Hindsight is a wonderful thing when mulling over the efficacy of predictive tools. But the past is not always a good indicator of a precise repeat when similar influences occur ahead.
Trump survived an assassination attempt on 13 July last year near Butler, Pennsylvania. Relocating his chart there pulls his 12th house Mars in Leo across his Ascendant into his 1st house pushing him further into the spotlight in a flamboyant way. Transiting Uranus exactly conjunct Algol conjunct tr Mars in Taurus were hovering around his midheaven and exactly square his Mars for a sudden, explosive event causing great insecurity and leading to a fiery reaction.
Trump’s Solar Return from June 2024 has a high-risk Pluto square Mars in the 7th and 11th. Set for Butler, Penn, it putls Pluto closer to the 8th square Mars which make sense of a dangerous event.
His Lunar Return which covers that event from Jun 21 2024 has Pluto on the Midheaven, which can be ominous, square Mars with Uranus in his 1st. The aftermath in his Lunar Return from 18 July 2024 has Uranus, Algol, Mars in the 8th as the enormity of what had happened began to sink in with Saturn and Neptune in his 6th house of health; and a trapped Pluto in his 4th.
Mars Pluto and Mars Uranus Algol would all point to a brush with danger.
Those influences repeat from late this April into May 2025 with tr Uranus back conjunct Algol at 26 Taurus which squares Trump’s Mars – and also rattles an unsettling number of other charts especially across the Middle East and elsewhere. On April 26th, as well, the trapped, scary, can-be-ruthless and overly-aggressive Mars in Leo opposition Pluto is back for the final time. Plus Neptune has for the first time dipped its toe into Aries.
Which also, just to be cheerful, coincides with the Solar Arc Uranus conjunct the 8th house Mars in the UK chart moving to exact to within a minute or so. Which could be financial/economic fallout to whatever is going on elsewhere as well as a more physically shocking experience.
The UK Solar Return from December 31 2024 for a year ahead does have Mars in the 7th house of partners/enemies opposition Pluto in the 1st, perhaps hinting at a front-seat participation in whatever is happening – plus a financially uncertain Saturn Neptune in the 2nd.
Solar Returns for the USA are trickier with no settled start time but on the Sibley chart, the July 2024 Solar Return has an explosively aggressive Mars Uranus Algol in the 7th house of neighbours; with a stubbornly extreme Pluto in the 3rd opposition Mercury. Which makes sense as Trump throws the old global order into disarray.
The USA July 2025 Solar Return has Mercury in the 7th opposition Pluto in the 1st as intense diplomatic discussions continue though lessening in aggression; with an unsettled electorate from Uranus in the 4th plus a financially uncertain Neptune Saturn in the 2nd and Mars in the 8th.
Bit of a hotch potch but Lunar Returns can be helpful. Country Solar Returns I don’t normally do but they seem to be reasonably illuminating.
The levels of extreme anxiety in the USA and to a lesser extent elsewhere may to a degree be amped up by the Mars opposition Pluto and Uranus Algol which have been running since last year – and will finish after late April 2025 for Mars Pluto and in July when tr Uranus moves into Gemini (though returning to Taurus for a few months later in the year). Late this coming April does look like a toxic hot spot.