Jack Nicholson has just turned 80 and is to return to the big screen with his first movie in a decade, an English language remake of Toni Erdmann, which he approached Paramount to make since he loved the character. ‘A shambling, unshaven music teacher with a mop of gray hair and a prankish sense of humor, who carries a set of joke-shop fake teeth in his shirt pocket, and has a habit of disrupting the routines of everyday life with absurd and outrageous improvisations.’
Nicholson, born 22 April 1937 11am Neptune, New Jersey, has multiple awards for One Flew Over the Cuckoo’s Nest, Chinatown, The Shining, A Few Good Men, Terms of Endearment – and on and on throughout a long and successful career. He was the son of a showgirl, never knew who his father was; was brought up by his grandparents whom he thought were his parents, only to discover in his late 30s that his ‘sister’ was his mother. He’s led a riotous life with only one marriage but numerous relationships and has never stinted on excess.
He has a maverick, determined and indulgent Sun Uranus in Taurus in the 10th; with Venus in Aries conjunct his Midheaven and Mercury in Taurus also in the 10th – so ambitious and designed for a public career. He’s also got a powerfully confident, exact Pluto opposition Jupiter in Capricorn – ultra-determined to get his own way and good at attracting money. His Mars in feisty Sagittarius is in the performing 5th so not only an entertainer but in his day a vigorous party-goer. His Virgo Moon opposes Saturn in Pisces and sits on the focal point of a mini-Grand Trine of Mars trine Pluto – so not an easy emotional life.
2017 looks to be a year of great highs and some lows as tr Uranus squares his Pluto opposition Jupiter and Solar Arc Uranus is conjunct Pluto later in the year and opposition Jupiter – so significant changes. I’d worry marginally about health issues with the Solar Arc Uranus on Pluto at his age.