A bunch of right-wing, anti-abortion, anti-same-sex-marriage/LGBT rights, creationist Ulster Protestants (aka Ian Paisley) have scuppered Theresa May’s chances of moving onto the next crucial Brexit stage of trade talks. After the disastrous election last June May was forced to lash herself unthinkably to the Northern Ireland DUP for their 10 MPs to survive politically. Now she’s paying the price. Though truthfully it’s hard to see how this Gordian knot is going to be untied. To prevent a hard border with the south, the north will need to stay within the EU customs union, which Scotland and Wales would then insist is a privilege extending to them, which would send the Bo-jo Brexiteers off into a tantrum.
This month was never going to be good news for May with tr Saturn in a downbeat square to her Sun/Jupiter and Mercury; and worse, in a complete and devastated muddle from tr Pluto square her Sun/Neptune, returning on and off through 2018. Though she does have a great sigh of relief this Dec/Jan from tr Uranus opposition her Jupiter/North Node which is either good news, or she gets let off the hook and sent out to pasture. Somewhere soon since her birth time isn’t known, she gets a massive jolt from Solar Arc Uranus conjunct her Sun.
If she sticks around, then she runs into a bigger minefield in 2018 with tr Neptune returning to conjunct her Mars for a panicky feeling of failure from early February (returning late October into early 2019). From mid March onwards tr Pluto is conjunct her Mars/Saturn midpoint which is calamitous – though that could be a disaster of another variety such as a major atrocity. That returns on and off through 2019 as well, joined in 2019/2020 by a frustratingly-trapped tr Pluto conjunct her Mars/Node. By 2019 tr Neptune is in a bubble-bursting, false-hopes-dashed opposition to her Jupiter; and is exactly square the Sun and Moon in her government chart.
Arlene Foster, the hard-line leader of the DUP, thrust unexpectedly (and undeservedly) into a powerful position of leverage was born 3 July 1970, two weeks before Scots leader Nicola Sturgeon. She has a New Moon, Mercury and Mars in Cancer with her Mars in an opportunistic square to Jupiter. She’s also got an ultra-determined, unsentimental and ruthless mini-Grand Trine of Saturn in Taurus trine Pluto, sextile Mars in Cancer.
Her Mars is under acute, frustrating and enraging pressure in 2018/19 from February onwards as tr Pluto opposes her Mars. She is resisting fiercely any moves to separate Northern Ireland from the UK and thus bring it closer to the south, much disliked by her Orange Order supporters. She’s playing with fire since she certainly doesn’t want a left-wing (increasingly so) Corbyn government in place which if she keeps pushing she might end up with.
She’s certainly a key figure where the UK is concerned since her Sun and Mars (as with Sturgeon) fall in the UK’s 10th house and her Saturn in Taurus in the UK 8th in aspect to the UK’s 4 Fixed planets in financial and legislative positions – so a block politically and where cash is concerned.
Foster’s relationship chart with the UK is worsening dramatically through 2018/19 with tr Neptune in hard aspect to a composite T Square of Pluto opposition Mars square Jupiter; and tr Saturn square the composite Sun by 2019. Not good chemistry to start with and tr Neptune is turning bad feelings into a festering swamp of unpopularity.
Muddle and mayhem were always going to be the signature of this May government, 9 June 2017 12.35pm London with an exact Gemini Sun opposition Moon square Neptune. It might, given Neptune’s slipperiness totter on, but it won’t end well.