Jelena Dokic, the former World No 4 tennis player, has revealed in her autobiography Unbreakable how her coach father beat her to the point of unconsciousness when she lost matches, drove her almost to the point of suicide and made her sign all her winnings over to him. Questions are being raised about why more wasn’t done by the tennis authorities to stop him. He was banned from the tennis circuit for six months in 2000 after a series of outbursts, including a physical altercation with a camera crew and smashing a journalist’s phone. He was jailed in 2009 for threatening the Australian ambassador in Serbia with a hand grenade.
Born 12 April 1983 at 9.23am Osijek, Croatia and now an Australian citizen, she has an Aries Sun opposition Pluto which does suggest a controlling, dominating father. Worse her Pluto conjunct Saturn in early Scorpio is opposition Mars in Taurus, which points to a violent, cruel father. Her Sun is trine Neptune and her Aries Moon is trine Uranus Jupiter in Sagittarius, which gives her a healthy dose of Fire signs to give her inspiration, optimism and faith. Like Prince William, she has a Yod focal point Venus in Taurus inconjunct Neptune sextile Pluto, which initially could make her feel awkward and out-of-place in social situations. But ultimately will suit her for a positive role in society, helping others to adjust their values and attitudes.
Nowadays she coaches and commentates on tennis; and is still in contact with her father – her Neptune putting a gloss on the worst of times? She does have a thyroid condition and 2018/19 look fairly challenging with tr Pluto square her Sun and tr Uranus opposition her Pluto Saturn and then conjunct her Mars in 2019. She’ll be a long time healing from that kind of emotional and physical abuse.