Vin Diesel – Fire and Earth – inspiration & action



Action star Vin Diesel is this year’s top-grossing actor thanks largely to the mammoth success of Fate of the Furious which topped $1.2 billion at the global box office, now on its eighth instalment. He said the whole point of The Fast and the Furious franchise was to diversify Hollywood, referring to the car saga’s multicultural ensemble cast.

Born 18 July 1967 3.35pm Alameda, California, with an astrologer mother and absent, unknown father though he had a supportive acting instructor/theatre manager step-father, he started acting when very young; and is best known for F and F and the xXx series which he also produces. He owns his own film company and directs as well as writes screenplays.

His last decan Cancer Sun, like James Norton (below), is conjunct Procyon in the 9th. His Sun is in a square to outspoken Mars in Libra. His 10th career-house has a charming and hard-working Venus in Virgo conjunct the MC along with the rebellious, ground-breaking Uranus Pluto in Virgo. His Saturn in self-reliant Aries sits in his ‘entertainment’ 5th house, suiting him for an organisational role in the movie business. He has planets in all three inspirational Fire signs – Jupiter in flamboyant Leo, a Sagittarius Moon and Saturn. His Moon squares Uranus Pluto which would fit with an astrologer for a mother. Its a Fire Earth chart, known for its steamroller energy. A private Scorpio Ascendant has filmic Neptune conjunct.

He should be taking it easy with tr Saturn moving through his lower-profile first quadrant, but clearly not. Though he’ll have some tough moments in 2018/19.

UK – staying cheerful despite uncertainties



Apart from some blips, the UK is maintaining a remarkably upbeat mood despite all the Project Fear prophecies of doom. A couple of zippy, confident Pluto transits to two separate Jupiter midpoints from February to mid-July, returning over the New Year and throughout 2019, should make for good news. Plus a ‘lucky break’ upsurge of euphoria in June, Sept/October as tr Uranus squares the 10th house Jupiter, returning April 2019 will blow away a few worries and tensions.

On the downside, there’ll be a tough moment or two over this New Year into January; a continuing sense of emotional angst and unhappiness amongst the masses with tr Pluto opposition the 10th house Cancer Moon from January till late 2018, some of that affecting the Royals and maybe even rulers. A definite feeling of tectonic plates shifting from July to mid-September with tr Uranus sextile the UK Pluto, again in 2019. And hints of violence or anger erupting from tr Pluto opposition the Mars/Uranus midpoint late March to end of May, and again in 2019. Tr Saturn will move into the UK 4th and conjunct the Sun in December 2018, for a sense of finality and cold realism. 2019 also sees the Solar Arc Moon opposition the 11th house (legislature) Saturn.

There will be ripples of the economic fallout from Brexit from 2019 with Solar Arc Uranus into the financial 8th though it’s unlikely to hit hard before 2020/2021 when tr Uranus moves into the 8th as well and is conjunct the financial Mars in Taurus there.

The Progressed Moon is within a few months of crossing the midheaven and thence through the 10th for two years plus which is usually ambitious and forward looking.

It won’t all be a cakewalk but it is looking less catastrophic than might be expected.

What is marginally strange is that PM Theresa May has fairly devastating influences through 2018/19 with tr Neptune conjunct her Mars in February and late in the year; with a disaster-prone tr Pluto square Mars/Saturn late March to end of May, and again in 2019, when the UK also looks in the line of fire – so that may be indicative less of Brexit and more of another crisis erupting.

The chief UK Brexit negotiator, Oliver Robbins, (20 April 1975 no birth time), will be confidence-dented late Feb/early March and late November; and rattled around with tr Uranus conjunct his late Aries Sun and then opposition his Uranus from May onwards, but he’s also got some bullish Jupiter giving him a lift throughout 2018 into 2019. David Davis who is vehemently denying that he’s been sidelined looks very – sidelined and trapped – from February onwards with tr Pluto conjunct his Mars till late 2019, and tr Saturn conjunct his Capricorn Sun over this new year and then conjunct his Mercury and Jupiter in Capricorn in late Feb/March and twice again in May/June and Nov/Dec.


James Norton – a feisty Cancer with a dangerous streak



James Norton, about to star in McMafia, a new American-Brit mini-series about the shady underbelly of international crime, launching on New Year’s Day in the UK, is being touted as the next James Bond. He’s swearing allegiance to Daniel Craig but his role as the British-raised son of a Russian mafia boss trying to escape the ties of organised crime, will give him a useful audition for the superspy role if and when it becomes vacant. He’s best known to British viewers from Happy Valley, Grantchester, and the most recent War & Peace – a madman, a vicar and a Russian prince, so versatile.

Born 18 July 1985 in London he has a volatile Sun Mars in Cancer square Pluto and trine an obsessively conscientious Saturn in Scorpio. His chart gives him an edge of danger and toughness; softened by a light-hearted Venus in Gemini trine Jupiter in outgoing Aquarius.

His Sun Mars are conjunct the Fixed Star Procyon which has a reputation for raising to great heights and then bringing crashing down, though others say it is a star of great fortune. One of the astronauts has his Sun conjunct Procyon and he managed to land safely and continued successfully thereafter.

His life is due for an upheaval, maybe transformation, from mid this year with tr Uranus opposition his Pluto, with tr Uranus square his Sun Mars before that in February which could be uncomfortable. But there’s no sign of the mega-bucks that would come with a Bond role just yet.

EU – a semi-lull before the storm



Saturn is now buffeting the EU’s eternal optimism, just into the EU 4th house, hinting at domestic tensions erupting over the next three years – Spain, Poland, UK at the moment – with no doubt more to come. Saturn will conjunct the Sun late in December 2018. Uranus is also poised to move into the 8th house of business and international finances from spring 2018 and staying for 7 years – an unstable period economically, with highs and lows.

There’ll be a disaster or two this January but all handled with high confidence. Where the major shifts get under way is from July onwards as tr Uranus trines the 12th house Pluto, which may shine a light on a few murky secrets. That continues into 2019 which is when the real upheavals get under way. There’ll be financial worries of a high order as Solar Arc Pluto conjuncts the 2nd house Neptune, shafting a spear through a few delusionary dreams. At the same time tr Uranus starts a three year shake-up of the central Fixed Grand Cross in the chart, beginning with an opposition to the EU Neptune in 2019, before moving on to conjunct the 8th house EU Moon and square Uranus in 2020. By 2020 as well tr Neptune is square Saturn, causing a flurry of worries and major miscommunications (perhaps transport problems).

Those tremors are reflected on both the European Central Bank (ECB) chart 1 June 1998; and the Euro chart, 1 January 1999. There’ll be some upsets through next spring; but it is after mid year when nerves start to fray, worsening in 2019; and facing critical questions by 2020, with population unrest.

Stellium in Capricorn – a planetary scrum



There is much astro-chatter about the upcoming stellium in Capricorn on January 17th. Stelliums are three or more planets close together all throwing their energy together. This one has Sun and Moon conjunct Venus and Pluto with Saturn Mercury also in early Capricorn. I’d be more concerned if there were more outer planets involved. Inner planets can act as triggers but don’t have the weighty effect of the outer ones.

It will still focus a good deal of planetary zap onto a specific area of individual charts – Trump’s 5th house (ruling children and speculation); the UK/EU/Germany’s 4th houses respectively, ruling domestic matters. Whether or not the stellium will have much long term effect, just of itself, I’d doubt.  Though it will affect babies born then – stelliums can make for geniuses, very single-focused on a narrow area of life.

The other question is whether the Sun ingressing Capricorn at the same time as Saturn is significant. Saturn returns to Capricorn every 29 years, but not often on the same day as the Sun’s annual cycle as it did this year. A previous occasion in 1664 was followed by the plague which wiped out a third of London’s population and in 1666 the Great Fire. But I would have ascribed these more to the Saturn Neptune conjunction in Capricorn – Saturn Neptune often accompanying epidemics and times of civilian panic.

It occurred again when Napoleon of France made his failed invasion into Russia in 1812; and again in 1871 when Germany came together as a unified country. On the first of these there was a devastating Neptune square Pluto in orb; on the second a can-be-fanatical Uranus square Neptune was around.

You can drown yourself in data and connections which are always there with so many cycles to play with. I find I have to stand back and be selective about what I pay attention to otherwise it gets too muddling.

USA 2018 – lows and highs, nervous strain



The USA is due for a dose of reality as tr Saturn in Capricorn starts to opposes the USA Venus and Jupiter in Cancer in Jan/Feb, July/Aug and Oct/Nov 2018. They’ll feel unloved or at a loss, with their enthusiasm and confidence dented. Both Venus and Jupiter have financial implications though the economy and employment rates are holding up, partly because of strategies put in place pre-Trump. Economic plans usually having a two year lag.

The fanatical, hostilely-argumentative tr Uranus square the USA Mercury opposition Pluto will have cleared by mid April, though it won’t totally disappear. Previous occurrences oversaw Watergate and McCarthyism.

The Jan/Feb and July/Aug Solar and Lunar Eclipses will jolt the USA Aquarius Moon (no matter which chart start time is used) which usually brings emotional and domestic shocks, as did last August’s. More pointedly the mid July Solar Eclipse in Cancer will conjunct the USA Mercury pulling on the Pluto opposition, so sparking up that bitterly dogmatic energy again for several months, with mis-communications rife. The Eclipse opposition Pluto will offer an opportunity for a clean-out of stagnating situations, though it’s likely to be ignored, leading to further decay.

Neptune is also at its favourite ploy of dissolving, undermining and spreading smokescreens around – conjunct the Solar Arc Sun in January; and more worrisome, squaring the Mars/Uranus midpoint from April onwards, which also has the Solar Arc Saturn conjunct around mid year. When Mars/Uranus is triggered it brings a test of nerve, is associated with violence or operations. Neptune in the mix will add a layer of cunning and deceit, as well as mental instability.

On a more cheerful note the Jupiter/Node midpoint will be activated by tr Pluto in opposition from late March, on and off till late 2019. And tr Jupiter in Scorpio will be trine the USA Sun and then Mercury and sextile Pluto till the fall which will both bring morale boosts.

The USA leadership-ability North Node in Leo will meet a nodal return mid 2018, which is (should be) a time of striving to develop the country’s soul destiny.

The Trump term chart indicates a marked change of direction when tr Uranus squares the MC in March; more so as Uranus moves into Taurus to square the Sun from mid-May onwards, which will be a considerable jolt – that latter returns in Oct/Nov and early 2019. There will be moments of triumph and luck from late March and also several sinking phases through the year. The real problems may hold off until 2019, especially late in the year as the Solar Arc Pluto closes the square to Uranus to exact, which is highly unstable. The Jupiter on his Term chart does give him more luck than he deserves, but it could also tempt him to push past across one line too far as tr Pluto starts to square the Jupiter in 2019/2020. That can often result in clashes with authorities.

For Trump personal timeline see posts November 30th and October 19.

2018 – an earthier mindset



The tumultuous Uranus square Pluto is waning fast, which has made for a series of rolling upheavals, rebellions and uncertainties since 2012. To be replaced by an approaching Saturn Pluto conjunction in Capricorn which won’t come into exact aspect until 2019 but the effect will be felt, of a more battened down and repressive mood. Uranus moving into Taurus in May will put three of the four outer planets in Earth signs, focussing attention on money, possessions and work, with more of an emphasis on maintaining the status quo. Earth is good at building solid structures and businesses, but lacks flair, imagination and sentimentality, and dislikes sudden change. Saturn will trine Uranus at points in the second half of the way which can point to cautious innovations.

Jupiter will continue in sex-and-money Scorpio till November which picked up last fall with the #metoo outings; but also has financial implications, of which Trump’s tax reforms may be part – making the rich richer.

The Eclipses, Solar and Lunar will continue to focus on Aquarius and Leo, with the North Node in Leo till late year. Although there are two Solar Eclipses mid-year, the second in July falling in Cancer with the New Moon opposition Pluto. That looks the most fraught, with the Lunar Eclipse following on 27th July, having the Moon conjunct Mars opposition Sun square Uranus – so very rock n’ roll.

Neptune continues in Pisces till well into the 2020s fuelling religious zeal and casting its usual smoke and mirrors effect to obscure clarity of thinking.

Jupiter will sextile Pluto along the way for some highs; trine Neptune at other times for ‘false happiness’ and delusional hopes (financially) though only in a mild way. And moves into upbeat Sagittarius from November for a year. April looks high-risk with The Aries Sun square Pluto and conjunct Uranus; and Mars in Capricorn conjunct Saturn and Pluto.

Trump – have you no decency, sir?



Trump is continuing his petulant war of words with CNN, retweeting a doctored image with the CNN logo imposed on a bloodlike splatter under his shoe. Even a conservative radio host criticized him for attacking CNN and the FBI on the morning of Christmas Eve. He tweeted “Grow up sir. Have you no sense of decency? Go spend time with your family.” And a former Government Ethics director call him a “wannabe autocrat”. “These colicky tweets reveal he’s hurting this weekend. They make him (and our country) look weak.”

Full of his usual festive cheer.

CNN certainlys hit him in a vulnerable spot astrologically. They launched on 1 June 1980 6pm EST and have Saturn in meticulous, workmanlike Virgo which squares onto Trump’s Sun and Moon, so he’ll appreciate them as much as being doused in a bucket of cold water. Saturn cuts down to size, criticizes, shines a light on shadow issues. The CNN Pluto is also conjunct his Jupiter for a power-playing struggle for the upper hand; and given that their Pluto also squares his Saturn, they block him by making him feel unloved (Saturn in Cancer).

The Trump/CNN relationship chart has an explosive, abrasive composite Mars Uranus conjunction; and another fight-for-control aspect in a composite Sun square Pluto. Relations will continue to slide through 2018 but it will be 2019 when they hit their nadir.

Israel on alert as Iranian forces draw closer



Israel is becoming increasingly worried as Syrian army forces backed by Iranian-backed militias, including Hezbollah, push closer to the Israeli border. Assad is intent on reclaiming Syrian territory lost to the rebels during the civil war. More worrying is Tehran’s desire to consolidate and expand their sphere of influence. Which is why Israel in the last few weeks has stepped up its strikes against suspected Iranian targets inside Syria. Assad is now in control of 70% of the country whereas before Russia’s intervention he only had 25%. The situation is fluid with Syrian troops quelling jihadist militia, and he may be wary of allowing Iran too much influence as he grows stronger. But it could easily spill over into a wider conflict, if it leads to an Iran-Israel confrontation, which would pull the USA in.

The previous post on Assad, December 15th, pointed to a high-risk period coming from early 2018 right through till the early 2020s, so his game isn’t won yet, by a long shot.

With astrology it’s never wise to connect too many dots since there may be disparate problems flaring up. But US Defence Secretary James Mattis does look on war-alert from February 2018, with tr Pluto square his Mars/Saturn midpoint, though none too happy about it. That could, of course by North Korea, or just plain exasperation at Trump. Israel looks to be marginally panicked in January, on full-steam-ahead and damn-the consequences in February; explosive in March and highly edgy in April. So tensions will continue to escalate.

The 31 January 2018 Lunar Eclipse at 11 Leo triggers the Iran 1 February 1979 Aquarius Sun exactly as well as its Mars Mercury. And locating that chart to Iran puts the disruptive Uranus conjunct the Midheaven and the Full Moon across the Asc/Desc axis, which does point to significant events, not necessarily on the day itself but over the few months covered by the eclipse. And the 15 February 2018 Solar Eclipse is exactly conjunct the IC located to Teheran, which again suggests it will be the focus of important events. There could also or alternatively be natural disasters, such as earthquakes, as well since Mars on an eclipse is often points to a shocking collision of sorts, and Uranus on the MC to major upheavals

Neither Iran chart, 1979 or 7 October 1906, looks positive in February with tr Neptune opposition Saturn on one and tr Neptune square Mars/Saturn on the other before continuing on to conjunct the Mars by April and onwards – both of which will feel like failure and at least induce panic and major concerns.

The Eclipses will also trigger and aggravate the Israel chart with the Lunar Eclipse being conjunct their stubbornly, war-like Saturn Pluto and the Solar Eclipse opposing their Mars, which echoes last year’s eclipses. So it will be a fraught period throughout that region.

FYI: My last Syria post evoked a charming response from an ru email (Russia-based) threatening me with butchery and describing me in terms which I won’t repeat in front of the children.