With Pakistan elections fast approaching the last thing Imran Khan needed was a tell-all autobiography from his ex-wife, of a union that lasted a mere nine months in 2015. Defamation and restraining writs are flying. She claims with bland innocence that it is only a memoir and not politically motivated, despite a publication date in election month; his supporters say she was paid by a rival party to smear. Jemima Goldsmith, his first ex-wife is threatening legal action for invasion of privacy on behalf of her sons.
Reham Khan born 3 April 1973 in Libya, a journalist and film producer, is an Aries New Moon conjunct Venus trine Neptune and opposition Uranus and Pluto in Libra; with a passionately enthusiastic Mars Jupiter in Aquarius sextile Neptune and trine Saturn – impulsive, creative, neurotic.
Her Sun opposes his Libra Sun Saturn in Libra and her Mars Jupiter is square his Venus, so there would be an initial spark. But the relationship chart has a competitive, angry and controlling composite Mars opposition Sun and trine Pluto; with the composite Neptune square Saturn and trine the Sun – aggravation, illusions and disappointments.
What’s interesting astrologically is that her Solar Arc Sun and Venus have been and are continuing to conjunct the destructive planet Algol, as she wrote and is trying to publish her book – a lady on a wrecking mission.
Khan is thought to be supported by the army and in with a chance to be the next prime minister. He does have tr Pluto trine his Jupiter in Taurus exactly over the election on July 25, which can only help. Though he’s also got a couple of Neptunian sinkers and his next two years look confused and fraught.