’s leadership chart is certainly at daggers drawn with tr Pluto trine Mars at the moment till the start of this June; and returning on and off till late 2018. Though he may have toppled before then.

China’s patience with North Korea looks at an end this year with tr Saturn square their composite Mars, Venus and exactly now Sun, all repeating on and off till later in 2017. Though they certainly don’t want a united Korea under American protection on their doorstep.

South Korea who are on the front-line look nervous, braced for an assault with tr Uranus trine their Saturn from April 24th till early May, and repeating Nov and Feb 2018. [Soft aspects often act like hard where country charts are concerned.) And trapped in a high-risk situation with tr Pluto square their Mars in mid July to early Sept, and late Oct to early December this year.

More concerning is the tr Uranus opposition Mars in the South Korea/North Korea relationship chart, which sparks off April 24th to early May, Nov, Feb 2018. That is disruptive, agitated, insecure and prone to explosive disruptions.

The USA/China relationship chart is at its most fraught in June to early July, across the New Year and on and off till late 2018 with tr Pluto square their composite Mars. So tempers are running very high in what appears to be at the very least an aggravated impasse, but could be more dangerous.


Post March 4 2017: North Korea will be the urgent headache were President Obama’s words to Donald Trump as he exited. With Kim Jong-Un now proudly proclaiming that their nuclear intercontinental ballistic missiles are almost ready and fears in the USA that their defences against such an attack isn’t robust enough, tensions are mounting. And since the missile sites are widely dispersed and mobile, destroying them on the ground in advance isn’t an option.

The upcoming Leo Solar Eclipse in late August this year could be a crisis-point. The relationship chart between the USA and North Korea has Mars at 27 Leo, close to the Eclipse – which will also set a fuse under Donald Trump’s Mars Ascendant in Leo. The North Korea 9 Sept 1948 chart has Saturn at 28 Leo; and Kim Jong-Un’s leadership chart has Neptune on the Eclipse. He may be more delusional even than usual.

Kim Jong may be destabilised altogether by 2018 with the Solar Arc Uranus square the Sun Pluto on his leadership chart, 29 Dec 2011 11.57am. And the country looks even more bedraggled and impoverished than ever in 2018 with tr Neptune opposition the Virgo Sun.

James Mattis, Secy of Defense, does looked shocked around the August Eclipse with his Venus at 28 Leo; and is certainly facing a major jolt as his Solar Arc Uranus is conjunct his Sun, either later this year or into early 2018.

This may be joining too many dots together and whatever transpires could be entirely unconnected with several different scenarios running simultaneously.

If anything the USA/N Korea relationship chart points up 2017 as high tension; and 2018 as more likely for an engagement with tr Pluto sextile the composite Mars, tr Uranus square Uranus and trine Pluto.

Donald Trump’s astrocartography does have his Mars Desc running through western North Korea and China; with his Pluto Desc through eastern China – so it is a hot spot for him.


Post: Jan 5 2017

Twit-in-chief has been taking to the airwaves to sneer at North Korea’s claim to have a nuclear weapon capable of hitting the US. Experts believe N Korea hasn’t the technology to get most missiles off the ground never mind across 6,500 miles to the US. Not content with tramping Kim Jong Un underfoot, Trump took a sideswipe at China for not reining in North Korea. In turn, China warned the President-elect about not escalating the situation by provoking Kim Jong Un, who is a loose cannon at the best of times.

Trump has Mars on his Descendant relocated to North Korea so it is a region that will stoke his aggression. With both his Mars and Pluto in his relationship 7th house through China, matching the China natal Mars Pluto in the 7th – so a combustible combo.

Kim Jong Un’s birth date is questionable, ranging over 1983/84 with maybe different months. However his Leadership chart of 29 December 2011 11.57 am P’yonggang is sound. That chart is struggling through stormy seas in 2017/2018 from this March onwards with tr Pluto trine the Mars – enraged, frustrated and high-risk. Where he may come a cropper altogether is in 2018 with the Solar Arc Uranus square the Leadership Sun Pluto. That could tip him off his perch, with tr Uranus also opposition the Saturn in Libra.

He is facing internal problems from poverty and more so from the possibility of an assassination and coup. His brutal executions of reams of high level officials, including relatives, makes it more likely a last-resort retaliation comes at some point.

The North Korea, 9 September 1948 5.27pm? P’yonggang chart is deflated over coming months with the Solar Arc Mars squaring Neptune, so facing failure; with some change possible with an element of risk come 2018/19 as tr Saturn is conjunct the NK Uranus; and tr Uranus is trine the NK Saturn and opposition the Mars in Scorpio. It’ll be a time of change and insecurity.

The USA/NK relationship chart is intense and spitting this year with tr Pluto opposition the composite Venus; but not really getting agitated until 2018 with tr Uranus trine the composite Mars; and tr Pluto trine Saturn.

South Korea on the other hand looks on high alert this year vis a vis NK, especially March, April, May. China looks frosty in the extreme with tr Saturn square the composite Sun, Mars, Venus late this month and through February, as well as twice more before the end of this year.

Jeff Sessions – falling out of favour



Trump may be pirouetting on past campaign utterances but his new Attorney General Jeff Sessions is holding fast to hard-line policies – pressing pause on implementing police reforms, withdrawing Obama-era protections for transgender students in public schools; ramping up the rhetoric about illegal immigrants, which could see the system collapse under the weight of prosecutions; and giving a benign wave to private prison contractors who see a glorious profit ahead.

The intriguing question is how does Stephen Bannon’s fall from grace and perhaps exit in the not too distant future impact on Sessions, who was his mentor? Together they promoted many of the ideas, white nationalist and other, on Breitbart which proved a winning formula for Trump – until he started to ditch some of them.

Sessions relationship chart with Trump is under a chill till early May with tr Saturn square the composite Sun and Mercury, then moving on to square the composite Venus and repeating those on and off till later this year. With serious jolts and aggravation in 2018 as tr Uranus squares the composite Saturn and opposes Mars.

Neither Jared or Ivanka Kushner are comfortable with Sessions.

He looks bullish at times through 2017/18 with tr Pluto sextile his Jupiter; despite a tranche of discouraging Saturn transits to midpoints this year; and a definite cataclysm this month with tr Uranus opposition his Mars/Pluto. But where he strikes really rough seas will be in 2018/19 as tr Pluto squares his Sun/Saturn and Mars/Saturn midpoints, which will see him cornered and enfuriated. Plus tr Saturn conjunct his Sun and Mars and then square his Neptune. He won’t be so ebullient by that time.

Aung San Suu Kyi – the shine has come off the saintly martyr



Aung San Suu Kyi has proved a disappointment to her international admirers, hopeful of a new era of democracy, human rights and respect for minorities, when she took over as de facto political leader of Myanmar. Her significant failure has been to speak out against the army killing of Rohingya Muslims which amounts according to observers to a crime against humanity, a genocide. Her attitude was described by the NY Times as a ‘cowardly stance.’ The immense authority retained by the military does mean she has limited power over what happens in conflict areas. But she has gone further than stay silent and is trying to discredit the Rohingya victims of rape, accusing human rights groups and foreign journalists of exaggerations and fabrications.

Recent elections have seen a slide in her party’s popularity amid a deluge of bad press pointing to the slow pace of changes and over-centralisation of power. Foreign investment is set to plunge 30%. Those who know her say she inspires both devotion and fear – ‘charming and charismatic, as well as sharp and authoritarian. very keen to be the sole decision-make.’ ‘In meetings, she is dismissive, dictatorial – in some cases, belittling. The government has become ‘so centralised, there is complete fear of her’.

Born 19 June 1945 in Rangoon, she is a Sun Gemini with Uranus also in Gemini, both square Jupiter in Virgo. What hardens her chart is Mars Venus in Taurus square Pluto. She looks confident in 2017/18 with tr Pluto trine her Jupiter; though tr Saturn opposing her Sun will give her a few downers this year. Where she starts to get really unsettled will be in 2019 as tr Uranus is conjunct her Mars, moving onto square her Pluto, which will upset her applecart; with tr Neptune opposition her Jupiter in 2020.

The Myanmar (Burma) chart, 4 Jan 1948 4.20am Rangoon, does have a mutinous population this year with feelings running her as tr Pluto continues to square the Moon; and tr Neptune opposing the MC moving into the 4th, also indicates confusion about direction and internal uncertainty in the years ahead. Tr Neptune will square the Myanmar Jupiter in 2018 for a period of financial disappointment running till late 2019. And with tr Saturn running down through the first quadrant, aiming for the 2nd house of finances come 2018 onwards for two years, it won’t be a quick economic turnaround.

She’s certainly still hemmed in by the military but is clearly anti-Muslim and not the shining hope of the liberals who supported her through her years of house arrest.

Iraq & Haider al-Abadi – the winding road away from chaos



Iraq, under Prime Minister Haider al-Abadi, is still trying to sort out the chaos following on from the botched aftermath of the 2003 US attack; get economic and political reforms in place; root out corruption, especially in the army; and fight off ISIL. After al-Abadi’s March Washington meet with Donald Trump he left heartened by promises of increased support. US senators said there needs to be more power-sharing with the Sunnis and progress in resolving tensions with the Kurds, with both of which al-Abadi seems to be making some headway against resistance.

His term started on 8 September 2014 with a Virgo Sun in a practical sextile to Saturn in Scorpio; with Saturn in a military/ultra-determined conjunction to Mars. This year and next tr Pluto sextiles the Saturn for an uphill struggle; with disappointments and weakness in 2018/19 with tr Neptune opposition the Sun.

His birthdate (unverified) is 25 April 1952 which would make him a Sun Taurus opposition Mars in Scorpio, with Mars square Pluto – so not short of grit or courage; with a reformist Uranus in Cancer square Saturn opposition Mercury in Aries. If accurate, this year and next look confused with tr Pluto square his Neptune; and jolted in 2019.

The Iraq, 23 Aug 1921 6am Baghdad, chart looks emotionally intense and wound up in 2017/18 with tr Pluto opposition Venus; and an unsettled population with tr Uranus square the Solar Arc Moon. This August’s Leo Solar Eclipse is also conjunct the Iraq Sun Mercury which may flare up a crisis. It’s a time at a cross roads for the country where significant decisions will be made which will have an impact on the road ahead. To date al-Abadi has been leaning towards Putin and Russia for help in quelling ISIL, but that relationship looks less settled ahead. As indeed does the USA/Iraq relationship which looks blocked and angry in Sept/Oct this year and heavily disrupted by 2019/2020.

Where there may be more confidence economically and otherwise is by 2019 when tr Pluto is trine the Iraq Jupiter for two years, though it’ll be one step forwards one step backwards since tr Pluto then moves on to trine the Iraq Saturn in 2020/21.

Sylvia Plath & Ted Hughes – ecstasy and anguish



The poet Sylvia Plath became a feminist icon after her suicide in 1963 with much vitriol being aimed at her then separated husband Ted Hughes, who had left her for another woman. For years he remained a hate figure; and his resurrection in recent years came as a relief to their daughter who said she was appalled at the way in which outsiders took over her mother’s story and made judgements.

Now letters have surfaced from Plath to her therapist in which she alleges that Hughes beat her two days before she miscarried their second child and that he wanted her dead. As well as a suspicion that she had just been rejected by another man after a brief liaison just before her death.

Neither were easy personalities. Plath, 27 Oct 1932 2.10pm Boston, Massachusetts, was a manic depressive (bi-polar), with an 8th house Scorpio Sun square Saturn; with Saturn in a bleak opposition to Pluto squaring onto an unpredictable Uranus. Her Mercury in Scorpio squared onto Mars in Leo and trined Pluto so she wouldn’t hold back in getting her point of view across. She had attempted suicide several times in her life, at least once before she met Hughes; and in the months before her death had been on a creative high, writing most of the poems on which her reputation is based; then she sank into another depression.

Hughes, 17 Aug 1930 1.12am Mytholmroyd, Eng, had a 4th house Leo Sun trine Uranus, sextile Mars in Gemini; and a Cardinal Grand Cross of Venus in Libra opposition Uranus square Jupiter opposition Saturn. His Taurus Moon was square his Sun. Highly restless, with a life of revolving crisis especially in his emotional relationships, certainly volatile.

His Saturn was in his 7th suggesting close relationships would require effort and responsibility and perhaps also an indication of his attraction to depressive partners. His second wife also committed suicide.

Plath’s Mars was conjunct his Sun for a fiery attraction and arguments; her Libra Moon was conjunct his Venus for affection and nurturing; his Moon trined her Jupiter also for support. So there were positives.

But their relationship chart was beyond difficult with a volcano of rage, unpredictability and fight for control with a composite Mars Pluto Moon; with Mars Pluto opposition Saturn square Uranus opposition Mercury. Plus a highly affectionate composite Sun Venus. A stark example of can’t-live-with-them, can’t-live-without-them. Her Uranus opposed her Sun/Moon midpoint and his Saturn opposed his Sun/Moon so marriage was not a state which either found easy.

Sean Spicer – foot in mouth, brain out of gear



Sean Spicer, the White House press secretary, who from his initial ‘alternative-facts’ gaffe set himself up as another Comical Ali (Saddam Hussein’s Information Minister), has put his foot in it again. His off-the-cuff comment that Assad was worse than Hitler, since the latter never chemical bombed his own people, has caused a storm of protest. To be sure Hitler didn’t, as in World War 1, spread gas around the battlefields, but hydrogen cyanide (Zyklon B) killed millions of Jews, many of the German, in the concentration camp gas chambers.

Spicer, 23 Sept 1971,  is a Sun conjunct Pluto, last degree Virgo or Sun zero Libra, with Venus Uranus in Libra and Mercury in Virgo. The Virgo would certainly suit a communicator, but he’s very uptight. His measured Saturn in Gemini opposes a delusional, head-in-the-clouds Neptune Jupiter in Sagittarius so he’ll constantly be pulled between sense and nonsense. And he has an excitable Mars in uncompromising Aquarius trine Uranus Venus.

He does have tr Neptune square his Mars/Uranus midpoint exactly now, and repeating on and off till late 2018. Ebertin, ever florid, describes this as ‘raving madness, a swoon or fainting fit, rage or frenzy.’ Diluting that down to a less dramatic interpretation, he’s not thinking straight and getting rattled. Tr Pluto will trine his Mercury throughout this year so certainly intense discussions; with a downer across the New Year into 2018 as tr Saturn squares his Pluto and Sun. Plus a dead-halt Solar Arc Mars opposition his Pluto Sun in 2018.

Spicer’s Saturn falls in Trump’s 10th house so he’ll try to bring organisation to DT’s scattered thinking; but it’s not a great combo with Spicer’s Mars opposition DT’s Pluto.

Their relationship chart has a Sun Mercury Uranus square Mars, so they aren’t entirely at ease with each other. There’s pressure on their link now with tr Pluto sextile the composite Mars, and on and off till late 2018. But no indication of a complete rift (without SS’s birth time).

Boris Johnson – chafing at the bit



Boris Johnson, UK Foreign Secretary, isn’t have a good week being labelled as America’s poodle for cancelling his Moscow trip to leave the field clear for Rex Tillerson; then the G7 Summit refused to back his loudly-proclaimed demand to impose further sanctions on Russia for Assad’s CW attack. Though the murmurs are that it was Theresa May’s doing that he was pulled back from his Russia trip. He’s the nearest thing she has to a rival and she’s clearly not keen  for him to be too visible; or indeed keen for him to let fly recklessly into delicate negotiations which would humiliate Putin into hardening his attitude. Finesse not being one of Boris’s strengths.

Theresa May’s Pluto and maybe Virgo Moon are square Boris’s afflicted Mars in Gemini, so it’s not a great combo. Her need to control will trigger his anger. And he is very excitable at the moment, no doubt thinking that Trump’s sudden switch onto a high-octane foreign policy would give him his opening.  He has tr Pluto opposition his Mars/Uranus now until early June, and then square his Mars/Saturn June to mid July – so aggravations piling up.

His relationship chart with Theresa May has a conflicting-agenda composite Sun Uranus conjunction; and a volatile Jupiter opposition Saturn square Mars – all of which are being triggered this year, more so in 2018/19. Their interface looks discouragingly tough going across the summer; with a fight for the upper hand in Sept/Oct and outright hostility next year. His afflicted Mars in a T square to Uranus Pluto opposition Saturn has moved by Solar Arc to pick up transiting Uranus hard aspect from now onwards into 2018, so he’ll be on a white-knuckle roller coaster ride.

Theresa May has the same problem with Boris as Trump has with Bannon – boot them out and they’ll cause even more trouble from the sidelines.

Edward Enninful – a sparkling talent


Vogue UK have for the first time ever appointed a male editor, who is also working class, gay and black. Edward Enninful, 21 Feb 1972 (Twitter), has had an extraordinary life and career. He was born in Ghana, moved to the UK as a child with a seamstress mother who gave him a love for fabric and colour, became a model at 16, a fashion director at 18, and has worked with Italian and American Vogue. His 2008 “Black Issue” for Vogue Italia, which featured only black models was so successful Condé Nast was forced to print another 40,000 copies. He is known as an image-maker rather than a journalist, which was exiting editor Alexander Shulman’s background.

If his birth date is accurate, then he is a Sun Mercury in Pisces on the focal point of a mini-Grand Trine to Jupiter in Capricorn trine Mars in Taurus; and on the focal point of a T square to Neptune in a creative opposition to Saturn Moon in Taurus/ Gemini. Pisces is a creative sign, often associated with photographers or film people – more image than words. He also has a tough and intellectual Air Grand Trine of North Node in Aquarius trine Pluto in Libra trine Saturn (Moon). An Aquarius Node is at its best when promoting a cause and he’s keen to end the ‘white-out- of catwalks.

Vogue UK launched in September 1916 when Jupiter was in Taurus which chimes with his Mars in Taurus; and Vogue USA, launched 17 Dec 1892, has North Node in Taurus at his exact Mars degree. – so a dynamic combination.