Princess Beatrice – desperately seeking a life



Princess Beatrice is photographed continually at social events but still seems to be struggling to get her life together. Having left her umpteenth job to set up her own start-up company, she is reportedly not making much progress, having been badly affected by the split from long-time boyfriend Dave Clark. And the ongoing argument from her father that she should be given Royal duties isn’t making much headway with Prince Charles either, who feels a slimmed down monarchy is more suited to the modern day.

She really needs a partner with a 7th house Sun Mercury in Leo; and children with Moon Venus in Cancer in the 5th, but domestic bliss seems a while away. She’s in the middle of her Saturn Return this year so might well get her career knocked into shape hereafter. Though her Solar Arc MC conjunct her Neptune in 2018 doesn’t look too sprauncy; nor indeed does Solar Arc Pluto conjunct her MC. And 2019 looks log-jammed with Solar Arc Mars opposition Pluto. So a sticky time ahead.

Her Secondary Progressed Moon moves into her 7th from late 2018 till early 2022, which is often a time people settle down to marriage. In 2019 her Sec Prog Moon will conjunct her Sun which might well be a possibility. And her Solar Arc Jupiter is conjunct her 5th house Venus and then Moon in 2018 and 2021 respectively, which should be good for romance and children. But it still looks hugely challenging and pressured around that time.

Prince Charles’s relationship with his brother Andrew looks troubled in 2018/19/20 so that may have something to do with her angst.

There is also from photographs some froideur between Beatrice and the ever-immaculate, slim-line Duchess of Cambridge, who gets centre-stage attention. Their relationship chart is dire with an intense composite power-struggling Sun Pluto conjunction; and a Mars Neptune opposition Moon which will certainly leave one bruised ego and an irritable interface. That link will worsen considerably also in 2018/19/20.

Sebastian Gorka – another Trump appointment looking precarious



Failure of security clearance will likely see Sebastian Gorka moved from his position in the White House, where he has been serving as a deputy assistant to the President and counter-terrorism adviser to the National Security Council.

Gorka, born 22 Oct 1970 in London to Hungarian parents, now a naturalised American, has raised controversy with his questionable academic credentials, vehement anti-Islamic views and connections to a far-right, anti-semitic Hungarian organisation – he denies the last of these and, if true, the failure to admit membership of said party could have seen him refused US citizenship. He is a former editor of Breitbart and friend of Stephen Bannon.

His relationship chart with Trump is sagging badly at the same time as the Bannon/Trump chart, both afflicted by tr Neptune opposing the composite Mars in the case of Gorka, and the composite Sun Saturn with Bannon, picking up from mid May (ie. in two weeks’ time) and running on and off till late 2018.

Gorka is a Sun Libra with Saturn in Taurus opposition Venus Neptune in Scorpio trine/sextile Pluto; with Pluto conjunct Mars. So fuelled by anger and frustration as well as paranoia from Saturn Neptune and fairly obsessive in his ideology.

The key question is how much trouble will the populist/nationalist base, who supported Trump to victory, will make as their favourites are either ousted or pushed onto the sidelines?

Jonathan Demme – from the depths to the heights


Film director Jonathan Demme, most notably of the multi-Oscar winning ‘The Silence of the Lambs’ and ‘Philadelphia’ about a lawyer with AIDS, has died from complications of cancer. Born 22 February 1944 in New York, he had unlikely beginnings in the business, working in lurid, low-quality B movies, but it taught him his trade.

He was a creatively inventive Sun Pisces square Uranus; with an Air Grand Trine of Venus in Aquarius trine Neptune trine Uranus, formed into an even more talented Kite by Venus opposition Pluto and North Node in Leo – so influential. He also had a ‘hard’ Mars Saturn in Gemini trine Mercury which would draw him to the dark side and to underdogs.

He was described as being ‘one of the nicest: the compassionate sensibility that lent his work its warmth and musicality was no put-on.‘ Part of that may have stemmed from his vibrant Jupiter in Leo opposition his Mercury (Moon in Aquarius), and sextile his Mars Saturn.

Ed Balls – gone but not forgotten


Ed Balls, once an unpopular Labour Cabinet minister, has reinvented himself having lost his seat at the last election. His ungainly but good-humoured attempts in Strictly Come Dancing saw him through to the 10th round against the odds. Although he won’t run this election, there’s a suspicion he might be tempted back in future.

Born 25 Feb 1967 in Norwich, he’s a Sun Pisces trine Mars in determined Scorpio; with a Water Grand Trine of Saturn in Pisces (conjunct Venus in Aries) trine Neptune trine Jupiter in Cancer, formed into a reformist Kite with Saturn opposition Uranus in Virgo.

Tr Uranus is at the moment exactly square his Jupiter giving him a surge of enthusiasm and shaking his Grand Trine onto a new track sometime soon. And in 2021 when the next election is due, he’ll have tr Pluto opposition his Jupiter, with Solar Arc Jupiter conjunct his Pluto – so a double whammy of confidence and success, which his present piecemeal academic career is unlikely to bring.

George Osborne – the keys to No 10 receding


George Osborne, a not entirely popular UK Tory Cabinet Minister, is resigning his parliamentary seat (for now) to commit himself fully to his new and unlikely job of editing the London Evening Standard newspaper plus a few financial consultancies no doubt as well.

Born 23 May 1971, London, he’s a Gemini Sun conjunct Saturn in late Taurus opposition a high-finance Neptune Jupiter in Sagittarius; with a tough Saturn trine Pluto; and a wide Air Grand Trine of Saturn trine Uranus trine Mars in Aquarius – so an ideologue, a thinker, emotionally detached, sometimes given to flights of fantasy.

He’s not having a smooth ride ahead with tr Saturn square his Pluto till later this year; a few ups in 2018 courtesy of tr Uranus opposition his Jupiter/Pluto midpoint though mired in confusion as well; and coming to a grinding halt by late 2019 as his Solar Arc Mars opposes his Pluto at the same time as tr Uranus makes an insecure square to his Mars. By 2021 tr Pluto is opposing his Saturn/Pluto which looks discouraging. He won’t hit his stride again until tr Pluto moves into Aquarius from 2024 onwards.

Trump’s Tax Reform – hope over experience



Donald Trump, scrambling to get a headline-grabber on his 100 day mark, after the failure of the Affordable Act repeal and the border wall funding, has pushed up his tax reform plans faster than Washington and economists think is wise, before details have been thrashed out. He has pledged that the tax cut in total would be the largest in U.S. history, and Steven Mnuchin, the Treasury Secretary has said: “The plan will pay for itself with growth.” Which goes against all experience and almost certainly would send the deficit soaring, which means it probably won’t get voted through.

Mnuchin’s relationship chart with Trump has an over-hopeful Sun opposition Venus square Jupiter; probably a fantasy-bubble Water Grand Trine of Sun Uranus Moon; and a potentially hostile, going-to-extremes, power-obsessed Mars Pluto sextile Neptune inconjunct Sun. This chart has dampening Saturn transits conjunct the composite Jupiter exact now and in May square the composite Sun; with a highly strung and disruptive tr Uranus opposition Neptune at the moment and square Uranus in May. And those run on and off till late 2017 for Saturn and early 2018 for Uranus.

Gary Cohn, Director of the NEC, 27 Aug 1960, ex-Goldman Sachs CEO, intimately involved in the tax reform plans, is a tough Sun Pluto Mercury in Virgo trine Saturn. He also has a fraught relationship chart with Trump. There’s a composite volatile  and explosive Uranus Mars Sun conjunction trine Jupiter and square Saturn Neptune; and Jupiter square Pluto Venus – so a complex mix of over-hopeful, deeply suspicious and power-struggling.

Cohn’s personal chart looks stressed at the moment and insecure with tr Uranus square his Sun/Mars this month and worse in a catastrophic square to his Mars/Pluto in May, repeating till early 2018; and a disastrous tr Pluto opposition his Mars/Uranus now and on and off till late 2018. So huge pressures. His relationship chart with Trump is a major uphill struggle this year with tr Pluto square Saturn, square Saturn/Neptune at the moment and worsening through 2018.

Paul Ryan who will be tasked with getting the Tax Reform vote through, is also not going well vis a vis Trump’s approval with their composite Mars Saturn conjunction now starting a long two year run of undermining Neptune squares. There’s one ‘whew’ of relief in May and later in the year, but generally their relationship is on a downhill slide. [See Trump timeline April 17 post.]

Maria Sharapova – a tainted talent attempting a comeback


Maria Sharapova, the Russian tennis player, resident in the USA, is returning to the courts after a two year drug ban to some unease amongst the sporting community. She was formerly ranked No 1 and had a long and successful career from 2001, being described by John McEnroe as one of the best the sport has seen; and she is a money-maker for tennis, especially necessary with Serena Williams out for the rest of her pregnancy. But she has done herself no favours by voicing no regrets for her drug taking.

Born 19 April 1987 3am Nyagan, Russia, she’s a pro-active Sun Aries trine a can-be autocratic Uranus Saturn in Sagittarius; with a Yod of Mars in Gemini sextile Jupiter in Aries inconjunct Pluto in Scorpio. The focal point Pluto will make her power hungry, closed in, having a tendency to coerce others.

At the moment tr Saturn is moving across her Ascendant into her first quadrant for several years ahead, which is generally not overly successful. She has a mentally pressured Solar Arc Mercury opposition her Pluto exact now plus an uncertain Solar Arc Mars opposition Neptune; and an undermining tr Neptune square her Mars/Saturn picking up now and running on and off till late 2018. She’ll be bullishly confident all the same and will have some good moments. But she’s unlikely to return to her previous form. If her birth time is sound she may well call a halt in 2019 with Solar Arc MC conjunct her Saturn.

Declan Murphy – Jupiter wins the mind over matter battle


Jump jockeys are notoriously tough and heal from broken bones remarkably quickly. But no story is more extraordinary than that of Declan Murphy who has just written a memoir. In May 1994 at Ascot his horse fell, and another horse shattered his skull. His injuries were so bad the Racing Post published an obituary; and by all rights he should have died. But traffic was light, the paramedic skilful and the neurosurgeon was available. After a long operation, the doctors thought he would be brain-damaged, paralysed and partly blind. But four days later he hadn’t regained consciousness and the hospital was waiting for his family to arrive from Ireland before switching off life support. They came by boat since his father was afraid of flying. The journey took ten hours and three hours before they arrived he started to waken up. He discharged himself two weeks later; and 18 months after that, despite his brain damage and impaired memory, he made his professional comeback at Chepstow and won. A month later, having gained closure, he retired from the sport and became a businessman.

He says he believed that he could recover fully only if he disregarded everyone else and fought his way back to a full recovery by sheer force of will, because he felt that the alternative was to look weak or inadequate. ‘The only thing that clawed me back was this belief that I was going to do it. I was going to be referred to as a now rather than a past tense.’

Born 5 March 1966 Limerick, Ireland, he has Sun Saturn Mars in Pisces opposition Uranus Pluto square Jupiter in Gemini – so a mix of dogged determination from Saturn Pluto and Mars, and a fear of not coming up to expectation from Sun Saturn – plus a huge dollop of luck from ever-optimistic Jupiter. He’s also got Neptune in Scorpio, a Leo Moon, North Node in Taurus and Venus in Aquarius – so enough Fixed planets to give him staying power.

When he had his fall in 1994 he was on his First Saturn Return with tr Saturn approaching the conjunction to his Sun; tr Pluto was trine his Mars and tr Uranus sextile his Mars; with the transiting Uranus Neptune in Capricorn hovering around the square to his Solar Arc Mars – so a high-risk, accident-prone and a hugely disorientating time. But his Solar Arc Jupiter was exactly trine his Saturn and tr Jupiter then in Scorpio was about to trine his Pisces planets in the months following.

Difficult charts tend to attract difficult life situations, but they provide the grit to overcome problems. And his lucky Jupiterian guardian angel also played a part in getting him immediate care through the initial trauma and then giving him, what must have seemed to others, the delusional hope that he was going to recover. Never knock the crazy optimism of Jupiter or indeed the dour determination of Saturn and Pluto.

Jessica Lange – a radiant and enduring Taurus


Jessica Lange, is an actress with a long and successful career, all the more notable in an industry which tends to discard women over 40. Recently she’s been in American Horror Story, winning awards for a stage performance of Long Day’s Journey into Night, and been acclaimed for her performance as Joan Crawford in the TV series Feud.

Born 20 April 1949 11am Cloquet, Minnesota, she had a peripatetic childhood with a travelling salesman father, studied photography in college, married a photographer, became a model and thence into acting.

Like Jack Nicholson she has a 10th house Taurus Sun, in her case in a charming and creative conjunction to Venus Mercury, with ambitious Mars in Aries also in the 10th. Her Mars is in a disciplined and determined trine to Saturn and Pluto; and she has an easy-going Moon Jupiter in Aquarius on her Descendant square her Sun Venus Mercury.

After her first marriage broke down, she had a child with ballet dancer Mikhail Baryshnikov; and two more later with playwright and actor Sam Shepard from whom she separated a few years back. Her children are now in their thirties.

She’s in a changeable phase in her career with tr Uranus moving through her 10th which suits television; with a definite change of direction in 2018 as tr Uranus is conjunct her Sun Venus and square her Jupiter. Her Solar Arc Moon has just moved across her MC, to be followed in future years by her Solar Arc Jupiter. She looks as if she’ll keep working on and on, as well as publishing books of her photography.