Brock Turner, 1 Aug 1995, a Stanford University student and swimmer, has been imprisoned for six months on three counts of sexual assault. Passing students found him having sex with an unconscious woman and rescued her. The charges were pled down from rape and his father’s pleas to the judge for leniency have been met by strong criticism.
He’s a Sun Venus and Mercury in Leo; with Sun Venus trine Jupiter (conjunct Pluto), sextiling onto Mars (Moon) in Libra. He’ll certainly be showy and lucky with Leo planets and Jupiter, with an athletic, competitive, assertive Mars highlighted; and confidence aplenty from Jupiter Pluto. He’s also got a tough Saturn in Pisces trine Pluto sextiling onto a highly strung, can-be-fanatical Uranus Neptune in Capricorn.
Houses would make a difference as to how this energy is played out and the Moon position, if near Mars, would make for anger issues around women.
What are more enlightening and odd, are his midpoints. Both his Sun and Saturn are in aspect to his Neptune/Pluto midpoint which would certainly give him a tendency to over-indulge in alcohol. Neptune Pluto can be other-worldly, not quite rational and there is sometimes a hint of megalomania in the background.
More pointedly his Venus squares his Mars/Pluto midpoint. Mars Pluto is the rape signature in astrology. And his Pluto opposes his Venus/Saturn midpoint which suggests a core loneliness and is often seen in the charts of ‘sex addicts.’
His 7th Harmonic which can sometimes point to instability has Saturn tied into Venus, Mars and Pluto which looks emotionally conflicted. His self-destructive 16th Harmonic is very strong tying in Venus to Saturn and Uranus – so arguably autocratic; and Neptune to Pluto Mars which is perverse.
What a horrible world it has become for young people. We all drank too much at university but I don’t recollect any disastrous life changing consequences that seem to be almost common place now.