“She died doing what was right,” were the words of Heather Heyer’s mother, the Virginia paralegal, who died when a car rammed into a group of people protesting against a white supremacist rally in Charlottesville. Heather’s Facebook cover photo read: “If you’re not outraged, you’re not paying attention”; she was active in fighting racism and police brutality.
Born 29 May 1985 (net obit), she was a Sun and Mars in Gemini opposition Uranus, so feisty in defending what she believed in. Her Mercury in Taurus opposed a conscientious Saturn in Scorpio; and she had Jupiter in can-be humanitarian Aquarius; with probably a Libra Moon. Heather’s Mars was conjunct Trump’s Sun with her Uranus conjunct his Moon and in opposition to his Sun Uranus. So a clash of opposites.
James Alex Fields Jr, 26 April 1997, has been arraigned on second degree murder charges and denied bail. He had allegedly been abusive of his wheelchair-bound mother, has neo-Nazi views and perhaps a history of schizophrenia. He’s a Sun, Mercury, Venus in Taurus square a highly-strung Uranus Neptune. With his Mars in Virgo trine Venus and inconjunct Jupiter, as well perhaps as being square a Sagittarius Moon. His Jupiter is like Heather’s in Aquarius, which as well as being idealistic can be fascist, certainly suggests adherence to a cause. He’s also got a forced-to-be-self-reliant Saturn in Aries in a bleak trine to Pluto. Heather’s interface with Fields had a composite Jupiter Pluto which is always a struggle for the upper hand.
Given that Heather’s tragic death has become a pivotal factor in dragging Donald Trump’s image even lower, what are disturbingly suggestive are the cross-overs between the charts. What is eerily precise is Heather’s ‘relationship’ chart with Fields, whom she’d never met but there’s always a karmic link between victim and perpetrator no matter how random the crime. Their composite Sun falls on Trump’s midheaven and their composite North Node is exactly conjunct Trump’s Saturn in Cancer. So it really was a catalytic event in the trajectory of Trump’s slide from approval. The composite Mars in the Heather/Trump relationship chart is also conjunct Trump’s Saturn Venus; with the composite Pluto Saturn Uranus squaring Trump’s Sun and Moon. All combining to knock him right off track.
David Duke, former KKK leader, has already made his views known about even Trump’s first prevaricating response to the violence (see post Aug 13 below), which he has since – two days too late – firmed up into a condemnation of evil racist thugs and criminals. Born 1 July 1950 11.37am Tulsa, OK, Duke is facing multiple setbacks and collisions over the next two years with his Solar Arc Sun conjunct his Saturn in 2018, followed by Solar Arc Mars square his Saturn in 2019. And his relationship with Trump is infuriated at the moment and this November, and diverging further towards the New Year.
Interesting thought. If Steve Bannon is ousted which signs are he may be; and goes into full alt-right vengeful mode; then a goodly chunk of Trump’s core fan base will be at odds with him. Bannon’s Breitbart hosts a fair amount of the white supremacist propaganda, so it’s not beyond the bounds of possibility that he’ll get attacked from all sides.