The Tweedledum and tweedledee of UK politics, Michael Gove and Boris Johnson, appear to be over their knife-in-the-back mid-2016 spat when Gove wrecked Boris’s chances of running for the Tory leadership, only to run himself and lose. They are back together and have evidently sent Theresa May a secret letter dictating how the cabinet should sharpen up over the Brexit negotiations, i.e. toe their line. A source described it as a “soft coup” against Theresa May and said she was now “their Downing Street hostage”.
To make matters worse, Gove this morning on television muddied the waters over the imprisonment in Iran of Nazanin Zagari-Ratcliffe, by suggesting the government had no idea why she was in Iran, rather than insisting she was on holiday to visit her parents.
Gove, born 26 August 1967 in London, is a Sun Mercury in Virgo, with Uranus Pluto also in Virgo; and a determined and vengeful Mars Neptune in Scorpio. He was born two weeks before Louis CK the US comedian who has admitted to the sexual harassment allegations made against him, with the same Virgo Sun and Mars in Scorpio. Two years earlier in 1965 when Mars was also in Scorpio conjunct Neptune, another two Virgos are also catching the headlines – Kim Davis and Bashar Assad. It makes for an unpleasant combination with alternative outcomes, many of them deeply negative.
Gove looks seriously stuck from early 2018 to late 2019 with tr Pluto square his Mars/Pluto; with a long run of undermining Neptune transits to midpoints from now onwards, the most damaging of which picks up from April next year through 2019.Plus in 2019/2020 tr Pluto squares his Mars/Uranus for a series of disasters.
His relationship chart with Theresa May is fraught and hostile at the best of times with a composite Mars trine Pluto, Mercury, Sun – so an ongoing tussle for the upper hand. It’s at daggers drawn this month, jangling through 2018; with worse in 2019.
His superficially friendly relationship chart with Boris Johnson, with a composite Sun Venus also has an ego-clash Mars square Neptune (one wins, the other feels damaged). Their bubble will burst a touch over the New Year; and a major rift will widen the cracks mid 2018 onwards.
Theresa May’s relationship with Boris, definitely a marriage of inconvenience, is in the mire this month with tr Pluto conjunct the composite Saturn; at odds in March 2018 and spitting teeth by 2019/2020 with tr Pluto square the composite Mars. They were never destined to occupy the same space with comfort with a differing-agendas composite Sun Uranus and an outright-dislike Mars square Saturn.
A bunch of fifth-rate creeps, crawlers and losers intent on NOT governing the country while they fight their petty rivalries for the Tory leadership. What happened to the national interest?