Damian Green – old feud returning to haunt him



Damian Green, the UK Cabinet minister and stalwart inside supporter of Theresa May, is embroiled in a complicated wrangle over allegations of inappropriate behaviour and having porn on his office computer (not illegal) – all of which he strenuously denies. His allies claim he’s being stitched up because of an old feud with the police; and his best buddy David Davis is threatening to resign if Green is forced out (now there’s a prospect.) If he does go it leaves May even more isolated than ever.

Green born 17 January 1956 in Barry, Wales does have quite a strange chart focussed onto Neptune and a Mars Saturn conjunction. His Capricorn Sun opposes Uranus squaring onto Neptune, which can be fanatical or not always open to rational argument. A confident Jupiter Pluto opposes Venus in Aquarius squaring onto Mars Saturn in Sagittarius; and his Sun Uranus opposition is in a wedge, sextile/trine Mars Saturn. Quite an oddball mix of practical, executive abilities, determined, disciplined – and head-in-the-clouds and prone to mishaps from Mars Saturn which latter being in Mutable signs can also be a malcontent.

His relationship chart with Theresa May is business-like and pretty locked together with a composite Sun Saturn opposition Venus square Pluto so it would take considerable pressure to separate them. The composite Sun Mercury square Jupiter brings good feelings and perhaps a tendency to overlook flaws. Though there is also a composite Mars square Neptune which suggests their personal ambitions don’t always coalesce.

He looks rattled at the moment having just moved through tr Uranus square his Sun, returning in spring 2018, before moving on to oppose his Neptune and square his Uranus – so one way or another his life will be unsettled in a major way for another 18 months at least. He looks seriously aggravated this month, perhaps from the 13th for a few days (depending on his birth time). If an early morning birth could be exactly now.

There’s nothing much on his relationship chart with Theresa May (without birth times) to suggest much movement before the spring. Though their chemistry will sour badly in 2019/2020 no matter what the outcome of this typhoon of bad press coverage.

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