An epic catastrophe, the worst disaster in Texas history, an incredibly unique event, unprecedented floods, all impacts are unknown and beyond anything experienced, the most extreme rainfall ever witnessed – the descriptions of Hurricane Harvey struggle to encompass the scale of the damage wreaked by battering winds followed by two to three feet of rain falling within 24 hours, with more to come. The disaster covers thousands of square miles of Southeast Texas, but worst hit is Houston, the US’s fourth-largest city, which is barely above sea level and sits next to the stormy Gulf of Mexico.
So the Great American Eclipse did – with eerie synchronicity – accompany an immediate disaster (see post August 25 2017). Both the August Lunar and Solar Eclipses were at their highest elevation when located to Texas. Not on the path of the solar eclipse, but catching its strongest effect.
The Texas state chart, 2 March 1836 was always going to be vulnerable to a majorly disruptive event with the Leo Solar Eclipse opposition the Texas Mars Mercury in Aquarius and Uranus, possibly conjunct its Moon as well – so a shocking (Mars) and sudden (Uranus) collision affecting the population (Moon) with significant disruption and destruction. The 12 degree Pisces Sun is also sinking under a tr Neptune conjunction over coming months, as it attempts to cope with the flood damage.
Houston was founded on 28 August 1836 and incorporated on 5 June 1837. The incorporation chart has tr Neptune square the Gemini Sun over the next eighteen months, so again a swampy and confusing phase. The Solar Eclipse was opposition its Mars.
The Houston founded chart has Solar Arc Neptune conjunct its Jupiter in Leo – oceanic Neptune drowning Jupiter’s optimism and flamboyance. The Solar Eclipse was opposition Uranus on this chart, tugging on a Water Grand Trine of Uranus trine Saturn trine Mars, with Uranus opposition Sun – so shaking the central configuration of the chart with damaging consequences.
When Katrina happened in late August 2005 with major loss of life tr Neptune was squaring the New Orleans Neptune Sun in Taurus, which is relatively similar to the Texas and Houston Inc chart at the moment. The eclipses in 2005 were highly stressed. The closest Solar Eclipse in October having Pluto on the IC for New Orleans inconjunct Mars; with a Yod of New Moon sextile Saturn inconjunct Uranus as the US government made a botch of the rescue efforts. The Lunar Eclipse in October had the Full Moon exactly on the Desc/Asc axis for New Orleans; with the Sun sextile Pluto inconjunct Mars. So not the same as the Texas hurricane but the Eclipse planets on the chart angles do check out.