Mars opposition Uranus – red hot ire wanting to blow



Mars moves to oppose Uranus in the zodiac this Friday which is a touch like a volcano about to explode. It tends to stir up an argumentative, intolerant mood with everyone kicking against restrictions and flaring up over other people’s actions and behaviour. Mars is assertive not to say aggressive when confronted or hemmed in; and rebellious Uranus adds a thunder bolt of lightning to the mix. Often when the pair merge or clash what is experienced is a threat to one’s ego. In order to bolster self-esteem, the immature (or normal) response is to leap into reckless actions or words in a display of machismo which prove to be unwise, even leading to accidents on occasion.

So general frazzle, stresses, strains and emotional tensions. It does come round maybe twice a year so isn’t terminal, but very irksome all the same. There has been a run of aggravation and challenges recently since Mars squared Pluto on the 19th and for the days in the run up before that, so it has been a testing time for nerves.

It can coincide with computer and tech failures as Mars Uranus overloads circuit boards with bad temper; or surgical operations; and usually with violence somewhere in the world (when is there never not?) but more marked than usual.

There is an upside, as the high energy levels can lead to unusual achievements, though it is trickier to handle in an opposition.

14 thoughts on “Mars opposition Uranus – red hot ire wanting to blow

  1. I suppose that Uranus, God of the Sky and ruler of Aquarius and transiting through Aries, might bring a little detachment to Mars? Disrupting it’s usual energy of impulsive, angry bursts, as well as you say, anything mechanical.

    There have been a few times these last few weeks when I should have been angry. I was let down over and over again by a company and even their employees were telling me that they were angry on my behalf and “I can’t believe you’re so calm about it!”. My Mars in Leo is no slouch and like a reliable car usually takes care of this, but it was like the engine wouldn’t start.

    I also had to point out to a male colleague that that “really brilliant idea” another male professional had just shared with him and he just had to tell me about was something I’d been telling him for months. The flash of realisation, then horror on his face; Uranus bringing a glimmer of insight there.

    • For what it’s worth I have been in an incandescent rage all week trying to get Fedex France to uplift on Monday a priority 24 hour delivery package for London. After several screeching phone calls they finally uplifted on Wednesday but with no airwaybill and thus no tracking number. On Thursday they said delivery next Monday. Blew a total fuse and it arrived Friday – mercifully they dropped the charges because of the screw up but nothing gets my time back. That plus getting my head around several new softwares and web set ups – all too much.

      • Oh no! I’m sorry to hear that, sounds very stressful and frustrating. You must be getting more of a direct hit from this transit, I hope it passes soon.

      • I nearly blew a gasket at several Lockheed buyers for accusing me of not doing my job. Put me into one of those unsafe Scorp rage moments. A new supplier I was assigned to manage – in lovely North Dakota – absolutely refuses to acknowledge my presense: no returned calls, no returned emails, never picks up the telephone. Caused a delay to an urgent shipment…and that brought the ire of the millennial/hipster buyer. My manager concluded that I was assigned a deadbeat supplier. Jury is out on discipline for the hipster buyers. You can tell I’m no fan of “them”.

        Coming home to the apt, I’m greeted by my five cats; all are jealous of the attention I shower on the other 😉 This morning, they were running around, tails in the air, all bouncy and happy. “Daddy’s up!” Turned my morning frown into a smile.

  2. In the 1932 chart of Saudi Arabia, Uranus is about 22′ Aries and retrograde. The past month, the events occurring in Saudi Arabia have been so dramatic and I believe the upheaval in its affairs will affect the whole world. They’re experiencing a Uranus return and it’s being hit by Mars (the God of War). Major, major changes occurring there. It’s also squaring the country’s Saturn in Capricorn!

  3. I didn’t realize I’m having my Mars Return right now. As one would expect with a planet in fall, I often overlook mine. However, the only thing making me really angry right now is a particular computer program I have to use and truly hate (it actually does cool stuff I like, but is unresponsive). Even Trump’s idiocracy has reached levels not making me angry anymore. I simply think he is looking for an insanity plea.

  4. Hi Marjorie

    What is the orb we would deal with in say the natal and synastry chart? Would that look the same in a relationship or in personality?


    • If you mean in a natal chart rather than a transit 8 degrees is standard maximum for orb. Same in a relationship chart where there is need for respecting the other’s individuality and not allowing resentments to build up without being addressed – otherwise plates go flying.

    • For the nervous system, I would look at Mercury which rules this part of the body. How is your natal Mercury being affected by Mars and Uranus? Saturn/Capricorn rules the bones as well as other parts of the body (teeth as well, I think).

    • Same here, AB, our charts are very similar where the generational planets are concerned. I’ve been blaming coffee, which I usually don’t drink.

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