Ariana Grande – broken and beyond words



Ariana Grande, the American singer who had just come off stage when the Manchester bomb went off outside the arena, was born 26 June 1993 9.15 pm Boca Raton, Florida. She is immensely successful with No 1 albums and singles galore and 7 billion viewers for her music videos. She is of Italian origin and started singing and acting as a child.

She has a hard-working 6th house Cancer Sun in an expansive square to Jupiter Moon in Libra, and a sensible trine to Saturn. She’s got a Mystic Rectangle of a 10th house Pluto opposition Venus in Taurus trine/sextile Mercury in Cancer opposition Uranus Neptune in Capricorn and Ascendant – so passionate, ultra-charming, quite controlling and highly strung.

What she also has is a Grand Trine, formed into a Kite with Saturn opposition Mars – so not dissimilar to the signature of the bombing (see below). In her case, the Grand Trine of Sun, Saturn and MC, is in Water which is creative and healing; and the Mars Saturn gives her drive and discipline to bring out its potential. Though her afflicted/emphasised Mars is in the 8th which can bring fairly tragic and risky experiences into her life.

There’s nothing much sparking up on her chart apart from tr Pluto trine her Moon/Mars midpoint, which would bring a great surge of anger and intense reaction. She will feel it badly given the water in her chart.

Relocating her chart to Manchester puts her highly-strung Uranus Neptune exactly conjunct on the midheaven; with an intense Pluto in the 7th – so it will be a location which evokes a storm of feelings in her. She has cancelled the rest of her tour.

Her Progressed Moon is about to go into her 8th house within weeks, staying for nearly three years, which will be a difficult time psychologically for her, as she tries to get her bearings. Though tr Jupiter moving across her midheaven later this year and through chunks of 2018 will bring her success.


Manchester bombing – an inflammatory Mars Saturn



Twenty-two people, including children, have been killed and 59 injured in a suicide attack at Manchester Arena. The blast happened around 22.30 pm local time yesterday at the end of a concert by US singer Ariana Grande. Police said the lone male attacker, who died in the blast, detonated an improvised explosive device.

What’s around at the moment is a Fire Grand Trine of Saturn in Sagittarius trine Uranus Moon in Aries trine North Node in Leo, formed into a Kite by Saturn opposition Mars. The Fire emphasis makes it attention-seeking, brashly confident and Mars Saturn makes it cruel, associated in older astrology with assassinations and the military. Set for the time of the explosion Uranus Moon were on the IC located to Manchester with the Saturn opposition Mars across the horizon line (Ascendant/Descendant axis).

This above configuration stays in place for a while, though the Mars Saturn opposition will peak from the 29th of this month and then start to fade. Atrocities often occur before the exact aspect.

The February 2017 Pisces Solar Eclipse, set for Manchester, has an explosive Mars Uranus in Aries conjunct the MC opposition Jupiter IC square Pluto – so descriptive of the worst terrorist bombing in the UK for 12 years.  In July 2005  52 were killed and 700 injured in co-ordinated terrorist attacks on London transport. At that point there was also a wide Fire Grand Trine involving Mars in Aries and an approaching Mars square Saturn.

On the UK chart at the moment tr Pluto is still opposition the Cancer Moon, which invokes intense emotional reactions – and that sticks around till late 2018. The Solar Arc MC is also drawing closer to the exact square to the UK 8th house Mars, which as well as having financial connections, also tends to accompany dangerous situations when triggered. It is exact in three months.

Mike Pence – disasters and banana skins ahead



Amid the febrile and probably misplaced rumours about an imminent Trump impeachment, VP Mike Pence has raised eyebrows in launching his own PAC (political action committee). VPs don’t normally do it this early into a run and it is denied it has anything to do with his future political ambitions vis a vis the White House in 2020. Even barring an impeachment, health problems for Trump are not an outside possibility, given his age, unhealthy lifestyle and high-voltage Solar Arc Uranus Mars in 2018.

There’s no birth time for Pence, so timings are iffy, but he does have Solar Arc Sun conjunct his Uranus anywhere from 15 months to two years ahead. This will certainly send an electric shock through his life, and that could be good or bad. Plus he has tr Uranus opposition his Solar Arc Pluto in 2018 which is also a major upheaval. This year is majorly fraught with tr Pluto square his Mars/Saturn (= rolling catastrophes) and trine his Mars/Neptune (= dreams dissolving) – and both of these run till late 2018. Plus he has tr Neptune square his Jupiter/Saturn running from now till late July, and on and off till late 2018, which usually accompanies career losses. Plus a really lacklustre, not-winning tr Neptune square his Gemini Sun from May 2018 till late 2019. Though tr Pluto conjunct his Solar Arc Jupiter will give him some cheer in 2018/19. But even if he did step up, he would not be a happy camper. He’ll recover by 2020/21 with tr Pluto sextile his Jupiter.

His wife Karen, also no birth time, is also facing a major setback, possibly in 2019 with Solar Arc Saturn square her Scorpio Sun. Though that can also be too much work. Some highs in 2018/19 with tr Pluto sextile her Sun/Jupiter; and considerable frustrations by 2019/2020 as tr Pluto trines her Mars in Taurus.

Pence’s relationship chart with Trump is aggravated at the best of times, though no doubt kept firmly under wraps, with a hostile, power-struggling Mars Pluto conjunction – so when it blows apart it will be nasty. It looks highly confused between them this year, worse in 2018/19; though 2019 could bring relief from the chains that bind.

Karen dislikes Trump even more obviously with a composite Mars Uranus square Saturn Neptune. Their chemistry is bubbling uncomfortably through this year; in the freezer late this year; and into devastation territory by 2018.

Two thoughts strike me. One – in the event of the Trump campaign being discredited over Russia, Pence might well be implicated since he’s been in since the start. Two – if Trump gets a whiff of disloyalty or any perceived attempt to oust him and install Pence instead, the daggers and blunderbusses will come out.

US & UK politics – paranoia and polarisation

Politics has overtaken the Kardashians, Royal romances and sporting hostilities as the toxic topic causing uproar at water coolers and tearing apart family relationships and friendships. The degree of polarisation is worrying both in the USA and the UK.

Trump supporters are still standing by their man, dismissing all criticism as ‘just noise’, and blanking out most opposing opinions by only getting their ‘news’ from nakedly ideological outlets, which makes it less likely that they’ll encounter any other viewpoint – or be able to distinguish truth from falsehood.

In the UK, the Brexit campaign, run on the basis of outright lies, with no voting rights for UK ex-pats, was won by the slimmest of majorities (hell mend David Cameron, doubly so for punting the referendum in the first place and not putting a 60% threshold on it.) The Remainers think the Brexiters are delusional as well as mendacious, harking back to the glory days of empire – which aren’t coming back. The Brexiters think the Remainers’ fears are of no consequence – more noise. Neither side listens to the other.

The USA is in some ways is easier to understand given the tr Uranus square the US Mercury opposition Pluto in 2017/18, which historically has inflamed far-right views. And the US anyway has always had a unique strand of virulent anti-government sentiment, which has now become more mainstream, blossoming into paranoia about the ‘deep state’.

Much is being made in the liberal media about the present Trump campaign Russia connection having parallels with Watergate, though Trump is no Nixon. Where the connection exists is that Trump got elected on the back of Fox News support, which is largely the brainchild of Roget Ailes, a Nixon adviser (heavily Taurus). Another Nixon adviser, Pat Buchanan, was a great polariser, who recommended using race and class conflict as a campaigning tool (Scorpio with a divisive Uranus in Taurus on his MC). So Trump’s victory was re-running the old script. When Watergate pulled Nixon down, Buchanan said – it goes against the political will of the people.

Watergate escalated through 1973, ending in Nixon’s resignation in August 1974. This was the period some see as the most significant time in the UK’s 20th Century history. Over the 1973-74 winter, under Edward Heath’s government, there was a State of Emergency, the Three-Day Week and endless power-cuts with trades unionists rising to prominence. The middle-classes were in a state of mounting paranoia about the UK becoming a proto-communist country.

There were specific influences then to the UK chart – Solar Arc Pluto conjunct the 11th house Saturn in Leo (= the legislature, testing the power of parliament). But what both the UK and the USA were facing was tr Saturn in Cancer square tr Pluto in Libra – with tr Saturn in hard aspect to each country’s Sun.

At present tr Saturn is moving towards the end of its Sagittarius stint and heading to join Pluto in for Capricorn from this New Year, though not reaching the exact conjunction to Pluto till 2019. Before then tr Saturn will oppose the USA Venus Jupiter in 2018 and then the US Sun in early 2019 – so relatively similar to 1974, though not exactly so, since tr Pluto is further on. Tr Saturn will conjunct the UK Sun in December 2018, when the detail of Brexit will be clearer.

So 2018/2019 are likely to be the years when the sh** hits the fan after a time of trial requiring endurance and perseverance.

Pippa Middleton – a day to remember



Pippa Middleton was married yesterday to hedge-funder James Matthews, around midday. She looked wonderful in a classic wedding dress with mini-pages and bridesmaids and sister Kate in attendance to make last minute adjustments.

The wedding chart has a grandstanding Pluto in the 5th square Jupiter in the 2nd (no expense spared) in an indulgent and slightly frivolous opposition to Venus in Aries. So definitely for show.

There’s also an inspirational and attention-grabbing Fire Grand Trine of North Node in Leo trine Uranus trine Saturn, formed into a wide Kite by Saturn opposition Mars – so a mix of vitality plus, quite self-involving, adventurous and hard-edged.

There’s also an oddly out of sync Moon Neptune in Pisces in the 7th which can be ethereal, and squaring Mars, also showbizzy and publicity seeking as well as glamorous, but is more for show than substance emotionally.

They are a good match with his Venus in Virgo conjunct her Sun, and his Sun in Leo conjunct her Venus (maybe Moon); and his Moon on her Descendant and his Sun in her 1st (if her 4.40am birth time is correct).

Their relationship chart has an affectionate composite Sun Venus in an enthusiastic sextile to Mars; with a confident Pluto trine Jupiter, so in the minor power-couple league. The composite Saturn is conjunct Mercury, sextile Uranus, square Neptune and inconjunct Jupiter. A dollop of Saturn does give longevity. Too much suggests work gets in the way of personal time. Tr Neptune opposes the composite Saturn in 2017/18 so some worrying and undermining situations, perhaps to do with his business. He does look in for a rocky ride in 2017/18 with tr Uranus square his Saturn and then opposition his Uranus.

Julian Assange – still blockaded


Julian Assange is in a defiant mood as Swedish authorities drop his rape charges saying he won’t forgive his incarceration in the Ecuador Embassy for five years. Though he’s not free and clear yet since he still faces charges in the UK for ducking bail which can carry a one year jail term, never mind any US moves to extradite him.

He’s got a successful and bullish tr Pluto trine his Sun/Jupiter through this June, and on and off till late 2018. But he’s also got tr Saturn square his Pluto and opposition his Venus now up to November this year which will damp his ardour.

2018 has some exuberant highs and some extremely anxious moments as well; with 2019 seeing tr Saturn opposition his Sun and square his Uranus; and tr Uranus opposition his Moon – so very jangled and discouraging.

Plus tr Saturn is now moving through his low-profile first quadrant for several years, with money shortages looming large in 2018/19/20, which is also a time when unresolved emotional issues tend to surface.

His relationship chart with the US looks insecure and volatile this year and more so in 2018/19 – deeply frustrating, quite scary and undermining. And his bad-tempered relationship chart with the UK also indicates 2018/19 as trigger points for more dislike and hostility.

Chris Cornell – loss for music


Chris Cornell, 20 July 1964,  singer/songwriter and one of the architects of the grunge movement has died in an apparent suicide, although his widow has suggested it may have been more to do with his anxiety medication than a deliberate attempt to end his life.

He was a late Sun Cancer with a Sagittarius Moon; Saturn in Pisces opposition Uranus Pluto in Virgo; with a Fixed T Square of Jupiter in Taurus opposition Neptune square Mercury in Leo; and Mercury sextile a passionately enthusiastic Venus Mars conjunction in Gemini – so a curious mix of light and shade, high spirits and depression.

The Saturn opposition Pluto does have a tendency to the glooms; and a focal Fixed sign Mercury on the point of a T Square can be very one-track minded, and finds it difficult to recognize alternatives, or listen to feedback.

This year he has had his Solar Arc Uranus square his Sun which would be a major jolt; and his Secondary Progressed Mars was moving to conjunct his Sun, so a time of high-stress.

Houses will make a difference which we don’t know without a birth time.

Robert Mueller – an unusually popular choice



Former FBI Director under GWB and Obama, Robert Mueller, has been chosen by Deputy Attorney General Rod Rosenstein to be Special Counsel looking into alleged Russian interference in the November 2016 presidential election, including possible co-ordination between Russia and members of the Trump campaign. He has also been instructed to look into any obstruction of the probe itself. So a wide-ranging remit. The appointment has been welcomed by both Democrats and Republicans, and has to some degree rescued Rosenstein’s reputation for having been used as a patsy to legitimise the firing of James Comey. According to reports, the White House didn’t know until the order was signed.

Mueller, 7 Aug 1944, is a Sun Pluto in Leo; with Pluto on the focal point of a mini-Grand Trine of Neptune trine Uranus. He also has Jupiter Mercury Mars in Virgo. Described as “no-nonsense” and “straitlaced”, he stood his ground during GWB’s term in a showdown with the president against illegal wiretapping. A colleague described him as “experienced, knowledgeable, capable” and “utterly incorruptible”. “He cannot be intimidated. At this stage in his career, he has nothing to prove, no reputation to burnish, no axe to grind. He is ramrod straight in his integrity.”

His relationship chart with Trump has a business-like and cool composite Sun Saturn conjunction. The composite Sun is under challenges from tr Pluto opposition in 2017/18; with tr Pluto opposing the Sun/Saturn midpoint later this year; plus two enthusiasm-denting squares from tr Saturn to the composite Jupiter over coming months; and a nervy tr Neptune square Uranus in 2018.

Mueller looks stressed at points through this year; and more so in 2018; and not altogether pleased from mid 2018 onwards with tr Neptune opposition his Mars. His Mars squares Trump’s 10th house Uranus so there will be fireworks.  Though I’ve seen worse synastry and relationship charts.

For all the liberal media are chattering excitably about impending impeachment, it’s no easy, quick or inevitable matter. Trump’s fans are holding solid in their support, discounting all criticism as fake news and smears.

The Trump Term chart certainly looks like being jolted into a sudden change of direction at the moment with tr Uranus square the MC, on and off till early 2018. Where the Administration looks as its least stable is when tr Pluto closes the square to Uranus to exact which runs from February 2018 till late 2019. Though there will be setback after setback from the Mars square Saturn, which hits exact late this autumn – Octoberish.

Cary Grant – finding solace in fantasy land


One of the Hollywood greats, Cary Grant was debonair and sophisticated, an accomplished charmer on screen, but behind the false glitter of the movie business and his manufactured persona lay a sad story. Born 18 January 1904 1.07am, Bristol, England (biography), he had an alcoholic father, a mentally unstable mother who was despatched without warning to an asylum when he was 10, though before then she introduced him to song and dance. He was abandoned to grandparents when his father remarried, joined a vaudeville theatre company, and moved to the US when he was 16. His damaged childhood left him unable to form emotional attachments and he went through five marriages in his insecurity. At one point he used LSD repeatedly to blast through his defences which he said did transform his life.

He had a 3rd house Sun Mercury in Capricorn with his Sun conjunct Moon at zero Aquarius. He had a troubled 4th house of childhood with Saturn in Aquarius widely conjunct his Moon and Mars also in Aquarius. What dominates his chart and would be his saving grace was a T Square of Pluto in the 8th opposition Venus Uranus square Jupiter in Pisces in his performing 5th house. Movie stars often have either Pluto or Neptune in the 8th, giving them great influence and the unconscious ability to project an aura; although with it comes a sense of being stuck in situations beyond their control. His emphasised Jupiter would bring him luck and optimism; and help him portray himself as a laid back, softly sweet personality.

On his astrocartography two of his Jupiter lines run either side of the USA. This isn’t quite as precise as Sean Connery, who also came from a poor background in Scotland and hit the heights in Hollywood, who has his Jupiter Pluto MC lines running through Los Angeles; and his Sun Neptune through New York. Connery’s Sun Neptune are in his 8th.