A surprising degree of unanimity amongst EU countries will see Russian intelligence agents and diplomats expelled next week from at least 10 EU member states in response to the nerve agent attack in Salisbury, described by Emmanuel Macron as an “attack on European sovereignty”. EU leaders agreed unanimously that Moscow was “highly likely” to be responsible for the assault and Angela Merkel, said there should be further measures, beyond the recall of the EU’s ambassador to Moscow.
So the confusing and devastating tr Pluto squaring Neptune on Vladimir Putin’s chart now makes sense, despite his election win, which was widely criticised as rigged (see post below).
The chart for modern Russia has always been a quandary, given the multiplicity of dates and times around 1990/91 but I’ve gone back to the 12 June 1990 9.45am GMT Moscow chart, which seems to work better than the others. It puts an aggressive Mars in Aries in the 7th square a 10th house Jupiter opposition a can-be-fanatical Uranus Neptune; with Pluto opposition the Sun/Mars midpoint – which last Ebertin describes as ‘unscrupulous procedures, violent, ruthless.’ Though the 1917 chart also holds good.
Amidst all the conflicting theories about the Skripal attack, there have been two interesting pieces this week (URLs below). One in the Guardian about the crossover between organised crime and government in Russia. One defector suggested the poisoning was less likely to have been by Russian state operatives, more likely one of Putin’s corrupt inner circle.
The other today in the Times magazine (sadly behind paywall) in an interview with Boris Volodarsky, a former member of the GRU, the foreign intelligence service. Skirpal evidently was also GRU, the only former agent in the West for decades. ‘The clue, he says, is in the poison used. It was a nerve agent produced with Russian technology, money and scientists at the Scientific Studies and Research Centre (known by its French acronym, CERS) in Syria. This, for decades, is where all Russian chemical weapons have been developed. In December, the centre was bombed by the Israelis acting on American and British intelligence.’ He also thought the most likely point of poisoning was the cross in the church they would have visited and kissed to honour Skripal’s dead son’s memory. Whether that is all too far-fetched, time will tell (maybe). But another piece to add to the confusing puzzle.
On the Russia 1990 chart, tr Saturn is exactly conjunct Uranus and square Mars, so an aggravating and jolting setback. With tr Pluto opposition the Solar Arc midheaven for more pressure.
The Russia 1990/EU relationship chart is logjammed at the moment and through this year with tr Saturn square Pluto; and much the same with the UK, indeed worsening through April.
Putin fits the 1990 chart well – with the relationship chart having an inspirational, entrepreneurial Fire Grand Trine of Jupiter, Uranus, Mars, formed into a Kite by Mars opposition Sun Venus. With a reasonable amount of suspicion and doubt as well from Saturn Neptune trine Moon opposition Pluto. But he’s the strongest and most enduring leader they had had for decades, whose driving ambition is to make Russia great again.