Jellyfish swims into brick-wall appears to be the state of play in the Brexit negotiations with almost zero progress 16 months after the referendum. Which is much as former Greek Finance minister Yanis Varoufakis foretold in his Adults in the Room, ‘a searing indictment of the anti-democratic, underhand and downright mendacious tactics used by what he calls the EU’s “deep establishment” to make the Greeks grovel. He predicted Brussels would seek to browbeat the UK in the same way and that we would do better just to walk away. Otherwise we would become entangled in the grip of a monster with more tentacles than the mythological Scylla.’ (Philip Johnston, Telegraph). Varoufakis wrote: “Brussels is a democracy-free zone. It is the nature of the beast to treat the will of electorates as a nuisance that must be, somehow, negated.”
The EU does have a 12th house Pluto (dirty dealings behind the scenes) in a ruthless square to Mars in Sagittarius. And both Juncker and negotiator Barnier have Mars Pluto oppositions in their natal charts so they fit the ethos. Sakoian & Acker say of this aspect: ‘The temptation is to use collective power for self-aggrandizement. Must learn to use power correctly. Want to rule and remake others causing resentment and conflict.’
The EU Pluto moves by Solar Arc to conjunct the EU 2nd house Neptune, exact in the spring of 2019, which will create a devastating situation for EU finances; with discouraging tr Saturn moving into the EU 4th from the end of this year and conjunct the Capricorn Sun in late 2018 bringing an unhappy populace; with a panicky and uncertain 2020 to follow as tr Neptune squares the EU Saturn.
The UK chart has its partnership Sun/Moon midpoint at 14 Aries which had been hammered by tr Uranus square tr Pluto in the two years before the Brexit referendum which might have been a hint. No marriage would survive that intact. Tr Saturn is now aiming to square the Sun/Moon midpoint in late Jan/early Feb 2019, which would normally put the last nail in the coffin of an alliance. Though Saturn does sometimes have a timelag. Even earlier over Christmas December 2018 tr Saturn is conjunct the UK and EU Capricorn Suns.
I wouldn’t be entirely surprised if it ended in a No Deal. The EU negotiator Michel Barnier, 9 Jan 1951 4.40pm La Tronche, France, is muddling his way through a stressful 2017/18 with tr Pluto conjunct his Sun, and worse square his Neptune; with a directionless tr Neptune conjunct his MC in 2019.
There’s an interesting and timely side story this week about a 2003 sweetheart deal struck between Luxembourg, when Jean-Claude Juncker was PM, and Amazon. The EU’s competition commissioner is now poised to land a bill for hundreds of millions of euros in back taxes on Amazon, alleging that the tax deal granted it almost a decade of illegal state support from Luxembourg, the hub for its European operations. This could prove awkward for Juncker though he’ll no doubt shrug it off. But instructive all the same.