Prince Henrik of Denmark is grumping his way to the grave, announcing that he doesn’t want to be buried beside his wife Queen Margarethe, despite a specially designed sarcophagus being made for the couple at her request. And then he gave an interview to a celebrity gossip magazine saying his wife does “not respect” him. He has always been unhappy about the fact he has never been recognised as her equal, repeatedly saying he wanted to be named King Consort, rather than Prince Consort.
Born 11 June 1934 10pm Bordeaux, France, he has a New Moon in Gemini in the 6th trine Saturn in Aquarius on one side and trine Jupiter in Libra on the other. Part of his problem may come from an intense Pluto in his 7th house of marriage and he’s clearly not got the better end of Pluto’s determination to maintain an iron control and superior status. He’ll hate being put down as he sees it, not regarded as an equal. His Saturn is also square his Mars in Gemini, which will give him a gritty irritability and a sense of being unfairly treated by life. He got into a strop when the heir to the throne, Crown Prince Frederik, took precedence over him some years back at a New Year reception.
It makes you appreciate Prince Philip, another 6th house Gemini, who has stood by Queen Elizabeth stalwartly and never complained about Prince Charles’ presence.
Their relationship chart does have an affectionate composite Sun Venus; though there’s also a struggle for the upper hand composite Jupiter Pluto conjunction as well. Tr Pluto is opposing the composite Jupiter in 2017/18 so he’s clearly determined to make his point.
Their wedding chart, 10 June 1967, hinted at problems ahead with a harsh Saturn opposition Mars, suggesting duty took precedence over one partner’s needs; and an unstable Sun square Uranus Pluto.
On his personal chart his Solar Arc Pluto is conjunct his Jupiter which will be amplifying his need to stand out as special; plus tr Uranus square his 7th house Pluto, causing ruptures with his Royal Mrs. And his Solar Arc Sun is conjunct his 8th house Neptune so confusion may be setting in.
He’s not been the easiest spouse for her with his Uranus conjunct her 10th house dutiful Saturn; and his blocking Saturn in her 8th house of intimacy; with his Pluto conjunct her Ascendant and trine her MC. She does have Venus in Gemini which chimes with his New Moon, and both have Mars in Gemini. But his Pluto is square her 10th house Jupiter, hence the envy of her prime position.