Latifa Al Maktoum – money can’t buy happiness



Latifa Al Maktoum, a daughter of the ruler of Dubai, attempted to escape her restricted life in a daring escape in March, masterminded by a former French spy Herve Jaubert, who skippered a yacht which was intercepted in international waters by the Indian coastguards. Her companions were thrown in jail and only released after extensive media coverage. She has disappeared, it is assumed back home.

Born 5 December 1985 she has a rebellious Sun Uranus in Sagittarius with Venus and Saturn also in Sag; and a confidently determined Pluto square Jupiter.

Her father, 15 July 1949, is an expansive, family-oriented Sun Cancer opposition Jupiter, trine Mars; with a charming and possessive Venus Pluto in Leo. His Sun squares her Mars in Libra for a clash of temperaments; with his Mars opposition her Uranus for ditto.

Their relationship chart is controlling, unpredictable and affectionate with the composite Sun conjunct Pluto Uranus on one side and Venus on the other; and an only-one-can-win composite Mars square Neptune.

There’s nothing too cheerful ahead on her chart for a few years with tr Neptune square her Sun and then Uranus till early 2020 and a trapped, angry tr Pluto square Mars in 2020/2021. And some heavy Solar Arcs in 2021/22. She isn’t well-designed to live in a gilded cage.

Nazanin Zaghari Ratcliffe – mixed prospects ahead



Nazanin Zaghari-Ratcliffe, imprisoned in Iran in 2016 for allegedly spying has been allowed out for three days to stay with her parents and daughter whom she has only seen on prison visits since she was 22 months old. A British resident with a dual passport, she works for the Thomson Reuters Foundation and was sentenced to five years in jail, although she insists she was only on holiday to allow her daughter to spend time with relatives. Boris Johnson’s replacement as Foreign Secretary, Jeremy Hunt, appears to have helped ease the pressure on her – Boris in contrast made her situation worse. The theory is that Iran wants money from the UK and support on lifting sanctions so she became a pawn in a political game. She spent 8 months in solitary confinement early on without a lawyer.

Born 16 September 1978 in Teheran, she has her Sun, Mercury and Saturn in Virgo with her Sun square Neptune and a Pisces Moon.

Her chart looks mixed ahead – lucky breaks in this November and February with tr Uranus trine her Jupiter/Node; mid February onwards, on and off till late 2019 as tr Pluto trines her Jupiter/Uranus; and the second half of April 2019 with tr Uranus square her Jupiter. All of those will boost her confidence and give her hope.  However it looks edgy and agitated this September and October; and she has stuck, scary and disappointing influences through till late 2019 as well. On the best case scenario they let her out and she is suffering from the aftereffects of ill-treatment and mental stress.  But it could drag on.

Her relationship chart with the Iran 1 February 1979 Islamist coup chart isn’t favorable at the best of times and is none-too-cheerful until 2021. Was she warned it would be dangerous to return?

Myanmar – crimes against humanity



Accusations of genocide, war crimes and crime against humanity have been levelled by the UN at Myanmar’s military for its treatment of the Rohingya people. Their report also criticised Aung San Suu Kyi’s passive role over the past year. “[She] has not used her de facto position as head of government, nor her moral authority, to stem or prevent the unfolding events in Rakhine state,” it said.

UN investigators were denied access but interviewed witnesses who had fled the country and found that the military were “killing indiscriminately, gang-raping women, assaulting children and burning entire villages.” They carried out murders, imprisonments, enforced disappearances, torture, rapes and used sexual slavery and other forms of sexual violence, persecution and enslavement – all of which constitute crimes against humanity. After the military campaign of violence 800,000 had fled into neighbouring Bangladesh. The military say they are illegal immigrants and Aung San Suu Kyi has said only appropriate force was used.

Burma’s independence in 1948 was timed for an auspicious start at 4.20am on 4th January by astrologers, who must have been seriously deficient in their craft given its terrible history since. The Sun Mercury square Neptune all aspect the Mars/Pluto midpoint which makes sense of the violence,  military coup and rule which followed. At the moment tr Neptune is opposing the midheaven and square the Jupiter for an undermining phase; with a major jolt also this year from Solar Arc Sun square Uranus. 2021 is worse with Solar Arc Mars square Saturn and Solar Arc Uranus conjunct the Mars – more violence.

The military coup which saw the generals take over was on 2 March 1962 when a controlling Pluto opposition a Pisces Sun was in place; with a risk-taking, obstinate Mars Jupiter in Aquarius opposition Uranus – and Mars squaring the bleak Saturn/Pluto midpoint. That chart looks blocked exactly now by Solar Arc Sun square Saturn, and is moving through unsettled times in 2019/2020 with tr Uranus trine the Pluto. But the UN report may make little difference in a country that has always barricaded itself against outside criticism.

Aung San Suu Kyi who was raised to sainthood during her long house arrest and given a free pass when released because she was still under the thumb of the generals, is well on her way to being tarred by their brush.  Born 19 June 1945, she’s a late Sun Gemini; with an afflicted and none-too-pleasant Mars in Taurus conjunct Venus square Pluto and sextile Saturn. The fortitude with which she approached her long incarceration turns out to be fuelled by a very hard personality. She looks rattled in 2019/2020/21 with tr Uranus conjunct her Mars and then square her Pluto, so it will throw her off track.

EU – heading into white water rapids



There’s an uptick in the mood in Brussels from early November to mid December on the EU chart with tr Pluto trine their Jupiter/Uranus midpoint (at the same time as a considerable amount of aggro); and a bigger sigh of relief from early December till mid February 2019 as tr Uranus opposes their Jupiter. Whether that’s delight at finally getting rid of Perfidious Albion for good. Or a slight reprieve as disentangling the spider’s web is pushed back two years, isn’t too clear. Plus, of course, a reality check from tr Saturn conjunct the EU Sun in late December but that will pass quickly.

Where their jangles start to pick up a head of steam is from late March to mid April 2019 which will bring them down to earth with a bump to recognise a difficult situation with tr Uranus opposition the Jupiter/Neptune midpoint (a false-happiness bubble bursting).

There’ll be a fair amount of upheaval and disruption mid April to early May as tr Uranus trines the 12th house Pluto – on country charts even soft aspects tend to act like hard. Could be secrets being catapulted into the open or behind-the-scenes power players getting a sharp elbow in the ribs.

April also sees tr Neptune opposition the Mars/MC which is failure, unable to proceed, lacking will power and decisiveness.

The (almost certainly) devastating Solar Arc Pluto conjunct the 2nd house Neptune comes exact in June/July, but will be in effect before then, which will be major financial concerns.

The EU elections in late May have tr Uranus opposition the 2nd house Neptune – high concern, trepidatious, fanatical.

The next EU Parliament 2 July 2019 happens on the day of a Solar Eclipse in a worrisome/obsessive Saros Series, with a downbeat Cancer New Moon opposition Saturn; and an explosive, outspoken Uranus square Mars Mercury. Tr Uranus is then starting to oppose the Sun/Pluto midpoint which is associated with an adjustment to radically new circumstances – reformers, rebels, fanatics. That runs on into 2020.

From early 2019 tr Uranus is also moving into the EU 8th (depending on house system) for seven years which will be a roller coaster ride economically. The UK catches it from mid 2019 onwards, as does Germany. So moving into erratic, unpredictable times where international finance is concerned.

The EU (and UK, German) also has the transiting Saturn Pluto moving through the 4th for the next two years for domestic and internal tensions and perhaps hardship.

Where the major shake up for the EU comes is 2020/2021 with tr Uranus conjunct the 8th house financial Moon and square the 11th house (future plans and legislators) Uranus. Plus a  ‘shocking collision’ Solar Arc Mars square the Moon and opposition Uranus in 2021 – of which there will be forewarning across the summer and into the autumn of 2019 with Solar Arc Mars square the North Node.  By 2020 as well the Solar Arc Midheaven will conjunct the 12th house Pluto for another grind-to-a-halt moment with perhaps dirty secrets being brought into the light of day. Also, as if that wasn’t enough, in 2020/21 tr Neptune will square the 3rd house Saturn for a time  of panicky uncertainty and paranoia.

It’s all going to rock n’ roll for three years or so.

UK Brexit – carry on not really caring



Theresa May is in meltdown, Brexiteers (hard and soft) are enraged and kerflummoxed and Remainers are tearing their hair out, with Project Fear (which may well be realistic) screaming through the headlines. My impression is the great Brit public outside the Westminster bubble have detached themselves from the dog fight or snail race and are shrugging ‘whatever’, assuming it’ll shake down somehow.

Will the member states get cold feet at the last moment when they see their commerce being affected and dent the intransigence of the Brussels technocrats?  Maybe or maybe not, if it threatens to undercut the raison d’etre for a members-only EU.

Mid this September to mid October look a curious mix of high-spirited elation with tr Uranus square the UK Jupiter and trine the Jupiter/Uranus; and high-tension crisis with tr Uranus opposition the Sun/Saturn midpoint.

Whatever patched together cobble-up agreement is arrived at, goes before the UK Parliament on December 18th for a decisive vote. That’s two days before tr Saturn moves to conjunct the UK Sun and conjunct the EU Sun and EU/UK composite Sun on the relationship chart, and exactly conjunct the Germany Sun. Which looks discouraging and separating.

At that point tr Pluto is just a few days past the final opposition to the UK 10th house Moon, running on the exact aspect since early November, which will certainly jack up a mood of emotional intensity about its rulership.  But it’s been around since last year and hasn’t noticeably engaged too much interest to date, apart from bored irritation. Mid December to mid January there’s also a downbeat tr Pluto square the Mercury/Saturn midpoint which does suggest a degree of brooding and depression

Mid January to almost mid February looks confident, successful and exuberant with tr Pluto square the Sun/Jupiter though also stressed and nerve-stretched with tr Pluto opposition the Mars/Uranus midpoint (which could also be violent incidents).

Exactly on March 29 2019 when either it’s a hard-landing out or a fudged extension, tr Neptune is square the UK 3rd house Mercury through the following month – 3rd house ruling transport, communications, trade and neighbouring relations, all of which looks confused. March 2019 is also when the Solar Arc Moon opposes the 11th house Saturn on the UK chart for a population out of sorts with the legislature.

It then gets neurotic, uncertain and panicky from May onwards with tr Neptune square the Saturn/Node midpoint – feeling neglected, lonely and misunderstood. That’s the point when Theresa May’s Term chart really hits a downhill slide – more so than before – with tr Neptune square the Full Moon, running till late 2020.

Though on balance in general Theresa May looks on more favourable terms with the electorate than Jeremy Corbyn does. His relationship chart with the UK has a composite Mars Pluto square Saturn Uranus, which doesn’t suggest a lot of love in there as far as basic chemistry goes. But maybe he won’t last that long.

All imponderables. The real economic scrunch won’t hit till  2021.

John McCain – war hero and respected maverick of DC



John McCain has died – a former bomber pilot and war hero, a six term Republican Senator and a maverick politician who garnered respect even from those who didn’t agree with his views.

He was born 29 August 1936 6.25pm Colon, Panama to a father and grandfather who were both 4 star admirals in the US Navy and had the usual constantly-moving forces childhood. He became a naval bomber pilot and two years after his first marriage he was injured during an onboard ship attack and then shot down and captured by the Vietcong, who held him prisoner for five years and tortured him. During his time in captivity which he nearly didn’t survive, he spent two years in solitary and when offered repatriation because his father was an admiral, he refused unless all men taken prisoner before him were also released. After his return he stayed in the navy for another decade though his physical injuries from his time in captivity meant he’d never make admiral.  He divorced, remarried and embarked on his political career, making two failed attempts to become president.

He had a 7th house Virgo Sun, Neptune, Venus and Mercury in Libra – so would have a winning way of putting himself across. He had a lucky, respect-attracting and talented 10th house Jupiter which was square his Sun, Neptune, Venus and Saturn as well as being trine Mars in Leo. A strong Jupiter would help him survive his brutal experience since it keeps optimism high though he did contemplate suicide at one point. His Saturn opposition Neptune would make him keen on working towards a better society and he did come across as a compassionate conservative. His Mars in Leo in his 6th would make him argumentative and flamboyant in his comments, especially since it made an explosive square to an outspoken Uranus in his communication 3rd. His Pluto in the 5th would give him a yearning to be taken as a person of substance and opposing a maverick Aquarius Moon would make him intensely emotional.

He wasn’t a saint and made missteps along the way, of which Sarah Palin was the most notable in recent times, but he died with a reputation as a Washington titan.  His get-it-together 5th harmonic was strong; as well as his spiritual, seeking-soul 7H; his determined 11H. And his leaving-a-legacy-for-history was most powerfully aspected.

His Mars in Leo was conjunct Trump’s 12th house Pluto for bitter hostility; with his fair-minded Saturn opposition Neptune sitting at cross purposes with Trump’s Sun and Moon.  Their relationship chart was formidably stressed with a power-struggling composite Sun Pluto; and a stressed and aggravated composite Mars Mercury Venus square Saturn Uranus.

USA politics will be poorer without him.

Allen Weisselberg – Trump’s money man cuts a deal



Allen Weisselberg, deeply involved in Trump’s business and personal finances for decades since his father’s time, is the latest ally to cooperate with investigators in exchange for leniency for himself in the Michael Cohen probe. He will know where all the skeletons are buried though it’s not clear how much he knew of the detail of the two payoffs which are the focus of the Cohen case. The fact there was reason to subpoena him and make him cut an immunity deal means he personally had potential criminal liability, and he had to give something of real value to get out of that.

Born 15 August 1947 in New York, he is a Sun, Venus, Saturn, Pluto, Moon and Mercury in Leo with Jupiter in Scorpio square the first four of those planets –  money is what floats his boat, very enduring and stubborn. The Eclipses this year have been rattling his Leo planets with more to come next year. He looks aggravated and under attack at the moment with tr Pluto opposition his Mercury/Mars and his Saturn/Uranus; panicked through the fall and if anything more stressed in 2019/2020.

His Leo planets all fall in Trump’s 12th house though its not that easy a mix with Weisselberg’s Sun conjunct Trump’s Mars and his Uranus conjunct Trump’s Sun opposition Moon.

Their relationship chart is argumentative with a composite Sun, Mercury, Mars and fairly up-and-down with a Jupiter square Saturn. It’s under disappointing and very edgy influences, especially through this fall and early in 2019, and those influences run till late 2019. With major tensions building from next February as tr Pluto starts to oppose the composite Sun and then Mercury. It will be exceptionally fraught, stretched to the limit and beyond, and running into a minefield from April onwards.

Alex Salmond – fighting his corner



Alex Salmond has reacted angrily to allegations that he was guilty of sexual assault during his time as Scotland’s First Minister and is threatening to sue the Scottish government for its handling of the investigation to date which has given him no chance to defend himself.

Born 31 December 1954 4.30 pm Linlithgow, Scotland,  he has a creative, healing and self-protective Water Grand Trine of an ambitious 10th house Mars Moon in Pisces trine a lucky, risk-taking Uranus Jupiter in his 1st trine a passionate Venus in Scorpio in his sociable 5th. His Venus is also in an intense square to Pluto.

He has a Yod of Pluto sextile Neptune inconjunct his Moon. A 10th house Moon is a classic placing for a politicians or someone in public service; but as an apex planet it can be overly defensive, emotionally disorganized and at times self-defeating.

He’s already been on the receiving end of criticism this year for hosting a chat show on RT, the Kremlin-funded TV channel.

He’s got bullishly confident influences through till mid this December but running concurrently are some Neptunian sinkers – conjunct his Mars/MC now right and others through the next eighteen months. Plus a serious setback this September and October with tr Pluto conjunct his Mars/Saturn along with major aggravation; and panicky uncertainty this November and December. Some uplift in 2019/2020; though by 2020 he’s got tr Neptune conjunct his Mars which is usually a career-downer along with an emotional and very intense Solar Arc Mars opposition his Venus in 2019 and in a dead-halt square to his Pluto in 2020.

Australia – a boomerang of a plot



An Australian political coup that backfired has seen a new prime minister take over, the sixth in 11 years. Malcolm Turnbull was forced out and his closest ally Scott Morrison, an evangelical Christian, more socially conservative, an enforcer on immigration and less popular than Turnbull, has been put in his place. Not quite what the conspirators and plotters had in mind.

Turnbull was ousted when tr Pluto was exactly square his Term Uranus and MC, 15 September 2015 1.35pm, which seems pretty much on cue.

Morrison was sworn in at 6.15pm (I think, any more info gratefully received) which puts a deceptively soft Neptune on the Pisces Ascendant. There is a solidly sensible, good-for-commerce Earth Grand Trine of a Virgo Sun trine a well-organised 10th house Saturn in an innovative trine to Uranus – so it might produce results. Though the Neptune trine Jupiter might suggest over optimism. The 11th house of the legislature looks fairly brutal with Pluto and Mars both there, so it won’t all be sweetness and light. Plus the explosive, disruptive Mars opposition Node square Uranus is still in place.

Morrison, 13 May 1968, is a Sun Taurus  opposition Neptune in Scorpio square Jupiter in Leo – so not short of confidence, obstinacy or sticking power. Well handled such a Jupiter can have social impact, but tends to be intolerant even bigoted. He’s also got a Yod with an apex focal point Saturn in hard-edged, none-too-sympathetic Aries and North Node inconjunct Pluto Uranus sextile Neptune. This requires real maturity for it not to backfire – and is under pressure for the rest of this year with tr Pluto square Saturn for a really tough slog. With the Yod up to its usual trick of producing a fated change of direction through unusual circumstances.

Australia is still muddling through a longish phase of tr Neptune in the 11th, the house of the legislature, square the Pluto opposition Uranus square Mars T Square till late 2019, but it hasn’t affected the economy which is robust. And with Jupiter through the 8th for the next year business should be fine. Though there will be a setback in six months’ time from Solar Arc Mars conjunct the 9th house Sun, which could be connected to foreign relations, travel or even education.

Time of 1.35 pm being sound, tr Uranus will conjunct the Aries Ascendant twice more later this year and into early 2019, which does suggest a re-imaging of the country with a more independent thrust in years to come.